In the twinkling of an eye, two days later, Zhao Chengfeng still didn't get any valuable information, and the enemy didn't come back.

"Damn, are they really evaporated?" Zhao Chengfeng looked at yuduri in front of him and asked, "is there any news from the local government forces?"


Youduri felt guilty and said: "boss, they are too strict. Strangely enough, several friends in our army could not be contacted this time. They really couldn't find any useful information. I......"

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded again, and his face became more ugly. "This kind of thing waiting for people to come and beat him is the first time I've done. It's too tough."

Zhao Chengfeng is really depressed. Zhao Chengfeng is always a man who pays attention to attack, but has no interest in defense. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, attack is the best defense. If you kill all the enemies, do you still need defense? There's no need at all.

But this time, Zhao Chengfeng Mao tried his best to fight with others, but he couldn't find the enemy's hiding place. Are you angry?

"Didi... Didi..."

Just at this time, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang. He felt it and saw that it was Shangguan Yan'er who called.

"Hello, Yan'er, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you? "

Shangguan Yan'er's unhappy voice came from the other end of the phone, saying: "our sisters have been waiting here for nearly 30 hours, and there is no situation at all. Are you going to let us stay out all the time? I can tell you, time has been waiting too long, sooner or later we will be discovered by the enemy. "

There's no way. There's no shelter on the African continent. It's bare everywhere. It looks like the desert in China. If it's not properly hidden, it will be killed as a survival target.

"We don't even know where the enemy is now, so you have to bear with it." Zhao Chengfeng also has a headache. Can he blame himself for this鈥?By the way, is Vivian here? She, she didn't embarrass Liangzi, did she


On hearing this, Shangguan Yan'er said with a strange smile: "yes, it's only a long time. It's sticky. It's only a long time since I haven't seen you. I'm worried. Otherwise, I'll send her here. You can solve the pain of Acacia..."

"Bah, what nonsense?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng wiped a forehead sweat, in the heart is also really convinced Shangguan Yan son, all his mother when, still jealous? Are those two guns on the plane not good enough?

"I don't have any other worries. I'm afraid you'll be hard on others while I'm away." Zhao Chengfeng said seriously, "if I'm not here, don't make trouble for me. Otherwise, I'll take care of you. Hum!"

Finish saying, Zhao Chengfeng put down the phone, appear particularly prestige.

Just as he hung up the phone, Pang Hu ran in. Meanwhile, there was another rapid police howling from the whole jintari.

"Master, the enemy is coming!"

"How many people?" Zhao Chengfeng's brow is twisted. Well, here he is.

"It's not less than 1500 people, and there are a lot of mountain rockets. As for 40, there will be more. In two minutes, the enemy will be within our attack range." Pang Hu spoke quickly and looked serious.

"Shit, so many people!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded and sent a short message to Shangguan Yan'er. In the past, the number of the enemy was at least 1500, and he carried a lot of lethal weapons, which means that this is the enemy's big army.

To make dumplings, of course, we have to make a large army. Zhao Chengfeng, the enemy of a small army, is too lazy to attack.

"Go and have a look!"

Zhao Chengfeng trotted all the way to the city wall. By the time he got to the wall, ah long, Cui Hongjun, and youduri, including Huisheng and blood monk, had already stood on the wall.

"Brother Zhao, it seems that the enemy is going to launch a general attack this time." Cui Hongjun took a deep puff of smoke, picked up a sniper rifle, and directly pushed the bullet into the chamber.

Zhao Chengfeng raised a grim smile at the corner of his mouth, took the telescope handed over by Huisheng, and said in a deep voice: "boss, the composition of the enemy is very strange. It seems that there are many Americans among them."

"American?" Zhao Chengfeng brows a twist, through the telescope swept past, pupil suddenly contracted.

Even after a long distance, Zhao Chengfeng still sees that guy, the guy that Zhao Chengfeng hates to the bone - Zhao Feilong!

"Son of a bitch, how dare you come!"

Zhao Chengfeng cursed: "all members are ready to fight. When you enter the attack area, open fire immediately. Give me the sniper gun. I will kill him!"

"Boss, who are you talking about?" The blood monk didn't understand.

"King of heaven - Zhao Feitian!"


"He's mixed up with the Japanese?"

"No wonder the enemy is so arrogant. It turns out that the king of heaven came with him."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and looked more serious. Only Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were full of blood, releasing strong hatred.


Zhao Chengfeng picks up his sniper gun, pulls the trigger at the same time, and drinks violently. Just for a moment, the sound of gunfire overlapped with the sound of gunfire, and the silence of Kingsley became lively.

"Bang bang!"

The fireball shot out like a meteor, but it didn't hit the enemy.

"Zhao Chengfeng, come out and die!"

At this time, a strong male voice came from the enemy camp, which was very penetrating. It seemed that the whole people in jintari could hear it. Some people with a slightly poor physique even felt that their eardrums were about to be broken.

"Zhao Feitian, Laozi is going to clean up the door for the Zhao family today!"

Zhao Chengfeng stamped his feet and rushed down like a God.



"Be careful!"

They were so shocked that they rushed forward. What if the enemy fired? Although Zhao Chengfeng is powerful, he is flesh and blood after all. How can he compete with the iron cannon?

"Zhao Feitian, die!"

Zhao Chengfeng stands up with his sword and looks at Zhao Chengfeng standing under the wall. But at this moment, in the eyes of all the people in jintari, Zhao Chengfeng's figure is so tall.

What is one man in charge of the pass and ten thousand men in control of the pass? This is the most vivid annotation.

"My good nephew, is that how you talk to your elders?" Zhao Feitian came out with a smile on his face, but his killing intention was more intense.

For Zhao Chengfeng, Zhao Feitian also hates to the bone. He wants to strip his skin and eat his meat.

"I'm just a defeated general. I dare to die. Zhao Feitian, I really admire your courage." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes fall on Zhao Feitian's left arm intentionally or unintentionally.

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