"Talent." With deep emotion, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

After such a crackling by Liucheng, Zhao Chengfeng had to admire this smelly boy. He had strong theoretical knowledge, but he didn't mention it. The key point was that he was very cheeky. It was a shameless thing to say. He spoke with such high sounding and strong sense.

"Thank you for your praise, brother Feng. Do you promise to marry your daughter to me?" Liucheng has a clever mouth.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded in his heart and said: "Stinky boy, don't climb up the pole. I didn't say that I would marry Beibei to you. I ask you, where are you? Why don't I have a good talk with you? "

"I'm at my sister's house. Why don't you come and take Beibei with you?" Liu Cheng suggested.

"Well, I'll come." Zhao Chengfeng answered and put down the phone.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng turns the steering wheel, he goes directly to the waterside champs. He plans to have a good meeting with this smelly boy. His mind is too dangerous. He knows how to pick up girls when he is so old. How can those older youths deal with themselves?

The key point is that the young man has a set of theoretical knowledge, which almost puts Zhao Chengfeng in. Let's not say whether Beibei agrees or not. Zhao Chengfeng can't agree either. It's still a matter of seniority.

Half an hour later, Zhao Chengfeng appeared in the waterside pavilion.

"Brother Feng, you're here. Where's Beibei?" As soon as he entered the door, a six or seven year old boy ran over and visited Zhao Chengfeng.

"It's really Liucheng."

Zhao Chengfeng looks at the little boy carefully. He is a little surprised. He hasn't seen him for some time. He is actually so tall. He is a child of modern society. He doesn't worry about food or clothing. He can keep up with nutrition. He is much taller than Zhao Chengfeng at that time.

"Yes, this little boy came early in the morning. I don't know what happened. He turned to your phone from my mobile phone, and then called you." Liu Shiyun came out of the inner room, poured a cup of tea for Zhao Chengfeng, and said, "this little boy didn't delay your business, did he?"

"No, no, I can do something later." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand with a smile and didn't mind.

"I'm not a kid anymore!"

One side of Liucheng loudly corrected: "elder sister, can't you see that I have grown up?"

"Cut the crap. Don't think I don't know your little thoughts." Liu Shiyun said solemnly: "you are still a child. You just went to primary school. What kind of love do you have and what kind of girlfriend do you want? Even if I find you a girlfriend, can you afford to support others? "

"I can't afford it. Don't we have a lot of money?" Liucheng mumbled and resisted.

"Do you have anything to do with the money in our family?"

Liu Shiyun hums coldly: "all the money in our family is earned by me and your elder brother. You don't earn any money in our family. It's good for you to study and eat at school. What's the matter? Do you think the money in our Liu family is yours?"

"I..." Liu Cheng was choked speechless.

"Don't be so cruel to the child. He's just a child." Zhao Chengfeng stops Liu Shiyun and becomes a peacemaker.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't approve of such a big boy falling in love. Mao hasn't grown up yet. What's the target? If a country wants to develop, it can't develop by training children to fall in love.

Science, knowledge and military are the road to a powerful country!

"Well, why are you so cruel to me? Am I not your brother? Hum Liu Cheng pouted his little mouth and complained: "after Dad died, you won't hurt me. My life is really bitter."


Liu Shiyun was so angry that he turned back and said to Zhao Cheng, "listen, listen, is this son of a bitch decent? No one has hurt you. I really want to... "

Liu Shiyun raised his hand to fight, and he was quite angry that he hated iron but did not make steel.

"Don't be angry, little boy."

Zhao Chengfeng held down Liu Shiyun, patted the woman's hand, and said in a soft voice: "don't move the fetal Qi. Children should be well educated. Violence can't solve the problem."

"Look at the boy. He's getting worse and worse. I really want to hit him." Liu Shiyun is still angry.

Zhao Chengfeng appeased for a long time, and then said, "no, just sit here. I'll have a good talk with Liucheng."

"It's not unreasonable for me to talk about it." Liu Cheng snorted. He was not afraid of Liu Shiyun or Zhao Chengfeng.

"You little boy."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a smile and said to Liucheng, "OK, let's have a good talk. Let me ask you a question first. Is this your sister

"Yes, it's my elder sister, but my elder sister is not good. She's strict with me. I want to change my elder sister." Liu Cheng said truthfully.

This sentence almost made Liu Shiyun angry. She wanted to change her sister and my mother wanted to change her brother? It's not easy.

"Ha ha, it's easy to change your sister, but if you change another sister, she will buy you clothes, take you to KFC, and buy you toys?" With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng asked, "and will your sister drive to pick you up after school? If you don't drive to pick you up, will you walk home, or will you rush home by bus? "

"This..." Liu Cheng suddenly changed his face, he really didn't think so much.

"Oh, yes."

Zhao Chengfeng seems to think of something in general, and then said: "the elder sister has changed, it's better to change your elder brother. Your elder brother eats, drinks, whores and gambles all day long. I don't think he has time to take care of you. Don't worry about such a elder brother. What do you think? "

"Yes, can you change it?" Liu Cheng subconsciously asked, in fact, Liu Cheng really wants to be a big brother for himself.

Liu Qinglong, the eldest brother now, is a man with a bad temper. He is always tortured and beaten up in Liucheng. He has always been in power with a gun and won't give you any reason.

"Yes, you can change anything you want." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said: "however, one thing you should think about is that although your elder brother is not a good man, at least you are bullied at school. Your elder brother can still help you. Without your elder brother, you may be bullied by other children in the future..."

"Well, I'd rather not change it." Liu Cheng's face changed and he shook his head.

Zhao Chengfeng asked again, "does your sister want to change it?"

"Don't change it. I thought about it. My sister is still very good." Liu Cheng blushed and looked at Liu Shiyun with embarrassment.

"Your sister is good. Why do you contradict her?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Liucheng obediently walked up to Liu Shiyun, lowered his head and whispered: "sister, I'm wrong. I shouldn't contradict you. I'm wrong. Please forgive me..."

"You, ah!"

Liu Shiyun sighed, but he didn't know what to say.

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