"Don't be arrogant, today I want you to go up in smoke!" Zhao Fei is shivering, especially when Zhao Chengfeng's eyes fall on his broken left arm. Zhao Feitian thinks it's a great shame.

He has been in the world for many years and has made a fearsome achievement. He dreams of dominating the world. But he finally falls down in front of Zhao Chengfeng. This guy has been bitten by the evil spirit, but he has nothing to do with it.

"Arrogant? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng sneered again and again, "Zhao Feitian, Zhao Feitian, you really have a face. There's nothing shameful about your defeat. Work hard and practice hard. In the future, you will have the chance to defeat me. But I didn't expect that now you are mixed up with Japanese bastards and mafia people and become the running dog of American manor. Don't you think you live in a mess? If I were you, I would have been dead long ago. I have no face to see anyone in my life. It's good for you to be a dog that others are begging for, a worthless product, and lose the face of the Zhao family! "


Zhao Fei's three God whip is on fire and his front teeth are clenching. He wants to chew Zhao Chengfeng's bones.

"What are you doing? Am I right? Do you have any reason to be a dog for others? " Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I..." Zhao Fei's weather was terrible.

At this time, another man came out of the enemy camp, a burly American. Different from ordinary people, he looked very strange in his clothes, like a general in the ancient battlefield, wearing the knighthood of ancient knights in Europe and America, and holding a gilded long gun in his hand.

"This is a master!"

Zhao Chengfeng's pupil shrinks, and subconsciously clenches the Xuanyuan sword in his hand. With Zhao Chengfeng's eyesight, it's easy to see the strength of the other party. However, what makes Zhao Chengfeng puzzled is that he can't see through his strength, which is strange.

"Boy, you have some insight. You've heard about the American manor. It seems that you killed dote." When the visitor came to Zhao Feitian, a pair of blue eyes were staring at Zhao Chengfeng. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, it seemed very strange and full of the meaning of killing.

"Doth? Yes, I did

When Zhao Chengfeng thought about it for a moment, he realized that Mr. dote, the largest arms dealer in the United States, in order to please dote and the manor, Zhao Feitian forced Zhao Chengfeng by the way. He even betrothed the night rose, which is now Shangguan Yan'er, to dote. Unfortunately, he was stopped by Zhao Chengfeng.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was forced to swallow the heart biting poison!

"It's very kind of you to be so calm when you kill me." The visitor is not angry but smiles. He still stares at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

That look, as if Zhao Chengfeng has become his plate of Chinese food at a glance, in the taste of food before, of course, is to have a good look.

"Don't deal with those useless things with me. We don't meet today to talk about the past." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "tell me about your own history. My sword never kills nobody."

"Arrogant, arrogant!"

Zhao Feitian snorted coldly: "boy, you don't see who is standing in front of you. You dare to speak big words. For a while, Mr. Zijin will make life worse than death."

"Mr. Zijin? What the hell is this Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned. He was very strange to this name. It didn't sound like the name of the American people at all“ Suicide? Are you going to commit suicide? "


"Don't be angry!"

Purple Dragon Knight stopped the furious Zhao Feitian and said with a faint smile: "boy, your name is Zhao Chengfeng, right? I heard that you are very powerful. How about joining my manor?"

Zijinlong knight is not in a hurry to start, and even has the heart to solicit Zhao Chengfeng, because before the action, zijinlong knight has asked his subordinates to investigate Zhao Chengfeng.

Don't check don't know, a check startle, this Zhao Chengfeng is not mortal. No matter his personal strength or his influence, he is an extraordinary, absolutely capable person.

The manor is not short of money, it is short of talent.

"Join the manor? Oh, no need Zhao Chengfeng was stunned for a moment, and immediately shook his head. Without thinking about it, he refused.

"Why not join?" The knight of purple golden dragon was a little stunned.

Manor is an extremely mysterious and powerful organization. Since Zhao Chengfeng knows about the manor, he must know something about it. You know, the boss of the manor has become the younger brother of the manor?

For example, in front of us, the Japanese nation and the Mafia exist in their own places. But this time, their apprentice amanba said hello, and these people followed. Even though many people died in the previous two battles, they dare not complain.

But why doesn't Zhao Chengfeng join the manor?

"Why should I join the manor? Is the manor awesome? Sorry, in my eyes, the manor is just like a turtle with a shrunken head. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and obviously looked down on the manor.

"You want to die!"

Purple Dragon Knight tiger eyes a stare, the long gun in the hand stabs out instantly.


At the moment when the spear came out, the tip of the spear suddenly lit up, like a small sun, piercing Zhao Chengfeng's eyebrows.

"It's a bit of a doorstep."

Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a word, in the hand Xuanyuan God sword suddenly a shake, red light all over the sky.

"The breeze blows on my face!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't keep his hand. One hand was the most powerful move. At the moment when the sword was waved, even the air around him seemed to turn into sword Qi and rolled towards the purple dragon knight!


It seems to see that Zhao Chengfeng's move is powerful, but the purple dragon knight has no intention to shrink back. A fierce force in his body suddenly burst out, and the long gun speed is faster.


With a light sound, it was like a cocoon breaking out of its shell. All I saw was that the tip of the gun pierced Zhao Chengfeng's defense. The shield was smashed and the tip of the gun pierced directly.


Zhao Chengfeng knew that it was not good, so he quickly blocked it with Xuanyuan sword, but the purple golden dragon knight's long gun came down like Mount Tai.


The tip of the gun pierced Zhao Chengfeng's skin, and the bright red blood slipped out.

"You hurt me?"

Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly retreats, looking at a small blood hole in front of his chest, shocked. Unexpectedly, in the first round, he was hurt by the purple dragon knight. It's just a killing move to stop the breeze from blowing his face, but he even pierced his own skin!

You know, his body is mixed with the dragon ball. Zhao Chengfeng, who has a "dragon scale body", was hurt by the purple dragon knight. Although it didn't hurt the root, Zhao Chengfeng is still shocked!



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