"Let's not provoke Zhao Chengfeng. He, he is too abnormal. Many brothers are scared to be silly when they come back. This..." the man shivered and trembled.


The swordsman of Dongcun burst out and said, "shut up, you coward. Isn't it that the operation failed? We Japanese are invincible and can't be destroyed, you bastard

"I..." the man was startled and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he was stared back by the sword man of the East Village.

"Get out of here!"

Dongcun swordsman roared: "next time I hear this kind of demoralizing words, I'll commit suicide by caesarean section in front of the emperor. We Japanese don't have such cowards as you."


The man should be a, carefully back out, no longer dare to say anything.

"Damn, these bastards don't help Lao Tzu either. NIMA, nearly 80 people died, damn!" The swordsman of Dongcun swore and went out of the door.

It was a huge barracks, surrounded by black soldiers. Black soldiers clubbed in the sun, sweating, and their black faces began to reflect.

"Well, a bunch of big, stupid people." Seeing African blacks, Dongcun swordman scolded, turned and walked into a room in the middle of the barracks. As soon as he entered, Dongcun swordman was stunned.

"Oh, Mr. Dongcun, you're here. I just wanted someone to invite you. Please sit down." The man sitting in the middle of the room laughs at the swordsman of Dongcun.

However, the swordsman of Dongcun couldn't laugh. As soon as he sat down, he said angrily, "amanba, I'm not in the mood to joke with you. I've killed more than 100 people, but only a few of the Mafia. It's not fair."


The voice of Dongcun swordsman had just dropped. A big beard beside him glared and said, "Dongcun swordsman, what do you mean? What is fairness? Your people have no ability to be slaughtered, so Laozi's people have to die? "

"Your people are going to die. I'm sure I won't stop them." Dongcun sword man said: "I'm afraid your people will hide behind in the battlefield. Don't dare to come out. Shrink your head, tortoise..."

"Dongcun sword man, you give me..." big beard was so angry that he got up and started.

"Well, don't make any noise!"

Amanba stopped the two men in time and said, "Mr. Dongcun, your people have been killed and injured a lot. We are also deeply sorry for this. But this is a war that no one can change. As long as there is a war, there will be casualties!"

"But why do so many of my people die? But less than ten of o'neick's people died? Don't you think that's strange, Mr. amanba? " Dongcun swordsman was very unconvinced.

Although I have just scolded my subordinates, they are all treasure bumps. They are all from the special forces. They are all treasure bumps. It's unnecessary to kill one East Village sword man. This time, nearly 100 people died. If you succeed in killing Zhao Chengfeng this time, it's better to go back to work. But if you fail, when you return to Japan, you can only commit suicide by caesarean section.

"Hum, I don't admit that I'm not as good as a man and I'm still dead." One side of the big beard o'neick sneered: "I said..."

"Well, don't even say it!"

Amanba's face sank, and the air in the room seemed to be stunned. Amanba said with a straight face: "what's the noise? Is there anything to quarrel about? Have you all forgotten that we fairies have been allied? If we don't unite, how can we defeat the millstone mercenary regiment and kill Zhao Chengfeng? "

East Village swordsman and o'neick stare at each other, but they don't quarrel any more. Both of them knew very well that this amanba looked smiling, but he was definitely not an ordinary person.

These three groups of people and horses joined hands, which was facilitated by amanba. Amanba is not Japanese, nor Mafia, but American. It is said that he is also an apprentice of a very powerful figure in the United States. He has a very important position in the United States. It is said that amanba doesn't need to make an appointment to see the president of the United States in the United States. He can see him at any time.

For such a big man, Dongcun swordsman and o'neick naturally dare not offend, and rarely agree that amanba is the main brain of this action, willing to follow his instructions.

"Mr. Dongcun, we see your casualties in our eyes and remember them in our hearts. We are also deeply sorry for them. But since all the people are dead, it is useless to say more. We have to focus on the immediate plan." Amanba continued: "at present, the most important thing for us is to kill Zhao Chengfeng and destroy all Zhao Chengfeng's forces on the African continent. By then, the oil field in fikaman will be ours."

Hearing the words, there is a glimmer of excitement in the eyes of Dongcun sword people. Feikaman oilfield is the second largest oilfield in the world. Once it is in the hands of Japan, the energy consumption of Japan in the past 20 years will not be worried.

Resources are what Japan needs most at present! How to develop without resources?

"Mr. amanba, it's said that Zhao Chengfeng is very powerful. He's all here in jintari. Shall we plan or go ahead as promised?" Asked o'neick, frowning.

Just a few days ago, several proud disciples of the mafia boss MIBI were killed by Zhao Chengfeng. In addition, in today's scene, o'neick's heart has already begun to retreat, because Zhao Chengfeng is so terrible that he is not human at all. He is so cruel that he doesn't want it.

"What? Are you scared? O'neick. " Amanba burst out laughing.

The swordsman of the East Village opened his mouth. He wanted to satirize o'neick, but he looked at amanba and finally swallowed it.

"Afraid? No, what am I afraid of? " O'neick shook his head again and again, choked his neck and said, "I'm just afraid our casualties are too big, so..."

"You don't have to worry at all!"

Amanba waved his hand and said: "my skills must be clear to both of you. Maybe I'm not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, but in two days, my master will come out in person. By the way, my master will bring a master over. I'm afraid that Zhao Chengfeng won't come out. Once he comes out, he will be dead!"

"You, your master is coming?" Smell speech, East Village sword person in front of is a bright.

It's true that amanba's skills are familiar to both East Village swordsman and o'neick. Although amanba looks big and fat, it's so flexible that it can even avoid bullets. Isn't amanba's master more powerful?


Amanba saw the shock in the eyes of Dongcun swordsman, and the smile in the corner of his mouth became more and more proud.

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