Huangdu hotel is one of the few five-star hotels in Jiangzhou city. Different from other hotels, the style of Huangdu hotel is a bit similar to the Royal courtyard, which is quite ancient. Even the waiters of Huangdu Hotel, dressed in cheongsam, look very beautiful.

"Oh, it seems that Li Ruo has spent a lot of money today. A meal here costs a lot of money." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he didn't care.

If Li is willing to spend money for himself and Xia Muxi, won't Zhao Chengfeng remember it?

"What's money? As long as I see Muxi's safe return, I will become a poor man immediately. " Li Ruo said, directly handed the menu to Xia Muxi, very forthright way: "want to eat any order."

"Oh, let's just eat a little. There's no need to waste so much." Xia Muxi looked around and smacked her tongue in her heart. For ordinary people, eating in such a place is no less than drinking blood.

Xia Muxi is still a very thrifty girl in her heart. Even if her man is rich, maybe someone will offer countless money with a phone call or a text message. But Xia Muxi doesn't want to live like that, and doesn't want to live like a canary.

Instead of being bound by Zhao Chengfeng, she doesn't want to live in Jinyu. She has to work hard on her own. Only those who work hard on her own are called Jiangshan. Others leave her as a backer.

"What are you saving for me? We must have a good fortune if we survive. We must celebrate today. " Seeing that Xia Muxi really refused to order, Li Ruo waved her hand and told the waiter, "all the top ten specials you serve here are not enough for us to order any more!"

"So much, can you finish it?" Xia Muxi looks surprised.

Li Ruo pretended not to hear, and said: "another bottle of Remy Martin, I want to celebrate today."

"You, you really don't take money for money." Xia Mu Xi shakes her head.

"Money is a son of a bitch. If you don't have it, you can earn it." Li Ruo then looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "well, Chen Shaolong and them..."

Li Ruo is more concerned about this problem. Since Xia Muxi has been living in front of him, there must be no trouble. No matter what method Zhao Chengfeng used, Li Ruo does not know why he is full of confidence in Zhao Chengfeng now.

This man, who looks like a loser, will always burst out with great strength at the critical moment. However, he seems to have the momentum of dominating the world, as if he doesn't pay attention to anyone.

It sounds arrogant, but in fact, whether Sima shangyun and Ouyang Mengmeng, or Sima's family and Ouyang's family join hands, they are all trampled by him. As for the Qinglong club, let alone Chen Shaolong. Before Chen Shaolong slapped himself and Zhao Chengfeng kicked him, Chen Shaolong never said a word. What's more, Li Ruo read the news and said that both Chen Shaolong and Jiang Biao, the boss of Qinglong club, were dead.

Then a video broke out on the Internet, showing that Chen Shaolong was killed by Jiang Biao, and then Jiang Biao fell from the top floor and fell to death alive. To say that all this has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng, Li Ruoshi will not believe it.

"Why do you ask that?" Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "is it hard to succeed? Do you still care about Chen Shaolong?"


Li Ruo raised his eyebrows, touched his beaten face and said, "that scum knows how to bully a woman. Will my mother care about him? I wish he would die. "

"Ha ha."

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng changed a comfortable posture and asked, "next, do you plan to continue to open a small restaurant, or do you choose to do other business?"

"What do you mean by that?" Li Ruo raised her eyebrows, but she muttered in her heart.

"It's not interesting."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at Xia Muxi and said, "Muxi is kind-hearted and has no desire. She's not the material for business. So I'm going to let you take over my business in Jiangzhou city and even the whole Sichuan Province. I'll give you 20% of the company's shares. What do you think?"

"Well? I work for you? " Li Ruo felt that he had heard the wrong thing, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Frankly speaking, when Li Ruo saw Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Muxi together for the first time, he didn't look up to Zhao Chengfeng in his heart. He looked ordinary and didn't have any economic foundation.

Even Xia Muxi worked in her own shop to earn some tuition and living expenses. But in the blink of an eye, I'm going to work for others. Is this the meaning of reincarnation of heaven?

"What? Don't I look like a boss? " Zhao Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

Xia Muxi Bing Xueming seems to have guessed Zhao Chengfeng's meaning, but Li Ruo is not particularly willing to, so he can't help feeling a little anxious. He grabs Li ruo's hand and says, "Li Ruo, don't worry to refuse. I also think you are the most suitable person. And it's good for you. You can graduate easily

"Easy to graduate from school?" Li Ruo raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Muxi, are you too confident with your man, do you know? I'm a student majoring in finance and economics, and my graduation condition is more than five million assets. "

Zhao Chengfeng still smiles and does not speak.

"He, he has at least 340 billion..." Xia Muxi said weakly.

"Three hundred and forty billion..."

Li Ruo slowly regained his mind, his eyes staring like a bell, holding Xia Muxi's hand and saying excitedly, "you, you mean Yi? Isn't it ten thousand? "

"Well, it's 100 million." Xia Muxi nodded again.

"Oh, I'll go!"

Li Ruo looked back at Zhao Chengfeng and murmured, "I can't see you. You are the real king of diamonds. It's said that Muxi is blind. Now it seems that Muxi is not only blind, but has found a treasure. "

"Oh, don't say that." Zhao Chengfeng blushed and said modestly: "in fact, it's not difficult to make money. I think it's very easy..."

"I Pooh!"

When Li Ruo heard this, he couldn't help taking a puff. He didn't have a good way: "you're a deter, you're a showman. You don't know that in order to earn some money, I get up early and work late. I have to take care of small restaurants every day. I'm as tired as a dog at night. When I get home, I can't go to bed immediately. I have to borrow notes from my classmates and copy down all the contents of the teacher's lectures. "

"You're good. It's easy to make money. You're pretending."


Zhao Chengfeng said with a dry smile: "no, no, it's not that interesting. It's just... Hey, how can I tell you the truth? Do you think I'm very proud? I dare not tell the truth now. "

"Still pretending!" Li ruohen's teeth are itching. Rich people are really angry.

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