After catching a group of prisoners, I just didn't take out something of value. Can we not be depressed?

"You don't look very well. Are you in any trouble?" Out of the basement prison, Zhao Chengfeng meets a long.

Now, Aron has begun to take over jintari, so during this period of time, Aron has been wandering around, finding the current management deficiencies, preparing to make a report and slowly correct it.

"It's not much trouble. It's just that this time it seems that I'm really busy except killing a few Mafia people." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says, "Jack's grandson can't see that he's very tough. He's actually killed himself by biting his tongue. He almost didn't piss me off. Damn it!"

"It's normal. There's nothing to be depressed about. By the way..." ah long thinks it's nothing. After all, who hasn't been loyal?

"Didi... Didi..."

It's just that a long has something else to say, but the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rings quickly. When he feels it, it's Xia Muxi. Zhao Chengfeng thinks that most women are not used to leaving by themselves, so he calls himself to have a chat.

"Hello, Muxi..." Zhao Chengfeng made a sorry gesture to ah long, and stepped back to pick up the phone.

"I'm Li Ruo!"

However, Xia Muxi's voice didn't come from the other side of the phone. Li ruo's voice was a little hasty at the other end of the phone. It was obvious that something terrible had happened.

"Well? What are you doing with that muggy phone? Where's the wood As soon as Zhao Chengfeng listened to Li ruo's tone, he had a bad feeling in his heart, and tiger eyebrows twisted up.

"Muxi has been taken away!"

Li ruo's words made Zhao Chengfeng feel like a bolt from the blue. He was stunned on the spot.

"What's going on? How did Muxi get caught? Who did it? " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's tone was cold, the killing intention was released from the inside out, and the air around him seemed to have dropped a lot.

"It's the Ouyang family. Ouyang Zhentian also said that your bet with Ouyang Mengmeng doesn't count. Now Ouyang Mengmeng is back at school. He's full of pride!" Li Ruo spoke very fast and said, "not only Muxi has been arrested, but it seems that Mr. Qian has also been under house arrest. He wants to force Mr. Qian to sign a contract with them."

"How much money is under house arrest?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twist more tight.

Others don't know about Qian duo. Zhao Chengfeng knows more about Qian duo. Qian Duo is a fierce man. Since he was cheated by his bodyguards, Qian duo asked Zhao Chengfeng to help him choose two bodyguards. These two bodyguards are retired special forces. Ordinary people can't get close to him. How can Qian Duo be put under house arrest?

"Yes, Mr. Qian has been under house arrest. Not only that, but also Chen Shaolong has taken the Land Rover you gave me before. The boss of Qinglong club, Jiang Biao, even sent a message to take revenge on you!" Li ruo's voice came again.

"When did it happen? Why are you telling me now? " Zhao Chengfeng is very angry, Jiangzhou city out of such a big thing, why now just call yourself?

Li Ruo seemed to feel Zhao Chengfeng's anger and said in a low voice: "it's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that Muxi didn't let me tell you before, but today Muxi was captured, so I can only find you..."

"This silly girl!"

After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt more and more heartache. It can be concluded that most of Xia Muxi didn't want to be involved in this matter, or that Xia Muxi didn't want to trouble herself.

"Protect yourself. If possible, send a message to the Ouyang family, saying that Zhao Chengfeng will arrive in Jiangzhou early tomorrow morning at the latest. If Muxi loses a hair, I will destroy the Ouyang family!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng directly put down the phone, murderous.

"Ah long, arrange a plane for me to fly directly to Huaxia Guochuan province. I'm going to Jiangzhou city to do something!" Put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng directly told ah long.

"It's easy!"

Ah long said: "yesterday, the Chinese transport plane came to deliver materials. Today, it should be ready to return. Just follow them back. It's much faster than ordinary planes!"

"Well, I'll go straight to the ficaman area, and I'll leave it to you." Zhao Chengfeng finished and left in a hurry.

"Can I help you?" Ah long asked.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and ran into the car. All he heard was the thunder of the car. It was like the roar of a wild animal. This was also Zhao Chengfeng's mood at this moment.

Zhao Chengfeng never dreamed that the Ouyang family had gone back on their deeds, and that's all. Don't provoke Xia mu in the future. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't bother to say anything. But they actually took Xia Muxi and put Qian duo under house arrest!

What makes Zhao Chengfeng most angry is that even Chen Shaolong and Jiang Biao betrayed him.

"It's time for you to bleed!" Zhao Chengfeng takes a puff of the cigarette, and a fierce color flashes in his eyes. His intention to kill is surging


Jiangzhou City, Ouyang family row villa area, bright lights, laughter constantly.

"Mengmeng, thanks to your two cousins coming back in time this time. If it wasn't for you two cousins, I'm afraid our Ouyang family would be bullied this time." Ouyang Zhentian said with a smile that his depression for a long time was swept away.

Great joy!

He was bullied by Zhao Chengfeng and Qian duo, and even his baby daughter had to leave his hometown, which is a great shame for Ouyang Zhentian.

You know, Ouyang's family is the richest man in Jiangzhou city. It's the richest man in a developed city. They can't even protect their own daughters. Is it shameful?

Fortunately, his two nephews came back - Ouyang long, Ouyang Hu!

The two nephews are the children of their elder brother. After the elder brother died in the early years, the two children were raised by Ouyang Zhentian. Later, the two children worshipped the master and left. This time back, one by one with unique skills, extremely brave. Directly picked over the green dragon club, even the two bodyguards with more money were killed. At this moment, Ouyang Zhentian knew the benefits of powerful power.

Just like that bastard Zhao Chengfeng, with a little ability, he is lawless and does not give himself face at all, and even injures his future son-in-law.

"Thank you, brother dragon and brother tiger. Thank you for helping me so much. I don't know how to thank you." Ouyang Meng Chong two people appreciate way, in the heart excited almost cry.

At the moment when he left his hometown, Ouyang was so depressed that he was a superior princess. Could he be happy that he was driven away?

"Ah, Mengmeng, why don't you thank me? We are all a family. Shouldn't the family help each other?" Ouyang dragon waved his hand and said, "now wait for the boy to show up. Let's see our brothers take out their anger for you at that time."

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