Zhao Chengfeng knows a long's temper too well. Although he seldom says anything, there is a lot of ruthlessness in his heart. If he doesn't touch his bottom line, everything is fine. But once he touches a long's bottom line, he is a madman!

"Well, I hope you can give me an answer in two hours." Ah long didn't talk nonsense either. He took a deep breath and hung up.

"Come on, take a break for two hours!"

Zhao Chengfeng rushes up to Guan Yan'er and returns to the engine room. He finds a place to have a rest.

Two hours later, Zhao Chengfeng drove an off-road vehicle to the city of jintari. The smell of gunpowder smoke was still in the air. The holes in the city wall and the blood stained it made Zhao Chengfeng's heart heavy again.

As if, Zhao Chengfeng saw that day's fierce battle!



Yuduri and his party met outside, but their faces were not so good-looking and dignified. In particular, a long, face, dark eyes, flashing a strong gas of killing.

"Go to the conference room first and tell me what's going on." Zhao Chengfeng's mood was also affected, especially at the moment of entering the city gate, Zhao Chengfeng saw a lot of sadness on ordinary faces. At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng's heart was deeply hurt.

Originally, the life and death of these people had nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng. However, since Zhao Chengfeng took over the iron grinding mercenary regiment, they virtually regarded these people as their own compatriots or even relatives.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't ask for anything else. He just wants to protect the safety of jintari city and give everyone a place to live. He doesn't ask for wealth, but for the family to get together. When he is hungry, he can have food and when he is tired, he can find a place to sleep.

However, it is clear that the enemy's attack let their hearts rise fear again!

"Don't worry, gentry will always be your home. As long as I'm Zhao Chengfeng, I will never hurt you." Zhao Chengfeng said in a loud voice, not very loud, but resolute.


Zhao Chengfeng said, turned and entered the conference room, and the so-called conference room is actually the battle command post.

"Tell me, when did the enemy attack, how many people were there, and what weapons were they carrying? Is there anything new? " Zhao Chengfeng took advantage of the situation and sat down. Without a sip of water, he lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

"I'll tell you."

Ah long stood up and said in a deep voice: "at about five o'clock yesterday afternoon, because the weather was not very good and the darkness was very fast, suddenly more than 10000 enemies poured out from the front, including Japanese and mafia people. They launched an extremely fierce attack on jintari!"

"They are well-equipped and have combat literacy. They carry at least 50 heavy machine guns and 40 fires. The number of them is about 10. The initial estimate of the snipers is that there are no less than 50 people, and their shooting skills are excellent. They shoot along the holes of the machine guns and kill at least ten of our brothers."

Zhao Chengfeng's brows are even tighter. He can kill people along the machine gun hole of the city wall. These bastards are really good at shooting.

"How was the gate broken?" Zhao Chengfeng asked: "even if they have 40 fires, the wall is so strong, and the gate is five centimeters thick steel plate, they should not break it."

"Because they have mountain Rockets!" Ah long gritted his teeth and said, "it's the damned mountain rocket that hurt many of us. In order to destroy the mountain rocket, monk rushed out with the death squads. Then, he never came back. He didn't even find his bones..."

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded hard, and his eyes became red.

"Mountain rockets, no wonder these bastards are so arrogant. Good, good." Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly sank, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Mountain rocket is different from 40 fire. The explosive content in the shell is no different from that of ordinary rocket, so it is powerful. But there are no ordinary forces, and even there are not many local political forces in Africa.

In short, to be able to take out rockets must be related to the political forces. Even if it is not the local political forces in Africa, it is also the Japanese political forces!

"Yudhury, take your scouts and check for me immediately. I suspect that our enemy has been loaded by your political forces within 200 kilometers of jintari." At this time, there is no need for Zhao Chengfeng to cover up.

Last time I couldn't find the Mafia, but this time I still haven't got any news. Is it difficult for more than 1000 people to disappear out of thin air? Even if the Japanese samurai will ninja, there is no way to change more than 1000 people.

"Boss, do you mean our government is going to attack us?" When yuduri heard this, he felt a "buzz" in his head, as if he had been struck by thunder, and he had no idea.

"Very likely!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "otherwise, where do mountain rockets come from? Did they come from Japan? Even if the Rockets can be transported from Japan, how do you think they came in? Without the acquiescence of your local government, can they be transported in? These people run after they fight. Where are they hiding? Are all our scouts blind? "

Youduri's face suddenly becomes extremely ugly, Zhao Chengfeng's words like a needle in youduri's heart, extremely painful. Following Zhao Chengfeng's words, youduri understood all at once.

But yuduri can't accept, can't accept this cruel reality.

"They, how can they do this? Why do they do this? Don't they understand? If there is no boss, if there is no help from Huaxia, we will only be more miserable, we will only be bullied, they... "Youduri roars again, every time he roars, youduri's heart will be more painful.

Yudhry was totally disappointed with this damned incompetent government. They can't tell right from wrong. It's really

"Well, it's meaningless to say these words now. You'd better find someone first, find the enemy's hiding place, and then make the next step." Zhao Chengfeng interrupts yuduri.

Yuduri heartache, Zhao Chengfeng is not? In particular, the death of mengke brought a great blow to Zhao Chengfeng.


Yuduri put away his sadness and anger, and said: "boss, I'll go to find him right away, but please give me the initiator to deal with. I'll kill him myself!"

"You killed him? What do I do? The corpse? " With a cold eye, ah long finally understands the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's phone call.

"You go to kill the Japanese, I want to clean up the door!" Uduri gritted his teeth and turned out of the conference room.

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