"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng is still thinking about things, and the phone rings again. He thinks it's the girl in Jiangling who teases him. Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone and says, "smelly girl, are you drying corn under the moon. How can I teach you in the future... "


However, before Zhao Chengfeng finished his sentence, a kid's dry cough came from the other end of the phone. The kid said weakly, "boss, your hobby is a little unique. Although I admire you more, I won't give you chrysanthemums..."

"Damn it

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng old face suddenly all black, curse a way: "roll you ya son, Lao Tzu read wrong caller ID. Don't answer me. Will I be interested in you? Go away

"That's good. That's good. My chrysanthemum has been preserved." On hearing this, the kid immediately relieved a lot.

"Roll the calf!"

Zhao Chengfeng was angry again and said with a straight face, "if you have something to say, you can fart. I'm busy now."

"Oh, that's it." The kid heard that Zhao Chengfeng's tone was not very good, and quickly said: "the latest information, the omelet has a trace of the Mafia, the mafia has gathered a large number of people, it seems that there is a big action."


When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he suddenly came to the spirit, took a puff of smoke and said: "what's the situation? You talk about it carefully

Do Mafia people want to avenge Jack and others? Frankly speaking, after fighting with Jack and others, Zhao Chengfeng completely ignores the so-called "magician".

Maybe the magician has his own unique features, but in the end, his defense is too weak and his moves are too slow.

There is an old Chinese saying that "the world's martial arts, only fast not broken." That's the truth. Don't you want to spell? That's no problem. Before you finish reciting the mantra and make moves, your head will fall to the ground. Are you happy? Is it exciting? Surprise or not?

At this time, the Mafia is gathering people. To put it bluntly, they are looking for death! As long as he dares to enter the African continent, Zhao Chengfeng can kill him!

"There's nothing to be careful about." The kid said with a wry smile, "it's just to gather the team. As for what they want to do, it's not clear."


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned green and scolded: "well, you don't even know the enemy's intention. Do you want me to take men and horses to the egg roll country? He doesn't have the face of the Mafia yet

"Don't worry, boss. There are other things." The kid also said: "not only the mafia has taken action, but also the Japanese Yamaguchi group has taken action. I don't know why they suddenly began to gather people. I don't know what they are going to do."

"The Japanese Yamaguchi formation?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a frown, suddenly vigilant.

Zhao Chengfeng knows the Japanese too well. They are like hungry wolves. If they don't catch their prey, they will never let go. They always regard Huaxia as their prey.

If the Japanese have any action, it means that they already have prey in their heart.

"That's right."

The kid said, "the Japanese Yamaguchi group and even the Japanese government have interfered. The Japanese must have something important to do."

"Keep a close watch on the actions of the Japanese, and report to me as soon as you have news!" Zhao Chengfeng sat up straight, other Zhao Chengfeng can ignore, but the Japanese Zhao Chengfeng must pay attention to.

Nowadays, the Chinese nation is very powerful. It's hard for the Chinese government to fight against the Japanese nation, either economically or militarily.

"Boss, do you think the Japanese will form an alliance with the Mafia?" The kid asked suddenly.

"I don't know."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "no matter who they are allied with, as long as they are our enemies, they will all be killed!"

"That's necessary, otherwise others think we are easy to bully..."

"Come on, stop talking nonsense, and gather intelligence quickly. You're the only one who talks a lot." Zhao Chengfeng is in a bad mood. He mumbles a few words and puts down the phone directly. He sits on the sofa and smokes a cigarette, which makes him feel a lot depressed.

"Damn, why is it so weird this time?"

Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a word, half a day also did not want to understand, in the heart inevitably some small depression.

"Didi... Didi..."

Just at this time, Zhao Chengfeng's phone rings again. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, it's not other people who are calling, but he Yongfei who is extremely reluctant to see him.

"Why did she call me?" Thinking of his sister-in-law like Ma Daha, Zhao Chengfeng's mouth was filled with bitterness.

He Yongfei was so adoring at the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng tried every means to take advantage of his sister-in-law, but because of Xia Bingbing's sudden disappearance, he Yongfei's enthusiasm for himself suddenly dropped to the freezing point, it can be said that the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.


After a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng still picked up the phone, forced out a smile, and said: "Hello, Feier, what can I do for you? I... "

"Sister Shiyun is nearly three months pregnant. Do you care? You scum However, Zhao Chengfeng did not finish a word, he Yongfei answered the phone, is a curse, "are you a man in the end? Can you take responsibility? "


Zhao Chengfeng's smile suddenly stiff in the face, faltering: "Shiyun pregnant, this, how can I not know?"

"I don't even know if my own woman is pregnant. Do you have a good face?" After he Yongfei scolded, "bang" dropped the phone.


Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly. He doesn't care to explain anything to he Yongfei, so he dials Liu Shiyun directly.

"Hello, Chengfeng." As soon as the phone was connected, Liu Shiyun was surprised.

"Shiyun, why don't you tell me."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a wry smile: "you don't tell me such a big thing when you are pregnant. You let me... Ah!"

"I thought you were busy? I'm not bothering you, and it's not a big deal. I can take care of myself. " Liu Shiyun was a little stunned and said softly.

It seems that Liu Shiyun's voice becomes very soft and tender because he is pregnant with a child, adding a touch of maternal softness and warmth.

"Don't say it. Stay at home and don't do anything. I'll go to Beihai right away. " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care much. He doesn't want the Jiangling incident to happen to Liu Shiyun.

It's very important for a woman to get pregnant, and it's also the easiest time to see a man's true face. If Zhao Chengfeng doesn't ask, he's not really a good man, or even a man.

For three or five seconds, regardless of whether a woman is pregnant in October, is that human?

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