"Rely on? What to rely on? Have we developed biochemical weapons again? " Shangguan Yan'er's tone is not very good, not against Liangzi Ogawa, but against the Japanese.


"Every time Japan takes any action, it will go through repeated deliberation and deliberation, including the biological and chemical weapons incident in Africa last year. In fact, it is close to success, but I didn't expect that the emergence of the trend has destroyed their plan," he said

"Heaven can still do evil. There is no way to do evil. We have to die." Shangguan Yan'er's corner of her mouth stirred up a delicate sneer, and at the same time, she was a little proud.

Is the man you like ordinary people? no

"Not only biological and chemical weapons, but also some retaliatory attacks on China. They will think about it carefully. However, they don't know the strength of the prevailing trend, so nine times out of ten, their plans fail." Kawakawa Liangzi then said: "they know that the prevailing trend is so fierce, and they also know that gentry is the prevailing trend. They dare to retaliate and sneak attack so recklessly. Are they going to seek death? Definitely not. I think it's more like a trap, a trap that leads the trend to the African continent! "

"It's really possible." One side of the Shangguan Yan son smell speech, also suddenly cautious up“ Chengfeng, otherwise, let's not go there. Let's ask for information before making a decision. "

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, shook his head and said: "Liangzi's words are reasonable, but even if it is a trap, I have to go, and I have to go!"

"Why? Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, you prefer to travel in the tiger mountain. Are you stupid? " Shangguan Yan'er's brow twisted, a little angry.

It's not just Shangguan Yan'er who worries, but Liangzi Ogawa whispers: "Chengfeng, it's not a wise move. You..."

"Gintri and my brother, I can't ignore everyone." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "what's more, if they set us up, can't we set them up?"

"What do you mean?" Shangguan Yan'er doesn't understand.

"It's easy!"

Zhao Chengfeng snapped his fingers and said, "when I get to the African continent, I will land directly in jintari. When they begin to attack, you will cut off the enemy's back and make a big dumpling for him."


Smell speech, upper official Yan son in front of suddenly a bright, suddenly laughed, "ah, this method is good."

"Well, you don't see who came up with the idea." Zhao Chengfeng was a little proud. He poked his face and said, "come on, give me a kiss..."

"Go, no one is serious about you."

Shangguan Yan'er pushes Zhao Chengfeng, and her face turns red again. However, he soon leaned on Zhao Chengfeng.

"But there's a problem."

But he frowned and said, "your way is to use yourself as bait? It may work, but it's too dangerous. Is there no other good way? "

"Wealth in danger!"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "it's unrealistic to do something these days without paying."

"But..." what else does he have to say.

"Nothing, but let's do it."

Zhao Chengfeng clapped his hand and said, "when I get to the African continent, I'll take the lead. Yan'er will join Weiwei with Liangzi and her elite soldiers. We should arrive earlier than Weiwei. I'll enter jintari first to attract the enemy's attention. As for your encirclement, the three of you will discuss and handle it. "

"Chengfeng, you really don't think about it any more. I think what she said is reasonable. The bait will be taken care of. It will really attract the attention of the enemy, but you are too dangerous." Shangguan Yan'er couldn't help looking at Liangzi Ogawa more.

If I hated Mr. Ogawa before, I feel more grateful now. If it wasn't for Mr. Ogawa's warning, he would have been happy, but he never thought about the danger to men.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughed disapprovingly, and immediately asked: "Yan'er, Liangzi won't talk about it. You've been with me for so many years. Which one of our missions is not dangerous? But even if it's dangerous, we have to do it. There's no way. This is our mission. No one can change it. "

"..." Shangguan Yan'er opened her mouth and wanted to say nothing.

There are too many things to do, but do you have any choice now?

Yes, that's regardless of the brother of kingtree, but Zhao Chengfeng is not such a person. Many people may think that Zhao Chengfeng is a playboy, but few people know that Zhao Chengfeng attaches great importance to love and righteousness.

"Chengfeng, I have an idea!"

However, at this time, Ogawa Liangzi suddenly opened his mouth, biting his red lips and struggling in his heart.

"Well, let's talk about it. Our big family is freedom of speech. You can say whatever you think. Don't be nervous." Zhao Chengfeng encouraged with a smile, suddenly feel that Ogawa Liangzi really special is a talent.

There is a difference between Xiaochuan Liangzi and ordinary nerd. She will not be inflexible and stubborn. She knows how to change and think about problems from another angle. In short, they are flexible and have ideas.

"Use me as bait!"

"I'm from Japan, and I still have a lot to say in Japan. They won't shoot me. I'll..."


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said with a straight face, "is this your way?"

"I..." Xiaochuan Liangzi's neck shrinks in fright. He hasn't seen Zhao Chengfeng so angry.

"I'll tell you!"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice suddenly raised a few points and said: "I Zhao Chengfeng will never gamble with women. If I Zhao Chengfeng can't even protect my own women, am I still a man?"

"..." when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

But Shangguan Yan'er on one side is a little better to Liangzi Ogawa's senses. Shangguan Yan'er is also a woman. It can be seen that Liangzi Ogawa is really good for Zhao Chengfeng, and this is really a way.

But there's one thing Mr. Ogawa didn't say. Maybe the Japanese won't shoot her, but what about the Mafia?

"Well, don't say anything, just do as I say." With that, Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand to look at his wrist and said, "it's late. Let's have a rest. It's conservatively estimated that we should be on the African continent in another ten hours."


Shangguan Yan'er said: "otherwise, you have a rest first. I'll call the kid to see if there's any new information coming."


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said: "I told the kid that they will contact me directly when they have news. Let's have a rest. Maybe it will be another fierce battle after waking up."

"All right."

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