"Leaders, don't think I'm alarmist. You can ask the Secretary to tie you up and sort out the information about education failure. If you look at the current juvenile crime rate, you will understand what I mean." Zhao Chengfeng gave another dose of medicine, and this is what Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to say before.

"I understand. I know all you said, but it's really difficult to do it."

Tang Weiguo snuffed out the cigarette end and naturally added another one. He took a puff and said, "as you said, families now have money. For example, some demolition and upstart families have no books, but they have a lot of wealth. So subconsciously, they don't have any concept of education. They think it's the same whether they study or not, and some of them can't find a job, And the rest of the dropouts are rich. "

"What if we had a public military academy?" Tang sighed for the country and said: "the policies we have formulated are all beneficial to the country and the people. But when they are really implemented, they will completely change at the grassroots level. We can be helpless. "

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised. He seemed to think too simply.

"Chengfeng, you gave me a big surprise today. I didn't expect that you were so concerned about the social status. That's good. I hope you often give me suggestions, find more social deficiencies, we can correct in time! It's not a mistake to the end! " Tang praised his country.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "is this also worth praising? Isn't it normal for people all over the world to ask what's going on? "

"Well, it's quite difficult for you to respond to the problem, but the next time I meet with the big leaders, I will seriously discuss it and try to come up with an effective method." Tang Weiguo can't guarantee with Zhao Chengfeng.

Social problems are so complicated that even Tang Weiguo can't decide.


Zhao Chengfeng could only nod his head, but still said: "I plan to open Beihai welfare home and leave some rich children to live in welfare home for a year and a half. I think it will be helpful for the growth of these children."

"It's a good method. Although fewer people have changed, it's absolutely effective." Tang Weiguo's eyes brightened, praised: "the environment to change people, a good way, you can promote a small area, do a pilot."

"I think so, too!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "I can't change everyone, but at least I can change the people around me. Everything starts from me and sets an example."

"Good, good." Tang repeatedly praised for the country, "if only I had more young and promising people like you in Huaxia, it would be great."

However, Zhao Chengfeng is not happy. Can a country rely on one person? No, only if we unite as one and forge ahead, can our country be strong and powerful.

"Leader Tang, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first, and you'll have an early rest." Zhao Chengfeng felt a little heavy and got up to leave.

Tang Weiguo didn't leave Zhao Chengfeng either. Instead, he took Zhao Chengfeng to the car and went back.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed as he drove. He thought he would get Tang Weiguo's strong support when he chatted with Tang Weiguo this time. He didn't expect that he took the problem too lightly.

China is a democratic country. Can't you force others to send their children to school?


Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng in front of a bright, "Chi" foot brake, the car stopped at the roadside.

"You, why are you still here?" Zhao Chengfeng gets out of the car and sees Liangzi Ogawa.

Liangko Ogawa squatted on the side of the road, looking a little lonely.

"You are my man. I am waiting for you here, aren't you?" Ogawa Liangzi also saw Zhao Chengfeng, with a girlish smile on his face.


Zhao Chengfeng was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Today's weather is not cold, but because leader Tang lives in the mountains, the road is basically traffic control, only the street lights accompany him. Liangzi Ogawa has been waiting for at least an hour.

This feeling is not heavy!

"Come on, now I'm waiting for you. It's time for us to go home." Kawakawa Liangzi takes the lead in getting on the bus and laughs sweetly.

After a while, Zhao Chengfeng got into the car, but he didn't start the car immediately. Instead, he looked at the woman and said, "are you stupid? Why wait for me, in case I don't come down tonight? "

"If I don't come down today, I will come down tomorrow. Anyway, I will wait for you." Ogawa Liangzi said with a relaxed face.

Can this sentence, but let Zhao Chengfeng heavy heart, secretly asked himself, he is not to Ogawa Liangzi too cruel some? After all, she is just a woman, or a woman abandoned by her parents and the country!

"You are so stupid." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, starts the car and goes down the mountain.

"Am I stupid?"

Kawakawa shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not stupid. I just like someone. If you fall in love with someone, you should follow him without complaint or regret. "

"No, go home." Zhao Chengfeng is in a complicated mood. He really doesn't know what to say.

If Zhao Chengfeng didn't like Liangzi Ogawa before, at least now, Liangzi Ogawa has greatly touched and even moved Zhao Chengfeng.

"Forget it, you'd better take me back to graduate school." However, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Liangzi Ogawa didn't plan to go to Zhao Chengfeng's house directly, saying: "I know you haven't completely accepted me. When you accept me, I'll go to your house openly. I like you, so I'll chase you, and I believe in myself. I'm sure I can catch you."

"After me?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughs. It seems that she has not been chased by anyone except for vidora. This is a bit new.


"Don't you Chinese people talk all the time? Go after what you like, and don't hesitate, because once you hesitate, you will miss the greatest happiness in your life, because you never know what you have missed. "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng has short-term Lengshen, yes ah, like what to pursue what, why so tangled? Isn't it good to be a person who looks the same?

"Now, you are half Chinese." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opens his mouth and stares at Liangzi Ogawa.

"Why half a Chinese?" Liangko Ogawa didn't understand for a moment.

"Because you are my woman."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "no matter what identity you used to be, now you are my woman, and you will be my woman in the future."

"..." Liangzi Ogawa suddenly froze, in front of a layer of mist, happiness came too suddenly.

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