
Zhao Chengfeng a burst drink, body shape like wind, fast as lightning.

"Mr. Zijin, be careful..." Zhao Feitian responded that the secret was not good and could not help shouting.

The purple dragon knight heard the words and turned back. At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng's hand flashed and a cold dagger thrust into the heart of the purple dragon knight.


The knight of purple golden dragon stopped for a moment and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. He couldn't believe it. He looked down at the dagger inserted in his heart, and a trace of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

"You, you killed me?"

"If you don't kill me, who will you kill? Idiot

Zhao Chengfeng pulled out the dagger with a "whew", and the blood shot out. The tiger body of the purple golden dragon knight was shocked, and the whole person seemed to be drained of life. He let the blood flow from the blood hole in his chest, but he was powerless.

"Mr. Zijin, are you... Are you OK, you..." Zhao Feitian was completely stupid. He never thought that Zhao Chengfeng actually killed the zijinlong knight.

And it's a clean knife, without the slightest drag! It's all happening so fast that people can't believe it.

"Do you even lose your IQ when you become someone else's running dog? Do you think he'll be ok? " Zhao Chengfeng gives Zhao Feitian a white look and gives a wink to ah long.

Ah long also understood and sealed Zhao Feitian's escape route. Zhao Chengfeng and a long will not let Zhao Feitian off such an excellent opportunity. The king of heaven has done a lot of evil in recent years. It's time for him to pay back.

"Asshole, you..." Zhao Feitian's face changed sharply, and the weather was uncertain.


However, at this moment, the purple dragon knight's life was exhausted, collapsed and fell to the ground. He had no breath and was unwilling to stare.

"Zhao Feitian, your master is dead. Do you want to find a new master?" Zhao Chengfeng stares at Zhao Feitian, full of energy, and has made plans to take action at any time.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you are very powerful, but this time you have a big disaster. Do you know the identity of the purple dragon knight?" Zhao Feitian ignored Zhao Chengfeng's humiliation. Instead, he sneered at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "this time, it's hard for you not to die!"

"As if you could live." It's ah long who is talking. Ah long thinks that the king of heaven may have a bad brain. When is he going to threaten people? Do you have a brain?

Zhao Feitian glances back at ah long, and is on guard. Yeah, I'm not in a good situation right now. Especially Zhao Chengfeng, who is strictly his nephew, is too strong and grows up too fast.

"Son of a bitch, kill my master, open fire, blow them up!"

At this time, amanba in the distance gave an order.

"Boom boom!"

The mountain rockets were launched one by one, shooting at Zhao Chengfeng and his three men one by one.

"Damn you!"

Zhao Chengfeng was surprised, a lunge around Zhao Feitian, grab a long to go, super lethal mountain rocket, he may be able to compete a little bit, but a long does not have that ability!

"Damn it, did you even kill me?" In the sound of the shell explosion, Zhao Feitian also roared, and his nose was crooked.

American people are not a thing, even their own people are killed!

"Fire, fire! Blow up jintari and avenge the old master! " Amanba roared in the distance, killing red eyes.


The swordsman of Dongcun takes a look at amanba, who is not angry to death. He sneers in his heart. What a bastard! Can't he boast at that time? Say how powerful your master is, and now what? Don't you think you're still killed by Zhao Chengfeng? It seems that the king of heaven is nothing, but he is the defeated general of Zhao Chengfeng.

However, after all, the United States is a big country, and Dongcun swordsmen still let their subordinates attack. After all, this is an opportunity to weaken Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

"Open fire, give me a hard hit, all the shells O'neick also roared. O'neick was very clear about the current situation. Since it was an alliance, it meant that both the winners and the losers would lose.

For a moment, the explosions rang out one after another, and the whole gintrey fell into panic again.


"My God, your grandma!"

Zhao Chengfeng and a long managed to escape back to the city of jintari. They couldn't help cursing and were paralyzed. They almost killed Zhao Feitian. There won't be such a good chance next time.

"I owe you another life." Ah long is very grateful.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Chengfeng white the latter one eye, have no good airway: "we or brothers?"? Is that interesting? Come on, hurry up to the wall and kill these bastards. We can't be beaten passively. "

Zhao Chengfeng muttered and ran to the city wall. After being attacked by this wave of hybrids for the first time, the wall was reinforced again, and the safety performance was greatly improved.

"Master, are you ok?"

"Boss, you..."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng and a long go up, they gather around.

"We're OK, you don't have to worry!"

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted the crowd and said, "the enemy is crazy now. We must make use of our advantages to give the enemy a cool heart."

Looking at the crazy enemy outside, Zhao Chengfeng is sweating for the gate of jintari. Can he carry it?

"Don't worry, boss!"

Yuduri said with a sneer: "if the enemy gets closer to 100 meters, I'll let them die and hurt a lot."

"Well? What do you mean Zhao Chengfeng frowned.

"We dug a trench from ficaman for nearly three tons of refined oil, and all the refined oil was buried in it. As long as they entered our encirclement, a fire would be ignited and they would be burned alive." Cui Hongjun next to him explained.

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "you are really extravagant. You should not pay for oil."

"There's no way. Who asked me to do this job?" Cui Hongjun shrugged and didn't care about Tao.

Admittedly, oil is very precious, but the lives of Zhao Chengfeng and others are more important. Cui Hongjun can tell which is more important.

"But don't worry, tell the brothers below, hold on for a while, don't worry, let's fight back later!" Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Wait, counterattack?"

The blood monk stopped Zhao Chengfeng and asked, "boss, what do you mean? Are we going to rush out and fight with the enemy? With all due respect, the enemy's firepower is much stronger than ours. We can't do anything about it. "

"Monk, monk, is the boss a mess? You think too much. " Huisheng light smile, to Zhao Chengfeng, Huisheng has been very confident.

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