"By the way, Chengfeng, what can I do for you?" As soon as the new energy issue is settled, Tang Weiguo looks to Zhao Chengfeng. Tang Weiguo knows Zhao Chengfeng. When the boy comes to find himself, he must have something to do.

"I have something to do with you."

Zhao Chengfeng looked back at Liangzi Ogawa and said, "why don't you go and get busy first, and I'll come to you after the talk?"

"Are you afraid that I'll let you out?" Ogawa Liangzi is a little unhappy and feels that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't completely trust himself.

"Yes, I'm afraid you'll let it out."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded solemnly and said, "at least now I can't trust you completely."

"So what do you have to do to believe me?"

Some excited, Ogawa almost roared: "do you believe me if I have to kill some Japanese people myself? I'm your man now. Why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe me? "

"You calm down, I..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned, very disgusted with this kind of quarrel, especially in front of Tang Weiguo.

Xiaochuan Liangzi thinks that he is Zhao Chengfeng's person when he goes to bed with Zhao Chengfeng, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so. Even Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling of being forced. If it wasn't for China, or if it wasn't for Xiaochuan Liangzi's death, Zhao Chengfeng's belt would not be loose.

What's more, Zhao Chengfeng's words at that time were very clear. Just because his body was mingled, it didn't mean that he fell in love with Xiaochuan Liangzi. What's so noisy now?

"I can't calm down. I've done so much for you, don't you know?" Kawakawa almost growled.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned, some embarrassed, in front of Tang Weiguo's face is really hard to say anything.

"Chengfeng, why don't you go out with Liangzi for a walk and have a good talk." Tang speaks out for his country, and he doesn't say much about feelings.

Liangko Ogawa is a talent, Zhao Chengfeng is a genius! They are right, but the identity of Japanese people is a dilemma. Moreover, there are many women in Zhao Chengfeng's family, some of whom are no worse than him.

"Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng can't talk about it any more.

"I have an important meeting tomorrow. Why don't you come to me later? I'll wait for you in the office." Tang thought for his country.

Although Tang Weiguo is one of the top leaders in China, he can't help himself in many times. Even the most basic work and rest time can't be fixed. He is too busy and has too many things to deal with.

"OK, I'll deal with it as soon as possible!"

With that, Zhao left with Liangzi Ogawa.

"What do you want to say to me?" Ogawa Liangzi was in a bad mood, and his voice was very stiff. "Are you going to send me back to Japan?"

"I'm not the kind of person who breaks down bridges."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, slowed down the speed, said: "you and I were the enemy before, and the Japanese have hated China since ancient times, trying every means to invade China, do you think I can easily believe you?"

"But I'm already your man, I..." Liangzi Ogawa still can't accept this fact.

Is it because of the antagonism between countries that Chinese people are also antagonistic? Can't even have feelings? It's not fair!

"You should have heard of Koizumi shower and Koizumi Zhenxi?" Zhao Chengfeng did not answer directly, but asked.

Koizumi nods and says, "Koizumi shower is the leader of a large consortia in Japan. His daughter is a very beautiful and sexy woman. How do you like Koizumi Zhenxi?"

"Like her? I don't want a free gift! "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng sniff, even feel cold.

"Then you are..." Liangzi Ogawa more puzzled.

"Nowski, the boss of the United States, was talking about business in Africa. In order to get a good relationship with him, he sent his daughter to nowski's bed." Zhao Chengfeng light way, said to sweep a small Chuan Liangzi.

Ogawa Liangzi face suddenly sank, "you, you mean I'm not clean?"

"You think too much." Zhao Chengfeng quickly shook his head and said, "I can see if you can't do it clean. I know that better. I just want to tell you that Japanese women have no status in Japan. If it wasn't for your talent, your father would do the same to you. In the eyes of the Japanese, there are only interests and no family ties, so... "

"How can you believe me?" Liangzi Ogawa finally understood the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words.

"We will see people's heart in time."

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff and said, "maybe I should believe you and I can accept you, but I'm not sure other women around me can accept you..."

"It has nothing to do with me whether they accept it or not. I only know that only you are worthy of me!" Ogawa Liangzi stares at Zhao Chengfeng with a touch of nobility and coldness on his cheek.

Liangko Ogawa is a proud man!

"One day, I will let you understand my heart, one day I will let you come to me obediently!" Liangzi Ogawa seems to declare war in general, cold eyes staring at Zhao Chengfeng.


"Stop the car, I'll go by myself!"

Ogawa suddenly opened the door.


No way, Zhao Chengfeng can only stop the car and frown: "what are you doing? Don't you know it's dangerous? "

"Do you care about me?" However, Ogawa Liangzi suddenly began to laugh.


Zhao Chengfeng stopped talking and waved his hand. He said impatiently, "OK, you can go if you want. I don't care about you. I can only say I'm sorry about sleeping with you. I'll... "

"I'm willing to do it. I don't need you to be responsible for it!" Ogawa Liangzi interrupts Zhao Chengfeng and gets out of the car.

"Damn, I'm so proud!"

Looking at the front to leave the Ogawa Liangzi, Zhao Chengfeng holding a cigarette scolded a, more and more do not understand the Ogawa Liangzi. She said she was sad, but at last she laughed.

"Oh, yes!"

At this time, Liangzi Ogawa suddenly turned around and asked Zhao Chengfeng, "I put you to sleep. Do you need me to be responsible for you?"


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't get angry. Damn, don't you think I'm a duck? Do I need you to be responsible?


Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng's face was full of iron and blue, Liangzi Ogawa showed a cheerful smile and left bouncing away.

"Damn, I was teased by a Japanese woman. This..." after a long time, Zhao Chengfeng muttered to himself that he felt that he was being raped by a dog. He was so upset.

"Forget it, I'd better go back and report to leader Tang." Zhao Chengfeng murmured. As soon as he hit the steering wheel, he went back.

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