"Little boy!"

After a full two hours, Zhao Chengfeng let go of the breathless, flushed Jiangling, showing the winner's smile.

"Chengfeng, you, you're good or bad. You're running so far to punish me, aren't you?" Jiangling with anger glared at Zhao Chengfeng, but there was a strange satisfaction in his heart.

When a man needs himself, he proves that he is indispensable.

"I'm bad? Have you forgotten what you said to me yesterday? " Zhao Chengfeng slapped the woman's buttocks and gave her a smile.


Jiangling exclaimed in amazement and lowered his voice: "can you be gentle? There are other people's offices out there. "

"You forget how loud you just screamed?"


Jiangling's face was red, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a way to get in.

After they put on their clothes and cleaned the battlefield, Zhao Chengfeng reclined on the sofa and smoked fairy smoke, while Jiangling poured a cup of strong tea for Zhao Chengfeng and handed it over.

"Chengfeng, can I ask you something?" Jiangling road.

"Well, ask."

"You really come here, with me that, that..." at the end of the words, Jiangling's voice is much smaller, and his face is as red as a ripe tomato. I'm sorry to see Zhao Chengfeng.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it from Jiangling. He said, "I didn't plan to come here, but something happened. I had to come here, so I came here yesterday afternoon."

"What's the situation?" Jiangling is a little lost.

"Shiyun is pregnant. She has been pregnant for three months."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and sighed: "like you, she doesn't want me to know anything, and she doesn't want me to bear it, so I came here when I got the news."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng stroked the bangs of Jiangling and apologized: "I'm sorry, Jiangling. I was such a jerk that I took care of myself. I didn't expect you to..."

"Don't say that."

Jiangling shook his head, blocked the man's mouth, and said with a smile, "I do."

"..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word. He just hugged the woman in his arms.

"Besides, only a man like you is worthy of me, so you don't owe me anything." Jiangling is followed by another road.

"Is it that only a man like me can satisfy you? Why don't we do it again? " Zhao Chengfeng made a joke.

Jiangling was so scared that she quickly dodged. Meimou glared and said, "you are really bad."

"If I'm not bad, can you fall in love with me so madly?" Zhao Chengfeng eyebrows a jump, that wipe evil spirit smile once again hung on the face.

Jiang Ling was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he didn't know how to refute it.

"Well, let's not talk about that." Jiangling took the initiative to cut off the topic, stroked his cheek and hair, and said, "Chengfeng, I want to congratulate you. You are going to be a father again. By the way, which sister is pregnant? Take me to have a look. Now that I know this, I can't lose my manners, can I? "

"It doesn't matter whether you visit or not. I'll give you the information of Shiyun later. I also believe that you can handle the relationship between sisters well." While Zhao Chengfeng smoked, he said, "but the most important thing at the moment is that you talk to Zheng Lingyan about the cooperation, and the cooperation with the perfume lily company. The two women have great opinions on me now. I'm afraid..."

"There are only two reasons why women have a problem with men." Jiangling said with a smile: "first, she really hates you; Second, she really loves you, but you hurt her

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng face a black, "this is not a meaning?"

"Chengfeng, although many women like you, you don't understand women as well as I do." With a mysterious smile, Jiangling got up from Zhao Chengfeng's arms, poured himself a glass of red wine, sipped it gently, put her arms around her chest and said in a soft voice: "women are the most complex emotional animals in the world. Never try to understand women's true thoughts."

"What should I do?" Zhao Chengfeng is even more confused.

"It's very simple. Push her down and make her surrender..."

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes glared and rolled, "can you be more serious to me? Don't you see I'm worried now? "

"Ha ha."

Jiangling laughs, and the two on his chest tremble. The visual nerve directly stimulates Zhao Chengfeng's adrenaline.

"Smelly girl, if you don't talk well, do you believe that I will deal with you immediately?" Zhao Chengfeng said: "believe it or not, let the whole building hear your voice?"

"No, I said, can't I?"

Jiangling quickly said, "it's very simple. You just have to be nice to them. One day they will find you nice. Just like the ice before, it was conquered by you in the end? "

"Emotion is a very subtle thing. It's magical and simple. In the end, you are good to me, I am good to you, you have me, I have you. "

"It seems to make a little sense." Zhao Chengfeng felt his chin thoughtfully, and suddenly he had a little more insight in his heart.

"It makes sense, doesn't it?" Jiangling is a little proud.

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and said, "you've been overjoyed, haven't you?"

"..." Jiangling spat out his tongue, and immediately did not say a word.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said, "what did you discuss with Wang Chenglin? What are you going to do with the two buildings behind Yida department store?"

"Shopping and consumption, of course!"

Jiangling said: "this area is really wonderful. It took me nearly five billion yuan to take the next two pieces of land. Naturally, it was used to make money. The integration of clothing, food and entertainment will make it a famous pedestrian street. "

"You really dare to do it. Five billion dollars will cost you in the blink of an eye. It's a real black sheep." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng only feel toothache, 5 billion ah, said no, No.

"I can't bear to have a child with a wolf." For example, Jiangling said: "this is the same truth as men in reality. Before they go to bed, they spend money on food, movies and shopping. Once they get it, they don't feel fresh. On the contrary, some scum men turn around and ask women for money. There used to be such a scum man in my sect."

"I tried my best to find a girlfriend. After I got her hand, I didn't make any money. Instead, I went out to eat, drink, whore and gamble. I lost all my money. Finally, I didn't have any money, so I forced my girlfriend to go out to prostitution. It's too bad!"

Zhao Chengfeng asked, "what did you do with it?"

"How to deal with it? Is that a question? If he is castrated directly, he is not fit to be a man! " Jiangling gritted his teeth.

Smell speech, but Zhao Chengfeng took a breath of cool air, subconsciously clamped the crotch, only feel the crotch under a cool wind blowing, chilling

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