"No, what are you nervous about? I didn't say you Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's strange look, Jiangling couldn't help laughing and joked: "if I dare to kill you, your women will eat me alive."

"Cough, I, I'm not nervous." Zhao Chengfeng said, but still subconsciously protect their "weaknesses.".

No matter how high cultivation Zhao Chengfeng has, how strong his body is and how invulnerable he is, that place is all "weakness". You just need to pull it, and it will make you cry.

"I'm just talking about the individual reality of real society." Jiangling sighed, still feel worthless for that girl, met slag man.

"In fact, I think it, slag man does exist, but girls are too silly, a pair of eyes but can not see the truth, clearly long heart but can not understand what is true." Zhao Chengfeng also shakes his head. There are many such social realities.

Once upon a time, Zhao Chengfeng saw a story on the Internet.

It is said that there are two boys, one is an honest boy, and the other is a slick and coquettish scum man. Both fell in love with a girl at the same time.

Honest boys spend more than 3000 yuan a month. They work hard for more than a year and save more than 20000 yuan. They are reluctant to eat and wear so that they can catch up with the girl and give her a happy life in the future.

Slag man only has more than 2000 yuan a month, but slag man knows how to dress up. He learns some novel jokes on the Internet to amuse the girl. Then he buys gifts and clothes for the girl. Finally, he communicates with the 4S shop assistant in advance, and spends 10000 yuan pretending to order a car for the girl. The girl is so elated that she feels that she has found true love, and then she goes to bed with slag man.

After playing with women for two months, slag man kicked women because he was tired of playing with them. And the 4S store clerk returned the money for the car.

Slag man spent thousands of yuan to play a good woman, but honest boy, sincere, heart out lung, but can't find a true love.

Slag man is really shameless and has means, but girls also have their own problems. They love vanity and can't see the truth clearly and can't see through people's hearts.

"Chengfeng, if you want to say that, I can't totally agree with you." Jiangling said: "once a woman really falls in love with someone, she will die a lifetime."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, said: "you also said, a woman to fall in love with a person will be determined for a lifetime, but the premise is that she should love is a person, ah, if the love is animals, she will be determined for a lifetime? You can't tell whether it's a human or a ghost. You said that... "

"..." Jiangling was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Come on, don't think about these things. It's almost noon. Let's go to dinner. I have to find someone after dinner." Zhao Chengfeng pinches the cigarette end and gets up to leave.

Jiangling turned her eyes and asked, "are you looking for a woman?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Chengfeng boldly admitted, said: "my orientation is very correct, I only like beautiful women."

"What a lustful wolf Jiangling half joked and half seriously said: "Chengfeng, I really want to ask you, how many women do you have? How many more women are you looking for? "

"This question is too profound for me to answer you for the time being." Zhao Chengfeng pretended to meditate for a moment.


Jiang Ling was so angry that his silver teeth clucked, but there was no good way to take Zhao Chengfeng. He had to go out to dinner with a man.

After lunch and separation, Zhao Chengfeng went to see song Sisi again. Unfortunately, song Sisi was not in the marketing department. The Secretary said that he had gone back to the head office for a meeting.

In order to avoid he Yongfei, Zhao Chengfeng has to give up going to the head office.

"Let's go to the welfare home. I don't know what's going on with them now?" After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng had an idea and drove straight to Beihai welfare home.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, after Zhao Chengfeng had just started the car for a while, the phone rang. When he felt out the phone, Zhao Chengfeng's brow turned and it turned out to be a strange phone number.

"Hello, are you..." after pondering for a long time, Zhao Chengfeng picked up.

"Brother Feng, it's me. Don't you remember me?" As soon as the phone was connected, there was a child's voice. It was estimated that he was a little boy of seven or eight years old. He was not weaned yet.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was even more puzzled. "Excuse me, are you..."

Zhao Chengfeng really can't remember that he recently confiscated such a small brother. Who is that?

"Brother Feng, have you forgotten me? I'm Liu Cheng, Liu Shiyun's younger brother. " The voice on the other end of the phone came back.

"Oh, you are Liucheng."

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly pats his brain, and finally remembers that Liu Cheng, Liu Qinglong and Liu Shiyun's younger brother met Zhao Chengfeng at the beginning.

"How did you remember to call me? By the way, how is your elder brother? " Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile. At the beginning, the boy wanted to pursue Beibei, but Beibei didn't like to see him. At last, Beibei moved to the kindergarten, and they broke up with each other.

"All right, all right, all right with them." Liucheng repeatedly said, "I'm on my sister's side now. Can I, can I ask you a favor?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "what's the matter, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

"Cough, you, can you betroth Beibei to me, I like her..."


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng's face turned green. He put on the brake and rushed forward. He almost didn't hit the windshield. Are kids so open now?

"Brother Feng, what's the matter with you? What are you talking about? " Liucheng on the other side of the phone seems to hear something, even busy.


Zhao Chengfeng coughed: "that Liucheng, I don't think it's very mature. After all, you are still a child. Love is not good. You are the flower of the motherland and the hope of the country's future. Now you should study hard..."

"Oh, brother Feng, why are you so wordy, just like the school teacher." Liu Cheng was impatient and interrupted: "what people pay attention to now is' matching men and women, not tired at work. 'we should start from dolls when we are young. We have to cultivate EQ when we are young, otherwise we can't have a foothold in society."

"I'll go. One set of theoretical knowledge is enough." Zhao Chengfeng was surprised again. NIMA was taught by a little boy today. Is there any royal law?

Liu Cheng corrected: "this is not theoretical knowledge, nor is it a lesson for you, but an inevitable trend of social development. When you fall in love, you have to cultivate from childhood. There are more wolves and less meat. Do you think I can be in a hurry?"

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