"Qian pangzi thanks Mr. Zhao for saving his life. Thank you, thank you!" The voice of Qian duo's gratitude came from the other end of the phone.

Qian pangzi is really moved, because Zhao Chengfeng is not the first time to save himself!

"Well, why don't we all be friends? It should be, it should be. " Zhao Chengfeng touched his neck, a little embarrassed, and said: "Keke, are they polite to you? It's not hard for you, is it? "

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Qian pangzi said: "Ouyang mengnani let me go and apologized to me. Mr. Zhao, you are a man of God. "

Money fat really admire, you know Ouyang long two brothers start too hard, too fast, let people defend. His two bodyguards can be regarded as fierce, but they were killed so lightly. Up to now, Qian Pang feels terrible when he thinks about it.

However, if Zhao Chengfeng can clean up Ouyang long and Ouyang Hu, it can only be said that Zhao Chengfeng is more powerful.

"Well, that's good, that's good." Zhao Chengfeng said: "well, I have something to do at the moment, so I didn't go to rescue you personally. I'm sorry, they just didn't have to do it for you."

"I dare not trouble Mr. Zhao." Qian duo quickly said: "Mr. Zhao, you have to be busy first. When you are free, I'll set up a banquet for you. I hope Mr. Zhao will appreciate you and give me a chance to thank you face to face."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng nodded happily and said with a smile, "didn't you say it all? You and I are friends. It's right for friends to help each other. Well, Sichuan Province is your territory. If Li Ruo and Muxi develop in Sichuan Province in the future, you have to take care of them... "

"Mr. Zhao, you can see that you've said that, can't you?" Qian duo interrupted: "from now on, I'll give you 50% of the shares of Qianlong group. You or your friends will take care of it. I'll recognize it!"

"This, that, that's so embarrassing." Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised.

The guy with a lot of money is really willing. He has to manage four or five hundred billion yuan for 50% of the shares. This is not something that ordinary people can take. Even if the rich are rich, they are reluctant to give up.

"Mr. Zhao, money is something out of the body."

Qian duo said with emotion: "this time I completely understand. Why do I earn so much money in my life? Yes, many people may think that I have money and status, not to mention ordinary people. Even if ordinary feudal officials see me, they have to speak politely. "

"But if you didn't have Mr. Zhao, don't talk about money. I'm afraid my life would have been gone long ago. Maybe I can talk now." Qian duo continued: "Mr. Zhao, don't say anything. You can find someone to take over 50% of the shares. I know you're a busy person. You don't have time to treat people to dinner. Just ask someone to contact me directly. "

"Well, then, well." Zhao Chengfeng can only answer, feeling like a dream. So much money in the blink of an eye?

However, Zhao Chengfeng can't understand the feeling of having more money. If he has money, he has to spend his life. Just like Ouyang Zhentian who has just been kicked to death, Ouyang Zhentian is also a rich man. He is also a man of high status in Jiangzhou city. But now? Lost his life, leaving him a place as big as the urn.

"What does money always say?" Summer wood Xi see Zhao Chengfeng some surprised, in the heart then some curiosity.

"He gave me 50 percent of the shares." Zhao Cheng wind way: "say what to want to thank me."

"Oh." Xia Muxi doesn't have any idea about 50% of the shares. In other words, she doesn't know what 50% of the shares of Qianlong group means. Her expression is very flat.

"The initial estimate is that the 50% shares are worth 340 billion yuan!" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

"Ah? So many? "

Xia Muxi was stunned, and her eyes looked like damingzhu.

"Yes, it's too much. I'm embarrassed to ask for it." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "Muxi, if you don't study, go and help me manage this 50% share."

"I'll manage it?"

Xia Mu Xi shook her head repeatedly and said, "no, no, I can't manage the company. It's tens of billions of shares. It's OK for you to let me dance and sing. I really don't have the ability to manage the company."

"What's so hard about that? Doesn't managing a company mean spending money? Don't you know how to spend money? "

"But how do you spend so much money?" Summer wood Xi suddenly feel big head.

In the past, Xia Muxi was relatively poor, and even the tuition fee was settled by Li Ruo. Now that she suddenly has so much money, I really don't know how to spend it.

"Silly girl, how do you spend the money?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "don't you just buy what you see? For example, the Land Rover Li Ruo drove some time ago, let's buy three or five of them at one go, one for shopping, one for going out. "

"Ah..." Xia Muxi's face was muddled. What's the difference between this and the upstart?

"If you really don't know how to spend it, just travel. The world is so big, go everywhere and have a look." Zhao Chengfeng then said, "by the way, aren't you worried about the construction of Tianxing village? With this money, you can make Tianxing village more beautiful. You know, Qianlong group is building houses. They are experts. "

Xia Muxi felt some emotion, but finally shook her head and said, "no, I'd better not get involved in this matter. I'm not the material of management at all. I'd better study hard first."

Xia Muxi is a kind-hearted girl. Zhao Chengfeng is not only a woman, but also spends tens of billions on her own. When other women learn about it, they still have to fight with each other?

"Ah, it's not in vain to call you silly girl. You don't want any money." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, but did not force the woman, holding the woman stopped a taxi, directly back to school.

"Muxi, you are back at last!"

When Li Ruo saw Xia Muxi, a bear hugged him. He was so excited that his tears almost fell.

"I'm ok. Why are you crying? Am I not OK?" Xia Muxi was very moved. She didn't have any friends at school, but as long as Li Ruo was such a friend, it was enough.

"Yes, Li Ruo, why are you crying? Don't you believe in my ability? " Zhao Chengfeng also said with a smile, "I said, let's have lunch together at noon. Do you think we should arrange it? I'm still hungry? "

"Come on, let's have a good meal!"

Li Ruo wiped his tears and said, "we must celebrate today."

"No, let's just eat whatever we like. We don't have to be so extravagant." Xia Mu Xi frowns slightly. It's not easy for Li Ruo to earn some money. Next, he has to decorate the store.

"Listen to me today."

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