Eight hours later, the distance from the African continent is getting closer, but Zhao Chengfeng's mood is more dignified.

He thought that the enemy would launch a fierce attack on him and take him down at one stroke. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, there was no movement from the enemy. It was as if the world had evaporated.

Not only that, even the scouts sent by Aron searched almost the whole African continent, but they did not find this group of enemies.

"Strange, strange."

Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and took a puff of it. He felt a little heavy.

"Chengfeng, don't think about it. As you said, no matter what the situation is, we won't leave our brothers and sisters behind. What should come will come." Shangguan Yan'er knew that the man was worried and relieved: "the enemy will certainly appear. Even if they leave with one shot, they will leave clues."

"Do you know what I'm most worried about?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and asked.

"What?" Shangguan Yan'er frowned slightly.


Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of the cigarette, gently spit out a puff of the cigarette ring, but his eyes were cold.

"The traitor?"

Smell speech, upper official Yan son facial expression suddenly becomes serious, ask a way: "do you doubt who?"? Are they the people around us? "

"It's not the people around us, it's the local government in Africa, or the government where gintri is." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said, "think about it carefully. A few days ago, the Mafia attacked the fikaman area, attacked jintari, and issued a letter of war to me. Our people didn't find them. Why? "

Shangguan Yan'er's brow tightened even more.

"When the Mafia attacked for the first time, there were two or three hundred people around. The number was small and it was easy to hide. Our scouts couldn't find them for a moment, which was understandable; But this time, Japan and the Mafia gathered thousands of people and carried weapons. How could such a large group not find it? Do you feel normal? " Zhao Chengfeng said again.

"You mean the local government hid these people?" Shangguan Yan'er is not stupid. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng analyzes it, he has an idea in his heart.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "on the African continent, except for the local government forces, there are few forces that can escape the pursuit of the gentry iron mercenary Corps. After all, they are government forces, and we can't verify them."

"But why do they do that? What good will it do for them? " Shangguan Yan'er still doesn't understand.

You know, Huaxia is very friendly to all countries on the African continent. It will help them with almost any needs, almost everything they need to eat or wear. It's far from saying that Huaxia helped solve the last Raman virus?

Even if you have to be ungrateful, it can't be so obvious.

"There are two reasons."

Zhao Chengfeng analyzed: "first, they covet the feikaman oilfield. After all, that oilfield is worth a lot of money. In other words, they have a crush on the city of jintari; The second reason is that they have been coerced, or the Japanese and mafia have given them certain advantages to betray us. "

"No matter what the reason is, if we want to make enemies with Huaxia, we can only say that they are stupid, these stupid pigs!" Shangguan Yan'er was very angry and cursed: "they deserve to be poor all their lives. They deserve to be bullied. It's a pig brain!"

Zhao Chengfeng is silent, and his heart is also uncomfortable. Although it's just a guess in his heart, the truth is only ten days away from Zhao Chengfeng's guess. No matter what the reason is, betraying his allies is not a good person.

"Chengfeng, if you want me to say that, you have to give them some color to see. If necessary, let the embassy come forward to talk with them. These idiots don't think about it well. Even if China withdraws from the African continent, will they be free? Son of a bitch, it's like we're invading them. " Shangguan Yan'er is more and more angry.

"Well, stop it."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "we don't know what the truth is. No matter how many people are, even if the local governments in Africa want to fight against us, they don't dare to fight against us. After all, not everyone dares to bully us now in Huaxia."

"That is, if anyone dares to declare war on China, I must destroy them!" Shangguan Yan'er is full of fighting spirit, with infinite confidence and pride on her face.

"Well, when you get to the place a little while later, as soon as you and Mr. Ogawa arrive, they will make a strict plan and send a group of cronies out to inquire about the news and wait for the opportunity to take action!"

While smoking, Zhao Chengfeng arranged: "by the way, keep in touch with Wei Wei. You don't have many people. Although you are all elites, you are not fighting on our territory. It's better to be careful."

"Don't worry about us. We are only responsible for making dumplings, but it's you. I feel uneasy. As Mr. Ogawa said, since they dare to attack Mr. jintari, they must have something to rely on. The Japanese are not stupid." Shangguan Yan'er shows her eyebrows slightly, and her beautiful face is full of worries.

"Am I stupid?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, such as the knife cut the resolute face floating a smile, but that smile is more and more cold.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, at this time, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang. He felt it and saw that it was ah long who called. Zhao Chengfeng quickly picked it up.

"I have two hours to go." Zhao Chengfeng asked in a deep voice, "what's the situation over there?"

"No, everything is OK. The expected war has not happened." Ah long's voice came over. It sounded tired, but it was very powerful. "Up to now, the scouts we sent out have not brought back any useful information. It's like the world has evaporated. It's really puzzling."

"They are also afraid of being attacked by us. It's not difficult to understand. The reason why they can't be found is that they are hidden in unexpected places and don't have to worry about it." Zhao Chengfeng light way.

"Do you know where they are hiding?"

Hearing the speech, a long suddenly came to the spirit, and there was a trace of anger in his voice. Many brothers died in jintari. A long had to give an account to everyone, as well as to Zhao Chengfeng.

"I don't know. It's just a guess."

Without hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng said, "you say that no other mercenary force dares to fight us on the African continent. Who and where can we accommodate so many people?"

"What do you mean?" Ah long doesn't understand.

"If you can't figure it out, think about it slowly. Don't worry about it. Just do your defense right now. I'll be there in two hours and hang up." Zhao Chengfeng has no intention of breaking it.

It's not that a long isn't smart enough, it's just that he doesn't want him to act impulsively.

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