
One side of the summer wood Xi see a smile, way: "liruo, you now have the mentality of hating the rich."

"Dead girl, even you are against me, aren't you?" Li Ruo is very depressed.

"No, I'm just telling the truth." Summer wood Xi vomits tongue.

"Well, you two are tough!"

Li Ruo gritted her teeth and said, "I'll take 20% of the shares. I'll take care of your company. What can't be solved? I'll ask you for help again. What do you think?"

"No problem." Zhao Chengfeng readily responded and said: "even if I can't solve it in person, I'll arrange someone to come. My goal is very simple, that is to make money, you don't have to think about anything else! "


Li Ruo nodded and suddenly said, "however, I still have one condition."

"He said

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly. Although he kept a smile on his face, he was a little unhappy. He felt that Li Ruo was a little bit aggressive. Yes, Zhao Chengfeng was not bad at money. He looked at money very casually. Money was the same way. It was the same without money.

But Li Ruoming knew that 20% of the shares were about seven or eight billion, which was not a small amount. At that time, the Ouyang family and the Sima family only added up to more than seven billion. Li Ruo still has to offer conditions, which makes Zhao Chengfeng a little upset.

"Now that you two are so rich, I can't treat you to this meal. You have to treat me." Then, without Zhao Chengfeng's consent or not, he picked up the tea cup and said, "Congratulations, you have become my boss."

"I'll go. You're too stingy, aren't you?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little stunned and immediately began to laugh.

If it's just this condition, Zhao Chengfeng still thinks it doesn't matter. It's not a meal at all. Li ruo's last sentence is the key - you've become my boss.

In other words, Li Ruo agreed to work for Zhao Chengfeng.

In fact, no one under Zhao Chengfeng can manage the industry in Sichuan Province. No matter Shangguan Yan'er or Jiangling, even anbai can manage it very well. Moreover, anbai has a huge background, not to mention Ouyang family and other small rubbish. It is estimated that qianduo, a big business tycoon, does not dare to be arrogant in front of anbai. Anjia still has some influence in China.

This is purely for the sake of gratitude, for Li ruo's care and help to Xia Muxi these days. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like to be ungrateful. Whenever others treat themselves and the people around him well, Zhao Chengfeng will repay them a hundred times.

"It's not gousou. It's you who ask me to work for you. Then it's OK for you to ask me for this meal." Li Ruo pleaded.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile, and took Li Ruo as an example. At last, he said, "OK, OK, what you say is what you say, but you can't order any more. Although we have money now, we have to save some money. Economy is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation..."

"Cut, you just pretend." Li Ruo didn't agree.

After a meal, it was already two thirty in the afternoon. After Zhao Chengfeng sent Li Ruo and Xia Muxi to school, he called Jiangling.

"Oh, it's really strange to get your call. What's the matter? Do you want to sleep with me again? " Jiangling's charming and provocative voice came from the other end of the phone.

Beauty is beauty, even a word can make you lust.

"My son of a bitch!"

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the words, he was ashamed and finally saw what a hooligan was.

"Well, if you want to shit, give me a coordinate, I can fly over." The voice of Jiangling on the other side of the phone rises again.

Through the phone, Zhao Chengfeng can imagine that at this moment, Jiangling must be in a very coquettish posture, with an attractive smile like a fox.

"Smelly girl, don't force me. I'm in a hurry. I'll come here now and keep you up for three days and three nights." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and was not depressed.

Just being teased by a woman, the body has a little bit of reaction. How powerful is it?


Jiangling disapproved and said, "OK, I'm in Beihai now. If you have the ability, come and sleep with me."

"What are you doing in Beihai?" Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"I wanted to do you, but you were not early, so I had to work." Jiangling's light road: "Jiang's group is developing very well, because Bing Bing's perfume lily company has developed very smoothly. Although it has not been listed, its size and power have far exceeded that of the general company. I came here this time to discuss with them and let perfume lilies to annex and integrate other service companies. Jiangshi group will integrate Yida department store into one, and strive to open Jiangshi group department store all over the country within five years. "

"Damn, you have a big dream." Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng had to sigh.

Although Jiangling is just a woman, it's a real bully. No matter he was a gangster in those days or he is now in business, he is a good hand.

Today's Jiangshi group is actually the Dong group of that year. Zhao Chengfeng snatched it from the Ye family and Dong Mingzhu. Jiangling's original intention is to change its name to "Zhao group". However, Zhao Chengfeng thought that Jiangling gave birth to Xiaotian alone in those years. It was really hard, so he handed over the whole company to Jiangling. This is the Jiangshi group of today!

In just one year, the total assets of Jiangshi group are more than twice that of Dongshi group. This is enough to show Jiangling's ability. In business, Jiangling is more powerful than nangongming.

"Don't screw my dream. If you have the ability, please screw my mother. My mother's dream is expensive." Jiangling came slowly, almost did not make Zhao Chengfeng angry.

Today, Zhao Chengfeng has finally come to know what a hooligan is. Jiangling is a woman who will never give up.

"OK, don't stimulate me. I want to strip you off now, but I can't do it." Zhao Chengfeng is biting the word "whip" heavily, and his heart is very depressed.

"Get down to business." Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and said, "I'm in Sichuan Province now. Now I'm going to take over a company. Later, you'll send someone to contact me. I've found a person in charge here, but I still want you to guard the general direction."

"It's OK to work for you, but how are you going to reward me?" Jiang Ling licked his red lips and asked.

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth and said, "how about sleeping for three days and three nights?"


Jiangling on the other end of the phone rang her fingers and giggled.

"Damn, how can I feel like selling myself?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but scold.


Jiangling Jiao said with a smile: "you'd better tonify your kidney first. Next time we meet, I'll squeeze you dry."

"Damn it

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