In Beihai City, the Liu family is also a respectable person. Even if the boss of the Liu family died, the Liu family did not sink. Instead, it grew up again with the help of Zhao Chengfeng.

Although Liucheng lacks father's love, Liucheng has lived a life of luxury since childhood. Few people can compare with him! In and out are all luxury car pick-up, small age dressed all brand-name, although only six or seven years old children, but the mobile phone is the latest version of apple. There are no fifty or sixty thousand people in this suit.

Liu Shiyun is so good to Liucheng without any bottom line, not only because Liucheng is his brother, but also because when Liucheng was born, his mother died less than one year old, and then his father died. Liu Shiyun is afraid that he lacks love and care, and always wants to give him the best things.

However, Liu Shiyun was not satisfied with him. The more he grew up, the more mischievous and courageous he was. Some time ago in class, and even openly tease female teachers, said the teacher chest big, this, this is not a bastard?

This is one of the reasons why Liu Shiyun doesn't want to leave Beihai city. Liu Shiyun wants to stare at Liucheng and don't learn bad. As for his elder brother, Liu Qinglong, Liu Shiyun doesn't expect him to teach his younger brother well. He knows how to make money, fight and grab territory every day. Even Liu Cheng molested the female teacher in school. Instead of being angry, his elder brother said with a smile: "well, well done, I have your elder brother's style in those years!"

Therefore, the work of educating Liucheng falls on Liu Shiyun. How can Liu Shiyun not be sad when he says he wants to change himself?

"Liucheng, elder sister, no matter what your grades are in school, you must be a man of indomitable spirit. You are not expected to make any great contribution to the country, but you must not disgrace the country. Do you understand?" With tears in his eyes, Liu Shiyun touched Liu Cheng's head.

"Oh, I see, sister." Liucheng nodded in a daze, but didn't understand what it meant.

"Shiyun, what are you doing?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "why don't you go back to your bedroom first, and I'll talk to Liucheng slowly."

"All right." Liu Shiyun thought about it and went into the bedroom.

Liu Shiyun did not expect that, with a few words, Zhao Chengfeng was able to make Liucheng soft, which had never happened before. In the past, Liu Shiyun wanted to teach Liucheng a lesson. It was always "women's singles" to solve the battle.

"Liucheng, do you want to fall in love?" After Liu Shiyun entered the room, Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and asked.

Liu Cheng nodded, "well, I want to."

"Like Beibei very much?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

Liucheng still nodded fiercely and said, "I like it. I just broke the contact. I miss her very much."

"But she doesn't miss you at all." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and put on a look of "you are sentimental".


Sure enough, Liucheng looked a little embarrassed and said, "well, it's impossible. At least we played together..."

"Do children have to miss you when they play together? Do you take yourself too seriously? " "Do you know why Beibei doesn't like you and doesn't miss you? By the way, to be clear, Beibei even hates you. "

"Why? Why doesn't she like you? I'm very handsome. " Liucheng was very unconvinced, even a little angry, and said: "in our school, not only the girls in our class like me, but even the girls in senior grade like me, but I think they are too old, too old..."


Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, just drink a mouthful of tea in his mouth all spray out, almost did not live to death, NIMA, primary school children can have how old? Liucheng this words want to let other women hear, absolutely force to kill him!

How irritating!

"Brother Feng, what's your expression? Do you think it's funny? " Liucheng frowned, a little unhappy.

"Nothing, nothing, just choking." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "OK, let me ask you, why do you think these girls like you? Because you're handsome? Or is it because your family has money and can buy you a lot of food, or is it because your elder brother Liu Qinglong is very powerful and they are afraid of your elder brother? "

"This..." Liu Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't know about this."

"Then let me tell you."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "everyone is an appearance Association. It's normal to judge people by their appearance. Your classmates because you are rich, because you wear brand-name clothes, because you have a lot of delicious, can go to all over the world to play, they envy you, just play with you. They just like to play with you, or they want to play with your toys and eat your snacks. "

"And if you didn't have your brother, no sister, no famous brand clothes, no delicious and funny food, do you think they would play with you at that time? Do you still like you? "

Liucheng's face was a little ugly. She asked weakly, "don't they like my people?"

"Do you feel better about yourself? I like you. Why do people like you? " Zhao Chengfeng said, "are you good at study, or are you good at sports, or are you capable?"

"But my family has money, I..."


Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said, "I repeat, your family's money has nothing to do with you. You don't earn a dime. Do you understand?"

"Well... Well, I look more handsome. Is that my ability?" Liucheng is not reconciled.


Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng turned his lips with disdain and said, "do you know what it means to be" a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle "? To put it simply, beggars on the roadside, as long as you give them a famous brand of clothes, they are also handsome when they are packaged. Do you understand? "

"You mean I'm not as good as a beggar?" Liucheng is a little angry.

"If you have nothing to do and don't study well, that's true." Zhao Chengfeng nodded solemnly and said, "I ask you, is your sister beautiful?"

"Beautiful, of course."

Liucheng said: "you don't know, many people are chasing my sister. They send flowers, cars and even houses directly."

"Look at me again. Do you think I'm handsome?" Zhao Chengfeng pointed to himself again.


Liucheng embarrassed smile, said: "to tell you the truth, very general, can only say look not uncomfortable."

"Damn, can you stop being so honest?" Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't get angry, but he still asked, "well, why does your sister like me?"

"Maybe, maybe she's blind..." Liu Cheng said weakly.


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng almost got angry and said: "what is blind? That's because Lao Tzu is a man with connotation and ability! "

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