"You are so stupid, aren't you? If you can't hit it, blame me for running fast, right? " Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and said, "are you so weak? Do you want someone to stand up and let you fight? Idiot


Purple Dragon Knight heard this, immediately more angry, no longer before the calm.

"You are a fool!"

Zhao Chengfeng directly a word to accept back, heart said, small sample son, a little brute force don't know heaven and earth? Before, Zhao Chengfeng thought that he was stupid and used his strength to fight with the purple dragon knight. Now, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that the purple dragon knight is more stupid and can't speak in his head.

It's a fight of life and death, not a fight of strength.

If pure power can rule the world, what else can we do with reading? They all learn to wrestle.

"Well, if you want to die, I'll kill you!"

Zijinlong Knight's long gun grasps the sword on the ground and stabs Zhao Chengfeng in the throat.


Before Zhao Chengfeng finished speaking, the whole person disappeared from the original place again.


The dragon scale dagger is short and capable. It stabs the purple golden dragon knight under his armpit. After one stab, Zhao Chengfeng retreats quickly and revolves around the purple golden dragon knight to find the right opportunity to start.

"Whew, whew..."

Zhao Chengfeng's action is extremely fast, but the purple dragon knight is like a bull, roaring in place, waving a long gun, but there is no way to take Zhao Chengfeng. Zhao Chengfeng is like a loach that can't slip away in autumn. As soon as the long gun stabs, it disappears immediately, and even can't touch his clothes. On the contrary, the purple dragon knight was stabbed more than ten times by Zhao Chengfeng, and his body was bleeding, which was shocking!

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

There was great pain all over the body, which made the purple dragon knight roar and shake his spear and sweep out.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolds him, saying that the old boy is not stupid. If he sweeps out like this, he will sweep himself sooner or later. Zhao Chengfeng jumps out of the encirclement of the purple dragon knight.

"Zhao Chengfeng, I will kill you!"

When Zhao Chengfeng was forced to retreat, the purple dragon knight also stopped. Looking at the cut skin on his body, the smile on his face was more ferocious and terrifying. Never, never can anyone hurt themselves.

But today, Zhao Chengfeng not only hurt himself, but also made so many holes in himself. Counting the days, he hasn't been hurt for decades. The damned Zhao Chengfeng actually hurt himself.

"Don't beep."

Now it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn, "you are so short legged that you can't catch up with me. How can you kill me? Don't brag, idiot


Purple Dragon Knight heard this, almost not alive to angry, paralyzed, not rely on can run?

"You idiot!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned his head and patted the purple dragon knight's buttocks. He said with a smile, "come on, have the seed to beat me, you idiot, you can't catch me, short legged pig."

"Damn, master, this move is powerful. Is it farting for that guy?" When people on the wall saw this, Pang Hu couldn't help laughing.

Before, everyone was sweating for Zhao Chengfeng, but Zhao Chengfeng found the key to victory and used speed to kill the enemy. The effect was immediate. Look at the knife wound of the purple dragon knight, it's like a thousand cuts, not to mention how miserable it is.

"The boss's ability to adapt to circumstances is strong enough, but this guy has been stabbed so much, but his breath hasn't weakened at all. His strength is really good. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for the boss to beat him." Huisheng is not so optimistic, but looks a bit worried.

You know, standing next to the purple dragon knight is the king of the broken sky. Although Zhao Chengfeng defeated the king of the broken sky and even gave up the latter's arm, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Besides, there are more than 1500 well-equipped soldiers and lethal weapons behind them!

"Brothers, get ready to fight." Huisheng opens his mouth slowly, frowning.

"No, I think..." the blood monk thinks that Zhao Chengfeng has the upper hand.

However, in this flash of lightning, Zhao Chengfeng once again fought with the purple dragon knight, and Zhao Feitian also joined the battle circle!

"This is shameless, two people fight one!" Pang Hu gritted his teeth in anger.

"You guard the city, I'll go!"

With a lunge, ah long came down from the sky like a god of war, waving a huge cangyu sword with extraordinary momentum.

"Take my knife!"

If a long doesn't make a move, he has already made a move. Once he makes a move, it is a powerful "sword rain all over the sky", just like a meteor, falling rapidly.

"Hum, a small skill of carving insects!"

The purple dragon knight looked up and looked at him. With a touch of disdain in the corner of his mouth, he pointed his long gun at the falling ah long.

"Be careful!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "ah long, his speed is very slow, but his strength is very strong. Don't try to be tough with him!"

Being reminded by Zhao Chengfeng, ah long turns over in mid air, avoiding the point of the purple dragon knight's gun. Even so, his fierce spirit still stabs a bloodstain on ah long's neck.

"It's really strong!" A long touched the neck of some ache, in the heart immediately also valued a few minutes.

"Smelly boy, now your opponent is me, don't talk nonsense!" Zhao Feitian is very angry to see that Zhao Chengfeng has come to help and has escaped the fierce attack of the purple dragon knight.

"It's just a defeated general. You've been complicit with the Japanese. Why don't you learn from the Japanese to commit suicide by caesarean section?" Zhao Chengfeng gives Zhao Feitian a white look, but he doesn't like Zhao Feitian in his heart.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Feitian is very talented. His strength is many times stronger than Chen Yidao's at the beginning, but he has to be someone else's running dog, which is too unpromising.

"Smelly boy, you dare to look down on me and see if I don't kill you!"

Zhao Feitian was furious and attacked more fiercely.

"Dragon show power!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't keep his hands. He directly waved his fists, and his strength surged out of his body.


Zhao Feitian could not avoid it. He felt a strong attack on his chest.

"Kick, kick, kick!" After more than ten steps in a row, Zhao Feitian just stopped. His face turned pale. He was obviously shocked by Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

"It's only been a long time since I saw him. The strength of this smelly boy has become much stronger. How did he practice?" Zhao Feitian was shocked. For a moment, he hesitated to fight.

Go up, you will lose face. If you don't go up, the Purple Dragon Knight will be upset.


However, in Zhao Feitian's Kung Fu, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly made a mistake at his feet, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place.


All of a sudden, Zhao Feitian was on the alert.

However, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turns his gun and turns to the purple golden dragon knight. He and ah long attack each other and attack the purple golden dragon knight

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