"Shifu, the old man has never failed." As for his master, amanba has always admired him so much that he would not refuse to let him kneel and lick his feet.

For amanba, his master is almost like a God.

"Is there another expert?" O'neick asked.

"Have you ever heard of the organization potian?"

Instead of answering directly, amanba asked.

"Broken sky?"

Hearing this, o'neick almost stood up and said, "is it the omnipresent and omnipotent heaven breaker?"

O'neick is a senior member of the Mafia. Since the death of several Jakes and others, o'neick has taken control of almost the whole Mafia and acted as the spokesman of the eldest brother, mixBy. However, even such a strong character has no deep taboo on breaking the sky.

Strictly speaking, Po Tian and the mafia have a little bit of a problem, but it's not big. In the end, the Mafia still admitted to counseling, did not fight to the end with Po Tian, chose to retreat.

How can the forces that can make the Mafia retreat be weak?

"Yes, that's the broken sky." Amanba nodded.

"Is it po Tian who sent out super experts?" "It is said that there are many experts in breaking the sky, but the strongest are the four Dharma protectors and the four golden flowers. I don't know who was sent this time? By the way, I also heard that Po Tian and Zhao Chengfeng seem to be mortal enemies, right

Dongcun sword people are beginning to be a little confused about amanba in front of them. The reason why Japan wants to cooperate with the Mafia this time is, to a large extent, the face of amanba, or the face of the man behind amanba. Unfortunately, the swordsman of Dongcun didn't know what amanba was doing in the United States or what his background was. He only knew that he was very good!

Therefore, the swordsman of the East Village doesn't know how far the master of amanba is. He can only ask about the news of breaking the sky.

In fact, the Japanese have long coveted the mysterious organization of Po Tian, and they have sent many people to contact the Po Tian people. Unfortunately, as soon as the Po Tian people heard about their cooperation with the Japanese, they refused without saying a word. If you want to beep again, the Po Tian people will kill people directly. Therefore, strictly speaking, the Japanese state is also a little hostile to Po Tian.

However, even if there is resentment, there is no way to break the sky. After all, breaking the sky is too mysterious. If you want to offend breaking the sky, maybe you don't understand what's going on and you will be killed. It's better not to provoke.

"The Super Master of breaking the sky? Ha ha. "

Amanba smiles and shakes his head: "it's not the Super Master sent by Po Tian, but the king himself."

"The king himself?"

"My God, that's a good thing. Zhao Chengfeng must be doomed this time! "

After hearing this, Dongcun swordsman and o'neick almost screamed with excitement. The four Dharma protectors of Po Tian are so strong that they can't solve it. The king of Po Tian himself has to tear Zhao Chengfeng in two?

"Ha ha, don't be surprised." Seeing their reaction, amanba was very happy. After a pause, he said, "the king is my master's man..."


This time, East Village swordsman and o'neick are not simply shocked, but afraid. If you think about it carefully, Botian is so powerful that you can't give up. However, Botian king is only a subordinate of master amanba. To be polite, he is a subordinate. If you are not polite, he is a younger brother. How powerful is amanba's master?

"Don't be so surprised." Amanba waved his hand modestly and said, "ah, I didn't intend to tell you. Look, I'm so scared that I'm embarrassed..."

Smell speech, East Village sword man and o'neick look at each other smile, just smile more complex emotions. Before, they thought the tripartite cooperation was fair and just. Before, they just looked at the face of the United States and were more polite to Oman Pakistan, but now

"Mr. amanba, what are we going to do now? Is it waiting or attacking? " O'neick's mind suddenly changed, and he soon had an idea in his mind.

This time, the friendly forces are extremely powerful. They must seize the opportunity to kill Zhao Chengfeng and avenge Jack and others. The mafia has also lost a big trouble, and can even get a share in the feikaman oil field.

"It's not necessary to take the initiative to attack. Now that my master and the king of heaven are not here, we're going to kill ourselves. It's hard to deal with Zhao Chengfeng." Amanba pondered for a while, and then said: "my idea is that we are hiding here for the time being, and they can't find us. Let's have a good rest and let the enemy relax their vigilance during this period of time. When they relax, we'll catch them unprepared!"

"Good idea!"

The swordsman of Dongcun flattered him and said, "Mr. amanba is really very resourceful. I agree with this method."

Dongcun swordsman must agree. One is to give amanba face; Secondly, he came to protect his subordinates. Amanba's master and Po Tian are very powerful, but is Zhao Chengfeng a vegetarian?

"I also agree with Mr. amanba's decision!"

"With Mr. amanba's wise choice, I believe that we will soon kill Zhao Chengfeng, overthrow the whole jintari and win the first prize of the feikaman oilfield," o'neick said


Hearing this, amanba nodded with satisfaction and said with a faint smile: "since the two allies support me, let's wait for a while. I'm sorry for the failure of this operation. Don't take it to heart, Mr. Dongcun. In order to kill Zhao Chengfeng, we can still bear the sacrifice, right

"Yes, Mr. amanba said so." The swordsman of Dongcun laughed noncommittally, but in his heart he scolded his mother.

Paralyzed! The population of the United States is large and the land is rich, but there are few people in Japan. Moreover, due to the nuclear radiation, there have been problems in the fertility of women in Japan in recent years, and many children have been born deformed. How the Japanese nation will continue in the future is still a big problem. So many people have died before. What's next?

What's more, why is it just the sacrifice of Japan? Why don't you sacrifice your country? Why don't you sacrifice your mafia? Isn't that a bully? But no matter how dissatisfied he was, the swordsman of Dongcun didn't dare to express it. He had to knock off his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

"Well. Then you can go back and have a rest. I'll let you know if there's anything Amanba waved and sent them.

"Well, Mr. amanba, have a good rest."

They nodded slightly at amanba and went out of the room.

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