"But what I like is Sima shangyun, I..." Ouyang Mengmeng looks sad.

Ouyang Mengmeng also likes martial arts experts. A martial arts expert like Ouyang long protects himself. What a prestige! Who dares to bully himself? See who is not pleasing to the eye, a slap fan in the past is.

Just, Ouyang Mengmeng love Sima shangyun love too long, deep feelings, how can easily give up?

"Silly girl."

When Ouyang Zhentian heard Ouyang Long's words, his eyes immediately glowed with gold. Listening to this, there are so many experts in the inner door. If he can get a super expert to be his son-in-law, then

Ouyang Zhentian doesn't dare to think about it. It's so beautiful.

"Feelings can be cultivated slowly. You are interested in Sima shangyun, but does he care about you?" Ouyang Zhentian comforted: "if he really cares about you, will he fight for that smelly girl Xia Muxi? If he really had you in his heart, would he walk away without even saying hello? "


Smell speech, the complexion of Ou Yang Meng Meng suddenly more ugly. In fact, Ouyang Mengmeng himself is also very clear, compared with xiamuxi, Sima shangyun prefers xiamuxi!

"Mengmeng, don't be silly. Listen to your father. Let your brother Bruce Lee and tiger help you find an object. Find a powerful master to be your boyfriend, and I will not worry about you in the future." Ouyang Zhentian struck while the iron was hot, pointed to the two brothers and said, "look at your brother Xiaolong and brother Xiaohu. How capable you are."

"Yes, Meng Meng, the second uncle is right." Ouyang long also advised: "a person's handsome can't be a meal. What a woman wants is a sense of security, isn't it? There are a lot of experts in the inner gate. If you marry into a big sect, you will have an unlimited future. Second uncle doesn't have to worry about you any more. "

"I, I'll think about it again. I'm in a mess now." Ouyang Mengmeng is biting his red lips and fighting in his heart.

Like a person like so long, now want to let go, Ouyang Mengmeng some dilemma.

"Take your time. It's a lifelong event. Don't worry." Ouyang long didn't force Ouyang Mengmeng to say, "I'm going to stay with Xiaohu in the secular world for a while. Just give us a definite word before we leave."

Ouyang long really doesn't worry. Even if Ouyang Mengmeng doesn't want to marry to the inner door, it's OK. Didn't he catch a xiamuxi? Nanizi is also very beautiful, even more beautiful than Ouyang Mengmeng.

If Xia Muxi is married to other experts, there must be a lot of people fighting for it.

"Well." Ouyang Mengmeng nodded, looking a little bad.

"Er Bo, I'll go down to rest with Xiao Hu first." Ouyang longchong Ouyang Zhentian arch arch hand, two brothers out of the villa hall, into another villa.

"Brother, what are you going to do? Why take Mengmeng to the inner gate? " Ouyang Hu looked around and said in a low voice: "we can walk horizontally in the secular world, but in the inner gate, our brothers' strength is only medium. The dragon and tiger gate is not a big sect. Mengmeng is so beautiful. If we enter the inner gate, we will be coveted by others. We can't protect her."

"Tiger, you only think of the risks, but you don't think of the rewards."

With a mysterious smile, Ouyang long said, "you also think Mengmeng is beautiful. She is a natural beauty. If you want me to tell you, Mengmeng's beauty is not much worse than xuelinglong's, but it's less immortal. Do you think about the popularity of xuelinglong in the inner door

"Big brother, you mean..." Ouyang Hu's eyes brightened, and he seemed to think of something. He was worried and said, "but are we a little mean? That's our sister, though she's not her own

"What are you talking about?" Ouyang long rolled his eyes and said, "it's not only for our own future, but also for the future of dragon and tiger gate. It's also for the sake of hoodwinking herself."

"If you think about it carefully, it's OK for Mengmeng to marry Huashao or nameless, wujimen or the core disciple of Huazong. In the future, she will have no worries about food and clothing. Besides, our brothers don't have to worry about the second uncle's family. Who dares to bully the Ouyang family?"

Ouyang tiger nodded thoughtfully and said: "it seems to be such a thing."

"Silly boy, that's what it is, but you think too much." Ouyang long said with a smile.

Ouyang Hu simple and honest smile, scratching his head.

"Come on, don't worry about these things. You'd better have a rest early. When you get rid of the second uncle's trouble, I'll go to Beihai city with you. That bastard who hurt you in those years, we must find him and kill him!"

Referring to the bastard who robbed himself and hurt himself, the smile on Ouyang Hu's face disappeared instantly. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and said, "it's to find this son of a bitch. It's hard to vent my hatred if I don't kill him! Damn, if I had that one, I'm afraid it would be in the middle of Lingwu mirror now, damn bastard! It's just that I don't know the name of that bastard, let alone his origin. I'm afraid it's very troublesome to find him... "

"Don't worry about that."

Ouyang long said: "this time the inner door channel is destroyed. Even if the experts of the inner door work together to repair the channel, it will take some days. We can have a good look during this time. Ah, I don't know where Wang Jian has gone. If Wang Jian helps us, our two brothers have a better chance of winning. "

"It doesn't matter. It's easy to find." Ouyang Hu said with a smile: "our second uncle is still a little capable. Besides, Wang Jian has never been to the secular world. His characteristics are too obvious, and he will cause trouble everywhere because of his temperament. We just need to find out where there are experts. He must be the boy. He is the strength in the middle and later stage of Lingwu realm."

"Good idea!" Ouyang long smell speech in front of a suddenly bright, "OK, let's all have a rest early."



Ouyang long two brothers safely fell asleep, but Ouyang Zhentian and Ouyang Mengmeng father and daughter are not sleepy, still talking in the villa hall.

"Mengmeng, my father knows that you are sincere to Sima shangyun, but they don't have you in their heart at all. Why do you want to stick your cold ass with a hot face?" Ouyang Zhentian advised: "our Ouyang family now has your brother Xiaolong and Xiaohu. In the future, the Sima family will only look up to our Ouyang family. In a word, his Sima shangyun is not worthy of you!"

"Dad, I..." Ouyang Mengmeng opened his mouth, but when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

Ouyang Mengmeng is not stupid, just don't want to face it. Perhaps, Ouyang Mengmeng doesn't care whether Sima shangyun likes himself or deserves him, but he doesn't want to lose to Xia Muxi.

Ouyang Mengmeng is the daughter of a wealthy family in Jiangzhou city. She is the princess of Ouyang family. Why did she lose to xiamuxi, a village girl from dashangou? For what?

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