On the wall, Pang Hu and other people's cry of surprise came.

"I'm fine!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Chengfeng stares at the so-called "purple golden dragon knight" in front of him. His brows are twisted. He is a master, a rare master.

Although it seems that the strength of zijinlong knight is not as good as Zhao Feitian, it brings a lot of pressure to Zhao Chengfeng, and the strength is too strong. Until now, Zhao Chengfeng can't figure out how he broke his own defense.

You know, on his own body, let alone ordinary pistols and rifles, aka 47 could not hurt himself. Unexpectedly, he was injured by a long gun and bled.

"What's hurting you? I'm going to kill you. " The purple dragon knight's mouth was filled with a sneer, and there was some pride in his smile.

Hum, what kind of God's son of a bitch? It's just like that. I can't take a move. If I attack continuously, I can kill him every minute.

"Boy, now you know that there are people out there, and there is a day out there."

Zhao Feitian got up and said with a smile: "if you don't want to die, you should kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy. Maybe Mr. Zijin can spare your dog's life. I can tell you..."

"You think it's all about you, the dog who sells for glory? Who's dog doesn't even know its own ancestors? " Zhao Chengfeng stares back coldly. Although he has suffered a little injury, he is not afraid and has no intention of flinching. As for kneeling to beg for mercy, don't even think about it. Zhao Chengfeng can't do this kind of thing.


Zhao Feitian's face, which was very proud of himself, was covered with frost in an instant. He was almost angry. Little bastard had ordinary Kung Fu, but his mouth could make people angry.

"Oh, it's tough. Don't you want to come down to my manor?" Purple dragon knight a little Leng, provocative like staring at Zhao Chengfeng chest wound, the corner of the mouth that smile more proud a few minutes.

"Paralyze you, watch the move!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, he suddenly made a mistake at his feet and started to move. He could no longer see Zhao Chengfeng's people. There was only a shadow left.

"To split Huashan!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly shot into the air, no fancy moves, only the body of the majestic gush of strength, strength in the full Xuanyuan sword that moment, red light all over the sky!


The sword, more than three feet long, fell down like a giant guillotine and cleaved to the purple dragon knight!

"A small skill of carving insects!"

The purple dragon knight's mouth is full of ridicule. He doesn't pay attention to Zhao Chengfeng's attack at all. He waves a long gun with one arm to meet him. The sharp point of the gun seems to pierce Zhao Chengfeng's whole body.


Speaking late, then fast, just at the moment when everyone raised their heart to their throat, they collided. The center of the two people was like the center of an explosion, rolling up the dust all over the sky.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

The purple dragon knight retreated as if he had been beaten by a huge wave.

"You're just like that. How powerful do you think you are? How can you be a knight It's Zhao Chengfeng who is speaking. With a sword, Zhao Chengfeng stands as steady as Mount Tai. He realizes a lot in an instant.

Purple Dragon Knight's strength is very strong, but it's only a simple strength and combat skills, but there is no energy in his body, so his attack power is reduced by more than half. Although "the breeze blows his face" is not weak, the power it sends out is too scattered after all, and the attack power of the purple golden dragon knight is also weakened. This is the reason why he can break Zhao Chengfeng's defense.

In a word, Zhao Chengfeng's fighting skills may not be as good as the purple dragon knight, but his strength is definitely higher than the purple dragon knight. Because the purple dragon knight has no strength, Zhao Chengfeng can't see through what strength he is, but only knows why he is so powerful.


He retreated more than ten steps in a row, and the purple dragon knight's long gun was pushed back. Then he stopped. But the blood in his body was surging, and he was extremely uncomfortable. He opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood came out, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Master, you are very good!"

"Boss, kill dog day!"

"The boss is powerful!"

When the zijinlong knight was defeated by one blow, there were deafening cheers on the city wall, among which Pang Hu jumped the highest and the happiest.

"Mr. Zijin, are you ok?"

Zhao Feitian's face is not so good-looking. He thought that the purple dragon knight could kill Zhao Chengfeng easily, and he would take revenge by the way and get back some interest. How could he know that he was defeated in the second round? And it looks like I've been seriously injured!

"Tut Tut, the dog also knows to care about his master, Zhao Feitian, you can." The purple dragon knight didn't say a word, but Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help sneering.

Zhao Feitian's face became ugly again. There was an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng, but Zhao Feitian knew very well that he was not his opponent before the arm was broken, and I'm afraid he was not his opponent after the arm was broken. Why don't he rush forward to seek death?

"Boy, you're fine. You hurt me." The purple dragon knight pushes away Zhao Feitian and wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. Surprisingly, there is no anger on the purple dragon knight's face, but a smile, a crazy smile.

"Now, it's time for you to see what I'm good at!"

As the voice fell, the purple dragon knight rushed up again. The speed was not fast, but every step seemed to shake the earth, releasing a strong sense of authority.

"What a brute force!"

Zhao Chengfeng brows slightly twist, in front of the purple dragon knight not only was not defeated, but the stronger the fighting spirit, at this moment to show the strength of a bit stronger.

What a freak!

"Just in time, I killed you!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not a vegetarian either. Although the purple dragon knight is strange, Zhao Chengfeng is also full of fighting spirit. As soon as his sword body shakes, red light suddenly appears, just like a tongue of fire stabbing the purple dragon knight.

"The sword comes out to seal the throat!"

As Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, the sword let out a "whew" sound, and the energy of the sword surged.


The two collide, making the sound of iron collision. Listen to the voice is not big, but two people are repeatedly retreat, this time each retreat five steps, just stop.

"It's a bit of a doorstep." This time it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn to be surprised. The killing area of the sword's throat sealing may be very small, but it's extremely lethal. Unexpectedly, it's blocked by the purple dragon knight.

It's rare to have such a powerful force without energy.

"Boy, you are not weak, but I will kill you today." The purple dragon knight's smile was more meaningful.

"Come again!"

Zhao Chengfeng stamped his foot and threw his long sword into the sky. His body was like electricity and burst out.

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