The plane went directly to Beihai city. When Shangguan Yan'er got on the plane, she found Liangzi Ogawa. Her eyes suddenly turned cold and asked Zhao Chengfeng, "why is she here?"

Shangguan Yan'er knows Liangzi Ogawa. Didn't she break the sky before? But also a Japanese woman!

"I..." Liangzi Ogawa opened his mouth and wanted to explain.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you!"

Shangguan Yan'er stares at Xiaochuan Liangzi and stares back at Zhao Cheng's words. She says, "what's the matter?"

"Yan'er, don't be so excited, OK? Can you hear me explain? " Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly. He has long expected Shangguan Yan'er to have such a reaction, but he can't stop Shangguan Yan'er or Xiaochuan Liangzi. What can Zhao Chengfeng do?

Oh, by the way, there's another one that can't stop Tang Wei!

"Explain? What do you want to explain? "

Shangguan Yan'er hummed coldly, "my sister is missing for you. She says that you are looking for her. You are very concerned. You are just fooling around with other women. Do you care about Lanxin in this way?"

In the end, Shangguan Yan'er's eyes are red. She really wants to give Zhao Chengfeng a slap. It's hateful.

OK, you are a playboy, you are romantic, these are no problem, as long as you like, like one, you marry back one, these are no problem. But why do you want a Japanese woman?

"And have you forgotten her identity? She is Japanese Shangguan Yan'er points to Liangzi Ogawa and has an impulse to draw a gun.

"I..." Xiaochuan Liangzi looked at Zhao Chengfeng, his eyes covered with a layer of mist.

Until now, Liangzi Ogawa did not know how much hatred the Chinese people had for Japan! What's more strange is that the Japanese know that they are so ungrateful, so why should they provoke the Chinese? What's more, Zhao Chengfeng is the worst man in China!

"Shut up Shangguan Yan'er's Willow eyebrows stood up, and her anger won a few points.

"Well, don't make any noise!"

Zhao Chengfeng felt a big head and said: "Liangzi is a Japanese, but now she is a Chinese and my woman. You can hate the Japanese, but you can't hate Liangzi. She is also forced."

"She was forced? Ha ha. " Shangguan Yan'er sneers.

"Don't look like you don't like it." Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "I'm really sorry for Lanxin, but I've tried my best to find her. If I find Lanxin, I'll give her an account! You can rest assured about this. In addition, please don't doubt my eyes. At least I think Liangzi is reliable. She has made a lot of contributions not only for me but also for China. Even leader Tang agrees with her, so don't talk nonsense. "

"Hum!" Shangguan Yan'er was slightly surprised, but her face was still not so good-looking.

"Everyone will be sisters in the future. Don't quarrel. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite." Zhao Chengfeng must show his prestige, or he will get it in the future?

Home and everything!

If the family do not know unity and love, how can we be strong?

The same is true for countries. Only by uniting with each other is the right way.

"The Japanese are bad people, but there are still some good people among them. You can't deny that!" Zhao Chengfeng tone slightly eased a little, and said: "and this time Liangzi with me in the past, is to discuss a statement, but also to prove to us all."

"Speak better than sing, hum!"

However, he still didn't believe it. He turned around and walked into the cabin. He seemed to have a look at him and felt uncomfortable.


Zhao Cheng's atmosphere is not good, but there is no good way to take Shangguan Yan'er. You can't slap a woman, can you?

"Chengfeng, have I caused you any trouble? I... "Looking at Shangguan Yan'er leaving angrily, Liangzi Ogawa seemed to understand why Zhao Chengfeng didn't take himself to the African continent.

Shangguan Yan'er hates herself so much. What about the others?

"No trouble."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes for the woman. He said, "it's a long way to go. You have a rest. I'll go to see Yan'er. She doesn't hate you, but she hates Japan. So sometimes you have to understand her. But you can rest assured that I will persuade them. I said that you are my woman, and no one can change my decision."

"Well." Kokawa Liangzi nodded, moved, tears quickly slide down.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng felt that he was very tough, different from other Japanese women who were submissive.

But now, Zhao Chengfeng found that Ogawa Liangzi is always a woman, and women are made of water, good women are prone to tears.

"Have a good rest. I'll come soon." After Zhao Chengfeng pacifies Liangzi Ogawa, he goes to the engine room to find Shangguan Yan'er.

Shangguan Yan'er is sitting in another cabin. When she sees Zhao Chengfeng coming, she pretends to close her eyes instead of looking at Zhao Chengfeng. A cold air comes out of her nostril, and she is still sulking.

"Don't you want me to explain?" Zhao Chengfeng sat down beside the woman with a softer tone.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is not manly. It's just that more often, Zhao Chengfeng is more willing to think from the perspective of women. In this way, it's understandable that women sometimes make trouble.

To put it bluntly, it's all because of love.

If there is no love in her heart, will she care? can't.

"No one's blocking your mouth." Shangguan Yan'er closed her eyes.

"Liangzi Ogawa is also a hard-working man."

Zhao Chengfeng quietly lit up a cigarette and said: "you were a famous talented woman in Japan, but you were targeted by the people of Po Tian. Po Tian asked me to abduct him. But when she was abducted, she was found by her father. Her father held an important position in Japan and held military power. At last, when he learned that his daughter had been kidnapped, he directly ordered to destroy Liangzi's plane. "

"Because her father thinks that if she can't be used by her father, she must be killed. When she entered the sky, her heart was dead. Later, the old nest was destroyed. Like other scientists, we can let them go home and follow us to Huaxia. But Liangzi Ogawa chose to go to Huaxia. Moreover, she said that she must be my woman to work for Huaxia. "

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er's eyes suddenly opened, and she didn't have a good way: "so you pretended, you put her to sleep? And then I fell asleep, didn't I? "

"It's not that I fell asleep, it's that I'm not the kind of person who always abandons everything. I..." Zhao Chengfeng corrected.

"Bah, you've got a good price, haven't you?" Shangguan Yan'er is not angry. Good guy, I don't know how many women he has had a relationship with behind his back. It's shameless.

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