"How can we take advantage of this? I'm also dedicated to my country, OK Zhao Chengfeng straightened out and put on a serious look, "do you think this kind of thing is taken advantage of by our men?"

"It's like how much you've suffered, huh!"

Shangguan Yan'er, you turn your eyes around and hum coldly: "that girl has a good face. You have to have a face and a figure. Besides, don't you guys often watch Japanese love action movies? Now that your dream has come true, isn't that a good thing for you? "

"That's not a good thing. Anyway, I don't think it's a good thing." Zhao Chengfeng laughed dryly.

"By the way, they are Japanese women sleeping with men. Are they really good at shouting? Does it make you so excited that you can't find the north? " Shangguan Yan'er continued.

"What's the matter..." Zhao Chengfeng couldn't answer, but he recalled the scene of doing that with Liangzi Ogawa. To tell you the truth, that girl is really the best

"No matter, why do you have a smirk on your face?"

"Cough, stop it, Yan'er."

Zhao Chengfeng quickly digs off the topic and says seriously, "don't you know who I am? At that time, when I was with Liangzi Ogawa, my heart biting poison had not been relieved. Would I sleep with a woman for no reason? What's more, this woman is still Japanese. You don't know my hatred for Japanese, do you

"Hate the Japanese, and you put them to sleep?" Shangguan Yan'er doesn't have a good way. She really doesn't like it. She always feels uncomfortable when she thinks of her man sleeping with Japanese women.


Zhao Cheng lowered his voice and said, "you have to think this way. I'm doing this to win honor for our country and revenge for our female compatriots who were humiliated in those years. Therefore, I was usually a little cruel at that time..."

"Go away!"

Shangguan Yan'er's pretty face turned red and her beautiful eyes glared. This guy is becoming more and more disrespectful. How can he be so straightforward and vulgar? What a shame!

"As you say, sleeping with a woman is for revenge. Then, what's the point of sleeping me? Is it revenge? " Shangguan Yan'er asks in reverse.

"Damn, it seems that you can't listen to me if you don't use your unique skills today!" Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, heart suddenly have a way.

"What unique skill, I'm not afraid of you, I..." Shangguan Yan'er doesn't understand.

However, at this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly had an action, put his arms around Shangguan Yan'er and opened his mouth to kiss her.

"Oh... Oh..."

Shangguan Yan'er stares at Zhao Chengfeng. She doesn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to kiss her. What makes Shangguan Yan'er most ashamed is that he actually takes off his clothes. He is skillful and sharp


Shangguan Yan'er's resistance is useless. On the contrary, it arouses the most primitive desire of men. In the small cabin, a hand-to-hand fight is quickly staged.

Half an hour later, Zhao Chengfeng embraces the whole body soft, red face Shangguan Yan'er way: "now convinced?"

"Chengfeng, you, you don't want to face, you..." Shangguan Yan'er blushed, really want to give Zhao Chengfeng a slap, but the whole body is soft, but can't lift up.

"There's no problem that can't be solved in one shot. If there is, let's do it again."

However, before Shangguan Yan'er finishes her sentence, Zhao Chengfeng moves again

After another one disappears, Shangguan Yan'er finally gives up and nestles in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, her face brimming with a smile like spring breeze

"Little boy, I can't cure you any more!" Zhao Chengfeng put on his clothes, and was able to grasp a woman's body incomparably, laughing with pride.

What is a man? This is the man, when he goes to bed at night, he solves the family conflicts by the way.

"Oh, you..." Shangguan Yan'er said, her face turned red again.

But Zhao Chengfeng said, "listen to me later. It's not easy to be a person like Liangzi Ogawa. Don't you doubt others? When it comes to the African continent, don't you see how she treats the Japanese? "

"Well, I know, but you must find Lanxin. It's gone for a long time. I'm worried about her." Shangguan Yan'er's tone softened a lot. She buried her head on Zhao Chengfeng's shoulder and felt very happy.

"What do you do after you find Lanxin? Put her to sleep, too? Or do you two serve me together... "Zhao Chengfeng laughs and hooks the woman's chin.

"You villain, you..."

Shangguan Yan'er is so angry that she reaches out and pinches Zhao Chengfeng's waist.


Zhao Chengfeng took a cold breath in pain, which was very impolite and took a lot of effort.

"Know the pain, I can tell you, you have to bully Lanxin, you have to be bad to Lanxin, be careful of your thing, hum!" Shangguan Yan'er aims at the three inch position under Zhao Chengfeng's belly, revealing a sneer.

"You are cruel!"

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth. He was so depressed that he didn't want to. Woman, you never know what she was thinking.

"It's a trend."

Into the cabin, Ogawa Liangzi did not rest, see Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er affectionately came over, some little sour in the heart, but think carefully, he and the man's warmth is not stolen?


Zhao Chengfeng smiles and says, "why don't you have a rest?"

"I can't sleep." Ogawa Liangzi slightly shakes his head, and then rushes to Guan Yan'er and nods.

Shangguan Yan'er has some opinions on Liangzi Ogawa, but she has just been "educated" by Zhao Chengfeng. Now she is very friendly and has to nod back.

"Sit down, since we can't sleep, let's talk about this action." Sitting between the two girls, Zhao Chengfeng held a cigarette in his mouth and a beautiful woman in his arms. He said, "what do you think? Let's hear it."

Although Zhao Chengfeng had a good time "playing" with Guan Yan'er before, there is something hidden in Zhao Chengfeng's heart. After all, there are so many brothers dead. It's impossible to say that Zhao Chengfeng is not angry and heartbroken.

"Find out where the enemy is and kill them directly!"

Shangguan Yan'er is much more direct, gritting her teeth and saying: "whether it's Japanese or Mafia, this time, they will never come back!"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly frown, the heart said that this is too simple and rude.

"I don't know much about fighting, but one thing is for sure." Kogawa Liangzi frowned and said, "if Japan dares to make a blatant alliance with the Mafia and attack jintari, it must be relied on."

"Well? Why do you say that? " Zhao Chengfeng was somewhat surprised.

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