Zhao Chengfeng was filled with guilt. He used the "privilege" directly and flew from Jiangzhou to Beihai. The whole process took less than two hours, so that when Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the perfume lily company, it did not arrive at five p.m.

"It's developing so fast."

Looking at the perfume lily company in front of him, Zhao Chengfeng stood up for a long time. In a flash, he had a lot of things in his mind. He thought of his time when he was first day.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed and walked into the company door.

"Ah, brother Feng, is that you? You, how did you get to the company? " Zhao Chengfeng just pushed open the door of the R & D department and ran into Hu Lingling who was going out.

Hu Lingling wanted to get angry, but she looked surprised.

"Can't I come to the company to see you?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles and looks at Hu Lingling, who is becoming more and more mature and beautiful. He has a lot of emotion in his heart. At the beginning, Hu Lingling and he pinting were just graduated college students. In a twinkling of an eye, they became the backbone talents of the company, revealing the atmosphere of senior white-collar workers.

"Ah, brother Feng, you are a rare guest." In the distance, he pinting heard that Zhao Chengfeng had come, and she put down her work and ran over.

Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and said with embarrassment, "cough, don't make a fuss, OK? People who don't know think the national leader is coming. I don't have so much face. "

"Brother Feng, you are joking." He Bingting smiles shyly and says, "don't we miss you so much?"

"Yes, yes, brother Feng, we both miss you so much." Hu Lingling also followed: "when you are not in the company, we have no experience in work. It's still interesting to learn design from you."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became happy and said with a smile, "learn design from me? Do you want to watch adult movies with me? "


On hearing this, the two girls blushed.

"Oh, brother Feng, you are so annoying. If I don't tell you, you are too bad." Hu Lingling stamped her foot and left with the document in her arms.

"I won't talk to you anymore. You're so bad." He pinting turned and left.


Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed. Brother Feng was so popular just now. In the blink of an eye, the two girls ran away.


Zhao Chengfeng sighs, but still walks into Liu Shiyun's office. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Liu Shiyun is not in the office.


Zhao Chengfeng feels strange and makes a phone call to Liu Shiyun.

"Hello, Chengfeng, have you been to Beihai?" Liu Shiyun quickly picked up the phone, with joy in his voice.

"Here I am. Why aren't you in the office?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I haven't been to work for nearly a month. I've been working at home." Liu Shiyun some remorse, said: "blame me, blame me, I did not tell you in advance, sorry ah."

"Well, it's OK."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, and said: "you send me a coordinate, I'll come right away."

"OK, I'll wait for you at home." Liu Shiyun's voice is much smaller, there is a little girl's sense of shame, perhaps, this is Liu Shiyun's change.

"I'll be here soon."

Zhao Chengfeng answered, put down the phone and was ready to leave the company. However, when he came to the company hall, he suddenly thought of something. He turned to the top floor and looked at the five characters of "President's office". Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and pushed the door in.

Sitting in the position of the president is a woman, with a black suit and a white shirt, showing the woman's figure and temperament. From the side, the tall nose adds a bit of indifference and coldness, which is so similar to Xia Bingbing.

"It's you?"

He Yongfei looked up and saw the man he didn't want to see. His pretty face was covered with frost, and he stared at Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's me."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, walked over and said softly, "how are you? How are things these days? "

"What do I do to you? Hum

However, he Yongfei didn't appreciate it. Instead, he sneered: "what? If you can't protect my cousin, you still want to protect me now, don't you? Sorry, I don't want to disappear out of thin air one day. "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow twist, heart seems to be stabbed with a steel knife, pain, but Zhao Chengfeng did not refute, also did not explain.

"Is everything going well with the company? Is there anything I can do for you Zhao Chengfeng forced to endure the pain in his heart and asked again.

"Isn't your other woman here to talk to me? Didn't she tell you that the company is doing well now? " When it comes to "Jiangling", he Yongfei's face is even colder.

He Yongfei is angry and feels unworthy for his cousin. I don't understand why these women are crazy about Zhao Chengfeng? Cousin is like this, Jiangling is like this, even Liu Shiyun who has always been aloof and aloof is like this. Isn't that right now that Zhao Chengfeng is pregnant with a child?

"You seem to hate me."

Zhao Chengfeng was aggrieved and depressed, but he didn't know how to release it. He had to be bold and said, "Shiyun is raising her baby at home. Is her work OK? If you need help, I can arrange... "

"Don't worry!"

He Yongfei directly interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and said: "you don't need to intervene in the company's affairs, and I don't need you to care. If you are a man, you will get your cousin back and treat her wholeheartedly!" With that, he Yongfei's chest rises and falls sharply, and his body is full of Qi and blood.

On the one hand, he Yongfei feels unworthy for his cousin, on the other hand, he feels unworthy for Liu Shiyun, but who should he help? Let Zhao Chengfeng be good to his cousin wholeheartedly, won't he be negative to Liu Shiyun?

"Then take care!"

Zhao Chengfeng takes a deep look at he Yongfei and turns to leave. His figure is lonely and scrupulous.


He Yongfei looks at Zhao Chengfeng's back when he leaves. The documents in front of him are crushed. There is a flame in his heart, but there is no place to release it.


Out of the company door, Zhao Chengfeng is also depressed. Xia Bingbing is taken away. As a family, whether it's Wang Qiuxiang's mother-in-law, or he Yongfei's sister-in-law, they hate themselves. Zhao Chengfeng can understand.

But who knows the pain in their heart? Do you want your wife to be taken away? It's a shame, a great shame!

"I'd better go to Shiyun first." With a sigh, Zhao Chengfeng stops a taxi and goes straight to the high-end residential area of Xiangxie.

Now, Liu Shiyun has moved away from Jiangcheng avenue for a long time. Although that can be regarded as the ancestral home of the Liu family, the elder of the Liu family is not serious after all. Liu Shiyun thinks that children should be given a living environment full of positive energy.

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