
Pang Hu scratched his head. For a long time, he didn't understand why he wanted to read. Several people followed him into the meeting room.

"Boss, I'll take some people to follow up, and then send a few people to the local auxiliary army to check, and I'll report to you as soon as I have any news." Yudhury went in.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "pay attention to safety. Don't act rashly without absolutely sure evidence. If you want to kill people, you have to kill the Japanese first. "

"Yes." Uduri nodded heavily, turned and went out.

Zhao Chengfeng handed Cui Hongjun a cigarette, lit one himself, and said: "Lao Cui, thank you for your help this time. I put everything down, but ran to tie me. This..."

"What nonsense? Look down on me, don't you? " Cui Hongjun took the cigarette in his mouth and said with a straight face, "don't take me as a brother, right? I always remember how you helped me at the beginning. If my brother is in trouble, I won't say a word. Am I still human? "

"That's OK. I won't tell you any more. I've written down this feeling by Zhao Chengfeng!" Zhao Chengfeng smiles and pats Cui Hongjun heavily on the shoulder.

When Zhao Chengfeng first came, Cui Hongjun was resting. After all, he had to take turns on duty. His nerves were tense. It was absolutely impossible not to rest well. As soon as the gunfire started, Cui Hongjun woke up.

"That's right."

Cui Hongjun then laughed with satisfaction and said, "we are brothers. We must advance and retreat together. What's more, even though we didn't have much friendship in the past, we are still compatriots. If our compatriots don't help each other, who can I help? "

"Well, the local people should have such a mind. How can the local people be bullied?" On one side, ah long sighs. They don't understand what "unity is strength".

"Let's get down to business."

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said: "at present, the defense and intelligence work must be done well, especially the intelligence work. Through this and the last Mafia wizard attack, I am very dissatisfied with our intelligence reconnaissance work in Africa. I feel like a blind man. I don't know anything. It's not going to work! "

"Master, it's not easy to do." Pang Hu sighed: "not to mention the general scout, even if I come out, I may not be able to detect any useful information."

"What's the reason, do you know?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a twist, in the heart a little unhappy.

"The reason is simple!"

On one side, Huisheng said: "our own people's appearance characteristics are too obvious. You see, we are all Asians with yellow skin. It's too different from the local people. As soon as our people appear, others will be on guard immediately, so..."

"Then why not train the local people?" Zhao Chengfeng said again.

"It's very difficult, too."

"These days, I have contacted with the local people and found a serious problem," Aron said

"What's the problem?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Personality problems."

A long said: "the local people have a bad temper. Whether they are men or women, they are easy to get angry. If they don't agree with each other, they will fight each other. This situation is not only in the mercenary regiment, but also in many ordinary people in the city of jintari. Later I asked mengke, and mengke said that because of this character, many people in the mercenary regiment have died in the past."

"The most important thing for a scout is patience and composure, but this kind of irritability is more difficult. He may have been discovered by the enemy before he found anyone else. So it's hard to change character unless we start to cultivate it from childhood. However, we don't have much time to wait for them to grow up. " Ah long shrugged, but also very helpless.

Some things can be changed, but some things can't be changed.

"That's really a problem." Zhao Chengfeng touched his chin and said, "let's put this matter on hold for a while, but our investigators must have it. We have the capital to train them since childhood. Now let's talk about the enemy. The enemy attacked twice, but did not say why? Is it just to kill people? "

"Who knows what these bastards are for!"

Cui Hongjun shook his head and said, "the Japanese are all crazy. They kill people when they are unhappy. What can we do? So if you want to ask us this question, it's in vain. "

"Well, then don't hold a meeting. Let's go back to our homes and have a good rest. We'll make an inspection when we need to." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he knew that the meeting was meaningless and he had to wait.

On the one hand, when yuduri brings back valuable information, on the other hand, when the enemy attacks again, he can catch several prisoners and come back to be tortured. He will do everything.

"It's not that there's no intelligence."

At this time, ah long said, "one of your brothers, the blood monk, is already on his way. As for rebirth, it is estimated that he should be able to get to jintari before dawn."

"Don't worry about them, ordinary people can't help them." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and went out with a cigarette in his mouth.

Different from when he came here, Zhao Chengfeng didn't have so much depression and anger. Although there were many enemies, he didn't have too strong fighting capacity. As long as he had a proper command, he could easily wrap them up.

"Well, don't let Weiwei and them come here for the time being. Now they are guarding outside. If we have a situation, we can tighten the encirclement. It's obvious that there are few enemies today." Zhao Chengfeng thought so, went into the barracks, going to see the injured brothers.


"Baga is pressing the road!"

"Why? Why are so many people dead? And it's all our people? " The swordsman of Dongcun was in a bad mood when he listened to the report from the people below.

Paralyzed, why die all of their own people? Why don't Mafia people die?

"Chief Dongcun, it's not our fault, because we're going to launch rockets, so our people are in the front row. Zhao Chengfeng rushed down like a Thor and couldn't stop him." The man shivered and seemed to think of the scene that Zhao Chengfeng rushed down. His eyes were full of fear.

No one can believe it. Who can chop the mountain rockets to pieces with one sword? Who believes it? No one will believe it. The most terrifying thing is that Zhao Chengfeng rushes into the crowd. Whenever the red light rises, someone falls down, and the person who falls down usually has no complete body. Either he is cut off, or he has no head, or his face is split in two.

Bloody and cruel, just like the devil!

"Damn it, this son of a bitch is coming so fast." The swordsman of Dongcun scolded and said, "go down and have a rest first. Please pacify your brothers and leave the rest to me."

Dongcun sword man impatiently waved his hand, thinking about the next action.

"Mr. Dongcun, I don't know whether to say it or not..." however, the man didn't mean to leave immediately and hesitated.

"Say it

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