"That's it

Ouyang Hu on one side also said: "if our brothers had not been adopted by their second uncle when they were young, they would have starved to death by the roadside. Now that they have learned some skills, what would it be like to remove some obstacles for their second uncle?"

"Well, you are my nephew. No matter what you are, I can't ignore you." Ouyang Zhentian waved his hand and said: "Bruce Lee is right. We are all a family. We should unite together. Don't say those empty headed polite words."

With that, Ouyang Zhentian laughed again. He was so happy in his heart!

It's not only because his daughter has come back, but also because he has caught more money. In the past, when Ouyang Zhentian saw more money, it was just like when his grandson saw his grandfather. He didn't dare to go out and could only smile. But now, money is a prisoner. Isn't the bodyguard with a lot of money very powerful? As a result, Ouyang long just slapped the fan and flew away!

What is a master? This is the master!

"By the way, Bruce Lee and Xiao Hu, you two brothers won't leave when they come back this time. I think you have great ability now. You don't need to study any more, do you?" Ouyang Zhentian asked tentatively.

Ouyang Zhentian also has his own small abacus. If Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu are going to leave in the future, they have to seize the time to integrate their own forces. At least they have to win more money first and force qianduo to sign a cooperation contract with them. In this way, even if Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu leave, the Ouyang family will grow stronger in the future.

If the two brothers don't leave in the future, it would be better. The Ouyang family will soon dominate the whole Sichuan Province.

"Yes, brother Bruce Lee, you are so powerful. It's said that you have cleaned up all the people of Qinglong club. It's really powerful!" Ouyang has a face of adoration. He wants to be a Wulin expert, so he won't be humiliated by Zhao Chengfeng.

In the past, Ouyang Mengmeng didn't know much about Wulin experts. He thought that he could do anything as long as he had money. But the appearance of Ouyang dragon and Ouyang tiger completely changed Ouyang Mengmeng's cognition.

Money, of course, is important. But their own strength is the most important, hard fist can speak! Just like more money, more money is known as "gongdilong". I'm afraid its assets have already exceeded 100 billion yuan. It's more powerful than Ouyang family. I don't know how many times. It's not polite to say that as long as you have more money and a little bit of business to Ouyang family through your fingers, it will be enough to make Ouyang family prosperous.

It was also because of the money that Ouyang Mengmeng thoroughly saw the power of Zhao Chengfeng, and finally had to leave Jiangzhou city.

"What is green dragon? Little trash Ouyang Hu's face disapproved, and said lightly: "as long as I want to, I can kill the Qinglong club with one hand, but Jiang Biao is still sensible. He begged for mercy on his own initiative, and I spared his life."

Ouyang long also nodded and said, "if Xiaohu and I are not at home in the future, the people of Qinglong club can also help, so the second uncle won't have to be so troublesome. Although the people of Qinglong club have no great ability, it's still no problem to do something behind their back. "

"You two brothers are considerate." Smell speech, Ouyang Zhentian smile not close mouth, in the heart don't mention more happy.

At that time, Ouyang Zhentian's eldest brother, the Lao Tzu of Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu, was killed in a car accident. The two brothers were really pitiful. Ouyang Zhentian also had some small fame at that time. In order not to let others gossip, he took the two brothers home and raised them.

The original Ouyang Zhentian didn't want to adopt them. After all, he was not born. He always felt that geying should be. Unexpectedly, it seems that the future charity has been rewarded.

"With your two brothers here, I'm not afraid of that asshole even if he comes." Ouyang Zhentian is very down-to-earth in mind. Although Zhao Chengfeng has an express black card, so what?

In the face of absolute power, no matter how rich you are, it's useless! What's more, his woman is in his own hands now.

"Second uncle, you can rest assured that with our two brothers, no one can hurt you and Mengmeng, and no one dares to bully our Ouyang family." Ouyang Hu seems to be very confident. What's the big deal in the secular world?

Even if there are one or two disobedient people, just kill them!

"Don't worry, you two brothers are here. What do I have to worry about?" Ouyang Zhentian was very happy this evening, but he said: "it's getting late. You two brothers should have a rest early. I'll have to interrogate Qian duo later. If the dead pig doesn't cooperate with our Ouyang family, I'll kill him!"

"All right, let's go and have a rest first." Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu turn to go.

"Brother Bruce Lee, wait for a moment."

But at this time, Ouyang Mengmeng stopped them, turned back and said to Ouyang Zhentian: "Dad, now I'm back. Look at my marriage with Sima shangyun..."

"Sima's child is not in Jiangzhou city at all now. He has been missing for several days. There is no news. I can't help it." Ouyang Zhentian is helpless.

If Ouyang Zhentian was very satisfied with Sima shangyun in the past, now Ouyang Zhentian doesn't like Sima shangyun, even Sima's family.

They are all martial arts practitioners. Sima shangyun was kicked by Zhao Chengfeng. Look at his two nephews. How powerful they are. The two bodyguards with more money didn't respond and were killed directly.

This is the master!

"That..." smell speech, the facial expression of Ou Yang Meng Meng suddenly ugliness many.

"Mengmeng, maybe you have no predestination with Sima shangyun." Ouyang Zhentian turned his eyes and sighed: "to be a man, you have to look at it. You have nothing to do with Sima shangyun. If your brother Bruce Lee introduces you to someone in the future, what's wrong? "

With that, Ouyang Zhentian said to Ouyang dragon again, "little dragon, you'll find a good family for your sister in the future. No matter how powerful you are, it's almost as good as your brothers."

"What's so hard about that?" Ouyang long said with a smile: "with our charming beauty, even in the inner door, it's a rare beauty in a hundred years. There must be many people like it."

Ouyang Mengmeng's face was a little ugly, and suddenly he understood what Laozi meant.

"Mengmeng, the secular world is the secular world after all. If I take you to the inner door one day, you will know what is called a strong man and what is called a capable man!" Ouyang long seems very proud.

It's not that I look down on the secular world, it's that the inner door is too powerful! In particular, wujimen, Huazong and other big men turn their hands to cloud, cover their hands to rain, and use all kinds of means! If you can form a marriage with a big sect, won't the dragon and tiger gate follow the rising tide in the future?

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