"Great." Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's face full of exclamation, Tang Weiguo also couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Although he is a Japanese, Tang Weiguo admires him very much. A girl in her twenties has developed such a kind of energy that suits her real life and work.

Of course, it's not that Huaxia has no talent and can't study. It's just that it's not as lucky as liangko Ogawa. Most importantly, it's not as persistent as liangko Ogawa.

You should know that the dense data, a total of no less than 5000 data, Ogawa Liangzi Leng came up with one by one, this is not a good memory, but committed to research determination and perseverance. This is not available to many people. At least, such young talents rarely appear in China.

"It's really good, you're good!" Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and gave a thumbs up to Liangzi Ogawa.

Ogawa Liangzi smiles, melon face exposed two shallow dimples, very good-looking.

When Tang Weiguo saw this scene, he shook his head with a smile. Before that, he boasted a lot of good things about him, but this girl just nodded, didn't smile, and didn't even say much. On the contrary, Zhao Chengfeng praised him casually. He was as happy as eating bee excrement. Why is the gap between people so big?

"When will this product be available?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked: "the cost of this new energy should not be low, is it in the budget of consumption?"

Zhao Chengfeng is more concerned about this issue.

New energy vehicles are not new words for a long time. For example, ether gasoline is the first to come out. To put it bluntly, 10% alcohol is added to the gasoline, which can save some energy, but the effect is not good, and the consumer response is not good. It is said that there is no power and the quality is not high.

For another example, the electric vehicles that have sprung up in recent years can run more than 300 kilometers on a full charge, while some electric vehicles can only run more than 100 kilometers, and they have high requirements for road conditions, which are also not particularly ideal. The most important thing is, how to solve the charging problem, can we charge anytime and anywhere? Or, if people are in an emergency and a patient with a heart attack is sitting in the car, but the car has no electricity, what should they do?

In order to meet people's requirements, there is a hybrid vehicle, which uses electricity to start the engine when there is electricity, uses gasoline when there is no electricity, and can charge the battery when using gasoline. However, the price is appalling. Compared with ordinary cars, it has doubled, which is not affordable for everyone.

Cost is a problem that must be solved!

"The cost will certainly go up, but we will try our best to reduce it." Tang Weiguo nodded heavily and said with a smile: "this Liangzi has already had a solution."

"Oh?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng in front of a bright, can't help looking to the Ogawa Liangzi.

"A batch of new energy vehicles will be manufactured by the government and put into the market, and the cost will be recovered by leasing." "At the same time, we will give new energy vehicles certain preferential conditions, such as unlimited travel, no charge for high-speed, and free parking. And you only need to pay 15 yuan per hour, up to 200 yuan per day. That is to say, 200 yuan can be rented for one day. It seems that the cost is higher, but there are many discounts. There are no electricity charges, no parking charges and no restrictions on travel. I think many citizens will choose this kind of travel mode. "

Tang Weiguo laughed as he smoked. He had to admire Liangzi Ogawa's brain. At first, he thought that Liangzi Ogawa was a nerd who only knew how to do research, but now he doesn't think so.

They really have ideas and dare to think and do it!

In the process of human development, don't you dare to think and do? Isn't it just wishful thinking?

"Your brain is different from other Japanese people." Zhao Chengfeng smokes a cigarette. After listening to it, he can't help but look at the woman more. His heart is still very shocked.

In fact, Mr. Ogawa's method is not complicated. To put it bluntly, it is to "lure them with profit", but the effect is certainly not bad, because everyone can calculate this account. Generally, it costs 15 yuan an hour to work in the first tier cities. In fact, it's not expensive, and on the way here, can't you still have a free ride? As a result, the cost has been reduced a lot.

"I'm not Japanese, I'm Chinese." Ogawa Liangzi seems to be a little unhappy. He stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says in a more blunt Chinese language: "there is a saying in China, it's called" marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog ". Now I'm your man, I'm a Chinese."


Zhao Chengfeng's old face was red. It was a little embarrassing. Ogawa Ryoko had a thick skin.

"Cough." Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, Tang Weiguo said that the boy had a lot of good fortune. However, he went back to the topic and said, "we must give some preferential treatment to new energy vehicles, and I have an idea. How about giving priority to such vehicles to taxi companies? Lower the price and let the taxi drivers pay less. "

"That's not good. I'm afraid the taxi company won't like it. It's more than 60 kilometers after one charge. How can I run?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and pointed out the key problems.

"You can charge as you run."

Without waiting for Tang to open his mouth for the country, Mr. Ogawa added: "cars are high-speed machines, which can use the speed to generate electricity reasonably. In addition, when there is sunlight, the speed at which solar energy absorbs electricity can fully provide the speed at which electricity can be used."

"What the hell are you doing?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked again.

If so, then China is really rich.

"It's not difficult, it's just that the body is heavier and the cost is higher." Liangzi Ogawa said again.

"Our government should recognize part of the increase in costs!"

"In order to save energy and protect the environment, the government is duty bound," Tang said. In addition, I would like to change my view that the first batch of new energy vehicles should be given priority to government units, and government staff should set an example. Further step by step to increase the promotion. Strive to eliminate fuel vehicles within five to ten years! "

"Well, all right."

Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to admire Tang Weiguo's courage, and also Kogawa Liangzi's brain melon seeds. This girl's brain is so good that she doesn't look like a Japanese?

"Well, it would be great if such a group of excellent scientists could be produced in China." Zhao Chengfeng said in his heart that he had some regrets.

Hua Xia's children are absolute exam overlord, but the actual operation is a bit of a shame.

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