"Mengmeng, don't be stubborn."

Ouyang Zhentian glanced around, lowered his voice and said, "Mengmeng, think about it. When Bruce Lee and Xiao Hu died, their father died, their mother remarried, and their two brothers almost starved to death in the street. At that time, who would have thought that they would become super masters? You know, they don't care about such a good man as Qian duo. Do you still need to be with Sima shangyun? "

"People go higher and water flows lower. Now you are not going to marry a handsome young man or a rich man. Instead, you are going to find a super master to be your husband. If you have a super master to be your husband, do you still worry about your prosperity?" Ouyang Zhentian bewitched: "in the future, your man will be a super master. His Sima shangyun can only kneel down in front of you and regret that he was blind. Do you believe it?"


With a fierce struggle in his heart, Ouyang Mengmeng suddenly clenched his teeth and said: "Dad, brother Bruce Lee and I entered the inner door, but the premise is that I want to watch the bastard Zhao Chengfeng kneel in front of me, otherwise, I won't be reconciled!"

"What's the difficulty?" Ouyang Zhentian was overjoyed and said, "not only the boy has to kneel down in front of you and beg for mercy, but also his woman has to kneel down and kowtow to you and apologize to you!"

"Well, I'll marry you!" Ouyang nodded heavily.

"Well, that's right."

Ouyang zhentianle bloomed and said with a smile, "Mengmeng, with your attitude, it's hard for our Ouyang family to be strong or not."

"Dad, I'll have a rest first. If Zhao Chengfeng comes to my door tomorrow, you can wake me up. I'll make him kneel on my ground and kowtow to me to apologize!" There was no sadness or joy on Ouyang Mengmeng's face. With that, he turned and went upstairs.

Ouyang Mengmeng can't let go of the person in his heart after all.

However, Ouyang Zhentian doesn't care. Girls, who don't envy love in soap operas? But TV play is TV play after all, and love is also love after all. Love is not a necessary condition for two people to be together.

As long as her daughter marries a martial arts expert like Ouyang long, why can't the Ouyang family be strong? And the daughter will be very happy. At least, they won't be bullied or humiliated.

"It's better to have a daughter these days." Ouyang Zhentian showed a smug smile and went to bed after smoking his cigarette.


At the back door of the first people's University in Jiangzhou City, the small restaurant with incomparable scenery two days ago is now in a dilapidated state. All the tables and chairs inside are broken up. At the door, there are several gangsters with cigarettes in their mouths and a face of ruffians.

"Chen Shaolong, you bastard, you, you, why did you smash my restaurant?" Li Ruo saw this scene from a distance. She was so angry that she almost didn't live to death!

Although Li Ruo repeatedly forced himself to be calm and not to be impulsive, when he saw that the small restaurant he had run had been smashed, his anger suddenly rose and he wanted to rush up to fight with Chen Shaolong.

It's Chen Shaolong who has let Li Ruo see what is the grass on the wall and what is the son of a bitch!

In front of Zhao Chengfeng, Chen Shaolong was a dog begging for mercy. Not to mention Chen Shaolong, even Jiang Biao, the boss of Qinglong club, did not dare to take a breath in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Oh, Li Ruo, it's all over now, and the tone is still so big." Chen Shaolong stood up with a smile and looked at Li Ruo. He said with a smile, "I can't see it. You're a big boy. You're so big..."

"Chen Shaolong, you bastard, shut up!" Li ruo's face was livid with anger, and his silver teeth cackled. He wanted to chew up Chen Shaolong's bone.

Scum is scum, should not have given him a chance to live!

"Shut me up, what are you?" Chen Shaolong hums coldly: "Li Ruo, if you want to find out your current situation, if it wasn't for the fact that you used to be my woman, I would have beaten you. Do you really think it would be great to have Zhao Chengfeng as your backer?"

"Do you know Mr. Zhao? Hum

Li Ruo snorted coldly and said, "I warn you, Mr. Zhao, he will come here in his spare time. Then I'll see how you deal with yourself. Do you think Mr. Zhao will let you go? "

"Oh, I'm so scared. You scared me to death!"

Who knows, referring to Zhao Chengfeng, Chen Shaolong, instead of being afraid, showed an extremely exaggerated expression and said, "I'm afraid of him. You say he's going to kill me. What can I do?"


Li Ruo is angry again, where is this guy afraid? Clearly is in the detse!

"I Pooh!"

All of a sudden, Chen Shaolong's face changed and said, "Li Ruo, I told you. I really want that bastard Zhao Chengfeng to show up. He wants to show up. I'll teach him a lesson this time."

"With you?" Li Ruo sneered, as if looking at a clown. It's really bragging about not paying taxes. "Don't you forget the embarrassment of kneeling down and begging for mercy in front of Mr. Zhao?"


Like a cat with its tail trampled on, Chen Shaolong flew into a rage. He slapped Li Ruo in the face and swore, "shit, you bitch, you're talking nonsense again. Do you believe me to kill you?"

"Is your ability to beat women?" If Li is not angry, he laughs, "can you fight with Mr. Zhao? I dare not. "

"What dare I do?"

Chen Shaolong suddenly raised the volume and said, "I'm afraid that bastard doesn't dare to come. Hum, my women are all captured, but I hide like a turtle. It's really not a thing... "

"I'm not a thing. What am I?"

However, as soon as Chen Shaolong's voice fell, a familiar male voice rang out. When Chen Shaolong heard the speech, he felt as if he had been struck by thunder. The whole person shivered. Looking back, he just saw Zhao Chengfeng coming slowly.

"Zhao, Mr. Zhao..." Chen Shaolong widened his eyes and felt that his throat was dry and weak.


Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak. It was late and fast. It was like a gust of wind. Zhao Chengfeng had already come to Chen Shaolong and kicked him. Chen Shaolong fell on the front windshield of the opposite car like a dead dog. He opened his mouth and spat out blood. His eyes were black and he fainted!


Chen Shaolong brought a few gangsters, a look at this posture, immediately scared urine.

"Go back and tell Jiang Biao to wash his neck. I'll cut him off!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's cold eyes swept away, the gang ran away like a lost dog.

"Here you are at last!"

Li Ruo saw Zhao Chengfeng, excited suddenly cried out, the whole person pounced on Zhao Chengfeng arms.

"Don't cry. With me, everything will pass." Zhao Chengfeng is a little embarrassed. After all, she is Xia Muxi's best friend. But when she holds herself in her arms, she can't avoid some contact. Finally, she can only pat Li Ruo on the back.

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