"You're right to think that, but what if they reject you?" Zhao Chengfeng asked curiously.

"I see what you mean."

"The Japanese tried to tamper with history, and up to now they have not sincerely apologized to the people who died in Huaxia. I can't change it," he said. I only care about myself. If I step on the land of China now, I will be responsible for this piece of land! "

"I have no other ability, but I will do my best as long as you need it."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded happily. He didn't expect that Liangzi Ogawa was still a reasonable girl. This is rare in Japan. The people of Japan have advantages, such as diligence and hard work; But they also have shortcomings, such as the stiff mouth of a dead duck.

What's the big deal with losing a battle and committing suicide by caesarean section? But I have to say that I'm sorry to the emperor, I'm sorry to the emperor, and then I'll kill myself. Don't you admit that you are not as good as others? Finally, a dead duck with a stiff tongue is not promising.

"If only you could think so." Zhao Chengfeng said: "as the saying goes, you know horsepower from afar, and you will see people's heart for a long time. After a long time, they will find you good, and you won't blame them."

"Of course I don't blame them, I..."

"Didi... Didi..."

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng's phone suddenly rang.

"Kid? What's the matter so late? " Touch out the phone and scan to show, Zhao Chengfeng picked up, "Hey, what's the matter with the kid?"

"Boss, it's not good. The city of jintari was almost broken. Fortunately, the brothers were united, which saved jintari..." the voice of kid panic came from the phone.

In this sentence, Zhao Chengfeng felt as if there was a thunder on his head.

"What did you say? Where's gintrey? So, how is that possible? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

The city wall of jintari is very strong. Apart from the plane cannons, even the Italian cannons of the second battalion commander can't be broken!

"Boss, it's true!"

The kid's voice rose again and said, "according to the reliable news now, the number of deaths and injuries of gentry is more than 500. Even Munch died with the death squads..."

"To be clear, what's going on? Who is attacking us? " Zhao Chengfeng angrily clenched his fist, almost roared: "say, who did it?"

"It is preliminarily concluded that the Mafia and the Japanese have joined hands. They have carried a lot of lethal weapons, and while they are unprepared, we..."

"Japan and mafia again!"

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, "give me an order that the rebirth and blood monk return to their original position, lead the team of musli island and kill them to the African continent as quickly as possible. This time, I will choke them one by one in the cesspit, damn it!"

"Boss, it's hard to be near thirsty. Now all the people of team leader Cui have retreated to jintari. We have to hurry to support them. Not only Raymond's people, but more importantly, can you tell Huaxia's senior management that we can borrow some troops and weapons?" The kid reminds us that when she comes to Africa, broccoli is cold.

"No, I'll do it myself!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes are full of blood and strong sense of killing!

"Boss, the enemy is coming. We have to guard against it." The kid has a bitter heart.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but there was a change on the phone.

"Chengfeng, I've already contacted my grandfather. My grandfather sent a special company and started. Where are you now?" Shangguan Yan'er's voice came over.

Shangguan Yan'er also has a background in China, and her background is even better than Tang Wei's. after all, the base of the Beijing military region is there. The Beijing military region is a cooking soldier in the cooking class, which is the existence of the elite level.

"I'm in the capital!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "then you call the old man right away. I'll start with the big team. If you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible."

Zhao Chengfeng is not a man, and he will not act foolishly. The sudden attack of the enemy must have been a decision made over and over again. Since this shot was fired, there must have been a very careful arrangement. Otherwise, how dare they launch a general attack on Kingsley casually?

However, Zhao Chengfeng really does not understand how the Mafia colluded with Japan? These two groups of people were beaten by Zhao Chengfeng, and they didn't know each other. How dare they suddenly attack their own people?

What do they rely on?

"Well, let's go together. This time, I'll go with you." Shangguan Yan'er's voice came again, and her mood was obviously not very good.

"Don't go. Stay in Beihai. I'll..."

"Don't say anything, I have to go!" Shangguan Yan'er interrupted: "no, I'll call my grandfather, and you'll move faster. I'll see you in Beihai City in three hours!"

"All right." Zhao Chengfeng also understands women's temperament, and understands women's mind better. Refusing again and again is meaningless, which will inevitably hurt women's heart.

Shangguan Yan'er is powerful. Breaking the sky and night roses is not for fun. What's more, doesn't it have itself? There's no problem protecting her.

"Well, let's split up."

Shangguan Yan'er answered, then hurriedly put down the phone.

"What's the matter? Did the Japanese take action? " Zhao Chengfeng just put down the phone, Ogawa Liangzi can't wait to ask, look very tangled.

Huaxia and Japan have always been antagonistic, and Ogawa Liangzi is also very clear in his heart that his fault is not Huaxia, but the ambition of the wolves of Japan. Instead of apologizing for the heinous crimes he committed in those years, he now has to fight Huaxia when his economic strength, military strength and even international influence are not as good as Huaxia. Isn't that a beating?

But it happened that Liangzi Ogawa was a Japanese. Now Huaxia and the Japanese are in opposition again, and the man he loves is persecuted by the Japanese. How can Ogawa not be distressed?

"The Japanese, together with the European Mafia, besieged my people and killed many brothers. I have to avenge this hatred!" Zhao Chengfeng first expressed his attitude, "Liangzi, I'm sorry, I'm going to kill the Japanese. You can stay here. I won't eat any more rice. I'll go first."

No matter whether he understands it or not, Zhao Chengfeng must do it!

"Wait a minute!"

However, after Zhao Chengfeng had just gone two steps, Ogawa Liangzi suddenly stopped him. He looked sad, but his eyes were firm and said, "I'll go with you! I am your man, I must be with you, I must be on your side! "

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