"Shit? You are always welcome. I am waiting for you in Beihai city. " With that, Jiangling was ready to hang up.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Chengfeng's mind flashed suddenly and said, "there's something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter? Let's hear it. "

"It's like this."

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and pondered: "what you just said gives me a little idea. To make business bigger and stronger, we should not only innovate, but also have absolute strength."

"What? Do you look down on the Jiangshi group? " Jiangling's eyebrows were raised and he felt a little upset.

Jiangling is a big gangster. He is very strong in his heart. Otherwise, how could he control the whole south of southeast province? Even in business, few people can convince Jiangling.

"I don't look down on Jiangshi group, but I think Jiangshi group can be stronger, for example, cooperating with other big companies." Zhao Chengfeng explained.


With a noncommittal smile, Jiangling asked, "how many state-owned Huaxia companies do you think are qualified to cooperate with Jiangshi group?"

"Self confidence is a good thing, but don't be overconfident." Zhao Chengfeng said, "how about the Zheng group on Hong Kong Island?"

"Zheng group?"

Smell speech, Jiang Ling suddenly came to interest, ask a way: "what is your plan?"? Do you want to dominate the business of Hong Kong Island? "

Although Hong Kong Island is also under the jurisdiction of China, due to some historical reasons, the way of state management is different. Today, Hong Kong island seems to be one of the top three cities in China, an economic and Trade Center, and a central exchange area with other countries. It can be said that Hong Kong Island is a treasure land of geomancy, full of gold!

"I do mean that."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette and said, "Zheng's group is mine now. In those days, Zheng Shanhe farted. His granddaughter took charge of Zheng's group. Now she is barely supporting it. She doesn't make any profit."

Because Zheng Lingyan always has feelings for Zhao Chengfeng. Even if they have a relationship, Zheng Lingyan knows that Zhao Chengfeng sleeps in order to save himself. But Zheng Lingyan just can't put on a good face to Zhao Chengfeng, even if Zhao Chengfeng helps suppress Zheng's group!

Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't personally ask about Zheng's group, there were also private rumors. Zheng Lingyan only initially controlled the overall situation of the company, and just when Zheng Lingyan controlled the overall situation, some competitors carved up many customers of Zheng's group.

It's not Zhao Chengfeng's style to make no profit. If you don't do business, you have to make money. Let Jiangling and Zheng Lingyan go online. With the help of Jiangling, Zheng's group will soon be alive.

"You put his granddaughter to sleep?" Jiangling, on the other end of the line, grabbed the point and asked.


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng sprayed all the tea he had just drunk into his mouth. He widened his eyes and said, "you, how do you know?"

Zhao Chengfeng was really surprised. It's impossible for him to have a relationship with Zheng Lingyan. No one knows except Zheng Shanhe who died.

Who passed it on?

"I guess so." Jiangling snorted and complained: "don't you know what kind of man you are? Is that girl so beautiful that you can't help sleeping, and then the old man gave you his property before he died? "

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng said: "don't pour dirty water on me, brother Feng. I'm a very upright man!"


Jiang Ling obviously didn't believe it. He said, "are you an upright man? Let's not talk about it for a moment. I'll ask you a little. Have you two slept?"


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng momentum suddenly weak not small, chat up a way: "sleep, sleep."

"Isn't that enough?"

"Come on, stop it." Zhao Chengfeng quickly cut off the topic and said, "let's talk about business. Our Zhao family has a big business and big expenses. We have to find a way to earn money. Otherwise, you can go to Hong Kong Island and communicate with Zheng Lingyan. What kind of business do you want to do together?"

"All right, whatever you say."

Jiangling no longer joked about Zhao Chengfeng, but said: "however, I will go back after Beihai city is settled. After half of the integration work, I can't just leave it behind."

"Don't worry. Just keep it in mind." Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly and said, "in addition, Wang Chenglin, the manager of Yida department store, is a good guy. He can handle affairs and has many ghost ideas. He can be given some power."

"Don't worry, I know it." Jiangling answered.

"OK, that's it. I have something to deal with. I'll go to you when I'm busy." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, and suddenly he was a little afraid to communicate with Jiangling.

Jiangling is a mature woman with rich experience. She knows men so well that she can always put men to the point.

"Wait a minute, let me ask you something." Jiangling stopped Zhao Chengfeng at this time.

"What's the matter, you say." Zhao Chengfeng.

"Is it nice to sleep with her?"


Zhao Chengfeng took another mouthful of strong tea and almost died of anger. At the same time, he was so embarrassed that he didn't need it. What a Jiangling, it's really not a general bold and unconstrained.

"Don't get excited. I'm serious. Is it good to sleep with her? Is she beautiful? " Jiangling's voice rose again, wondering: "you didn't sleep with Zheng Lingyan for Zheng's money, did you?"

"I'll go to that one!"

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, no good airway: "Laozi is that kind of person?"


Jiangling said solemnly, "you are the kind of person who sells himself but not his art."

"That's it... Oh, No."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly came back to his senses, and his old face turned black. "Damn, Jiangling, are you teasing me?"

"Yes, I'm just teasing you. If you have the ability, you can put me to sleep." Jiangling road.

"Damn it

Zhao Cheng's atmosphere was not good. He fell off the phone with hatred. He was so depressed that he didn't want to. He felt oppressed and raped.

"Little boy, if I don't have something to do now, I have to rush to Beihai city to make you stay up for three days and three nights. It's his grandmother's fault." Zhao Chengfeng is indignant.

Zhao Chengfeng is not in a hurry to leave Jiangzhou city. He is not worried about business matters. He can take over Ouyang's industry in the name of qianduo. Afterwards, Li Ruo will talk with qianduo about what to do with his 50% shares.

"Damn, you shouldn't let Ouyang long and his brothers leave so easily. Maybe you can ask something about the inner door." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a little regret in his heart.

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