"Back so soon?"

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had been out for less than 20 minutes, Tang Weiguo was very surprised.

"Well, she didn't let me deliver her. She left on the way." Zhao Chengfeng didn't hide it.

"Oh, that's it."

Tang Weiguo put away the documents in hand, lit a cigarette by himself, and threw the cigarette box to Zhao Chengfeng, "take it by yourself, don't mention it."

"Do you think I'm polite?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles, shakes his head, takes out one and lights it.

"You don't look like a polite person, but I have to talk about you, boy."

Tang took a puff of smoke for the country and said, "you're an old man. What do you care about with women? Don't we know your worries? Can't we be on guard? "


Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "well, I've been calculated by you again."

In fact, Tang Weiguo's words are very straightforward. To put it bluntly, Tang Weiguo doesn't worry about Liangzi Ogawa. Don't lead wolves into the house instead of digging them up at that time, which will cause great trouble.

Therefore, Huaxia will strictly guard Liangzi Ogawa. It can be said that in addition to sleeping and going to the toilet, Liangzi Ogawa is under monitoring. And there was no chance for him to contact the outside world, no mobile phone, no telegram. If there is any problem, the assistant will report it directly.

"It's popular. You think too much."

Tang zhengse said: "we don't mean to count on you. I believe you, including the big leaders. Let's not talk about the contributions you have made to China, but the gold lettered signboard of the Zhao family. No one will doubt you. It's just that liangko Ogawa is Japanese after all, and his status is not bad. We have to be on guard. We absolutely don't mean we don't believe you. "

"I understand, I understand, also support..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of something, weak way: "that, that I with Ogawa Liangzi Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa, you, you won't also video it?"

"What do you think, smelly boy?"

Tang Weiguo said with a smile: "they are not so abnormal and have no time to appreciate your nudity."

"That's good, that's good." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng often breathed a sigh of relief, immediately relieved a lot.

Although brother Feng is bold and unconstrained, it's better not to let others know about this kind of thing“ "Good things" can only be shown to our own people.

"But it's popular. I shouldn't have said that, but I still have to say it."

Tang Weiguo put away his smile, shook his ashes, and said: "Liangzi Ogawa is still a very good girl. She is the best choice in terms of appearance and knowledge. I can see that this girl is really interested in you. If possible, I'd better take it. Anyway, there are a lot of people in your family, one more and one less... "


Zhao Chengfeng coughed and said, "stop, stop, let's talk about our children's affairs later. Let's get down to business first. State affairs are more important. This is more important."

Zhao Chengfeng heart said, what you eat is light fart. It's easy to say, if you want to take it, you can take it. But after taking it, who can guarantee that there is no trouble in the harem? If it's an ordinary woman, it doesn't matter, but the key is that Ogawa Liangzi is Japanese. Tang Wei and Shangguan Yaner and Shangguan Lanxin won't agree. What they hate most is the Japanese.

"Come on, you can tell me what you want to do with me." Tang Weiguo doesn't want to persuade any more. After all, it's someone else's private business. As a leader, he is in charge of heaven and land. Can he manage whether other people marry his daughter-in-law or not?

"Before you called, didn't you have something to tell me?" Zhao Cheng wind way: "or you say first."

"I've finished my business." Tang Weiguo said with a smile: "what I want to tell you is about new energy? As it turns out, you're still a good kid. You can talk to Liangzi Ogawa... "

"That's it."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly interrupted and said seriously, "I'll talk about my business. It can be big or small, but I think it's very important."

"Important? Is it difficult for the Japanese and the us to make new moves? " Tang Weiguo's brow is twisted.

"No, it's about education in our country. I have a preliminary plan to tell you about it." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head.

"The problem of education?"

Tang Weiguo laughed and said, "why do you care about education all of a sudden? It's not your character

"My friend's family has a child, but when he was six or seven years old, he knew how to keep up with the Joneses. He didn't study hard and began to fall in love when he was in primary school. Don't you think this is very problematic?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't laugh. He said in a deep voice: "when he was young, he knew how to fall in love, keep up with the Joneses, didn't know how to study, and even couldn't take care of his own life. How can such a child become the master of the country after decades? Does the future of China depend on them? "

On hearing this, Tang Weiguo just faced it squarely and said, "go on."

"Because the country's life is so good, because some people have too much money, our economic level has gone up, but our quality has gone down." Zhao Chengfeng continued: "even a lot of 17 or 18-year-old children can't even cook and wash their clothes. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"You finished?" Tang asked for the country.

"That's it."

"Now that you see the problem, you must have a solution. Let's talk about the solution." Soup is another way for the country.

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and said, "I only talk about my views and ideas, but I can't manage how to reform education in the future. I just want to be good for these children."

After all, education is a major event, involving politics. Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to talk about it, but he just didn't want to talk about it. Everything in the world is under the control of people.

This is Zhao Chengfeng's responsibility!

"Come on, it's OK." Tang Weiguo smiles faintly.

"First of all, I don't think it's important for children's learning quality. We should focus on the cultivation of children's ideological and moral character, as well as sports. I don't want to be called" sick man of East Asia "by others, and don't want children to be the so-called" God of examination ". That's useless." Zhao Chengfeng then said: "secondly, I think we can establish some public schools, which are left in school from childhood until graduation. Every month or every week, the children can go home, but the rest of the time must be in school for formal military management."

"Even build a military academy directly! In the future, even if there is one less scientist and one less academic bully, there will be more elite soldiers who can fight as soldiers and go directly to the battlefield, so that they will not become a burden to society or even a scum. "

Tang Weiguo is obviously thinking deeply, wringing his eyebrows and smoking.

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