"Are you clear? Do you really have to avoid it? " Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was deeply moved. He was really shaken by the words of Liangzi Ogawa, and had to remind him: "you know, once you go with me, it's equivalent to becoming a traitor. They won't treat you well."

"Does it matter what they think of me?"

"I have made a lot of contributions to Japan, but how did they treat me? What's more, I'm your man and I want to be with you. Don't forget that you just said, "I'm half Chinese."

"But you still have half a Japanese, you..." Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, and didn't want to embarrass him.

Ogawa Liangzi's words really moved Zhao Chengfeng, but it was moved. Once Ogawa Liangzi saw the Japanese people died in her own hands and in the hands of the Chinese people, her heart would certainly be miserable. This is the reason why Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want Liangzi Ogawa to follow him.

"You don't have to say anything. I've made up my mind. We'd better hurry. Time doesn't wait." Kogawa Liangzi can't help but say, dragging Zhao Chengfeng to go outside.

"All right."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to persuade any more. Time really didn't wait for him. Just now, Zhao Chengfeng was worried and angry. He didn't know what was going on with him.

"Fauber, if there's something urgent, we won't eat. Let's go first." Zhao Chengfeng shouts in the direction of the kitchen, but he doesn't care if he wakes yuan Shanshan.

"Well, I'm going to leave. I'll go after dinner..."

Fauber came out of the kitchen, but where else was there in the hall?

"Ah, I just cooked the meal, this..." Fubo shook his head with a bitter smile, turned around and went into the kitchen again.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng has already driven his car to the capital military region. Shangguanxiong's people have assembled, and the plane is ready, waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to pass.

"What's the situation over there?" On the way, Zhao Chengfeng called ah long while driving.

"Heavy casualties, but the city is still there!"

On the other end of the phone, ah long's voice was very dignified and angry. Through the phone, you can feel ah long's fierce strength, "I want to chop off the heads of these bastards one by one, bastards!"

Ah long was really angry, not only because he had just taken office, but also because his dead brothers, especially Munch, were the former head of the millstone mercenary regiment and the former Lord of the city.

In order to repel the enemy, monk died! In the end, even the body was not found!

"I know how you feel, but now all you have to do is calm down, do a good job in post-war pacification and defense work!" Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice: "if the enemy is not good, he will have a plan. I guess there will be a fierce attack soon. You must stick to it. Don't be impulsive."

"I understand!"

Ah long is very unwilling, but can only agree. If it's only Aron alone, Aron can go into the enemy camp and turn it upside down. However, Aron has to be responsible to the people of jintari and to the brothers of the millstone mercenary regiment!

"I've arranged the defense work. As long as they dare to come, I'll leave them dead!" Ah long's voice seems to come from hell, with endless cold.

"I'm still saying that. Don't be impulsive." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said, "in addition, to send our scouts, we must find the enemy's nest. I will choke them one by one in the cesspit."

"I've sent people out to investigate. In addition, regiment leader Cui immediately led troops to reinforce us when he learned that we were attacked. He gave us a great help." Ah long said.

"It's OK for us to help each other when we're out, but has the feikaman oilfield given up?" Zhao Chengfeng is more concerned about this issue.

Before, the kid called to say that Cui Hongjun came with all the people, which was equivalent to giving up the feikaman oilfield. If the enemy occupied the feikaman oilfield, it would be more difficult to get it back.

It's not that the strength is not good, but that the feikaman oilfield is too sensitive to attack, not enough to break through the enemy's defense, not enough to annihilate the enemy; The attack power is too big. If the oil field is detonated, the loss will be great. Moreover, the explosion is no less than the magnitude 8 earthquake. The consequences are even worse.

"Yes, commander Cui, they have come here, but you can rest assured that the feikaman oil field will never fall into the hands of the enemy." Ah long seems to understand what Zhao Chengfeng thinks.

"Oh? What do you say? " Zhao Chengfeng is a little curious. All the people have withdrawn. Will the feikaman oilfield be ok?

Ah long explained: "before departure, commander Cui left some soldiers behind and set up a mine array. Not only that, within the effective explosion range of the mine, he also secretly planted fuel oil. Once it exploded, the enemy would die."

"So good!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng immediately relieved a lot, his hard-earned oil field, can not be so easy to give up. It's a shame to say that we've got the oil field, but now we've only transported two batches of oil in China.

"All right, go ahead with your own business. I'll be on the plane in half an hour at most. The reinforcements will arrive soon. Tell my brothers that I won't give up on you." Zhao Chengfeng finished, then put down the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng did not say a word, and the side of the Ogawa Liangzi face the same dignified, do not know what to ponder in the heart. Soon, Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the capital military region. What moved Zhao Chengfeng was that shangguanxiong waited for Zhao Chengfeng in person. What a face.

"Shangguan grandfather, I'm going to trouble you again this time..." Zhao Chengfeng is very embarrassed and always feels ashamed of Shangguan family.

First of all, Shangguan Yan'er was "killed" by Po Tian, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't even have the face to meet Shangguan's people; Now Yan son is all right, break day also destroyed, but Shangguan orchid heart but because of oneself, automatically disappeared.

The two precious daughters of the family are all given to Huo Huo by Zhao Chengfeng. Who can be happy?

"Son of a bitch, what the hell are you talking about?"

Shangguanxiong raised his eyebrows and said, "are you interested in what I said before? OK, there are 200 elites in total. They have enough ammunition. I have nothing else to ask for. Just one word: kill ya'er! "


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's feet closed, he saluted the old man and said in a loud voice, "old man, I promise you that if you don't kill them this time, you will kill me."

Shangguanxiong nodded heavily, waved his hand and said: "get on the plane, it's late, Yan'er is still waiting for you in Beihai city."

"Take care of your health, old man, and wait for our triumphant return."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk nonsense either. He turns around and gets on the plane with Liangzi Ogawa.

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