"What do you mean? Why can't I understand? " The blood monk scratched his head and his face was muddled.

Zhao Chengfeng just wanted to explain, but he saw the distant artillery fire through the telescope.

"Here it is

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, "open the gate and encircle the enemy!"

"Boss, you..." the blood monk also wanted to say that Zhao Chengfeng was crazy, but he found that the sound of guns came from behind the enemy, and the enemy fell down in rows. He immediately changed his tongue and said, "Damn, boss, it's dumplings."

"Do not act when you understand?" Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look.


"Damn, I can't swallow this breath for a long time. Kill me!"

"Revenge for monk!"

When the gate of the city opened, all the millstone mercenaries were sent out, and even the people of Cui's Red Army were killed. For a moment, the scene was unprecedented.

"No, we're surrounded!"

The swordsman of the East Village took the lead to understand, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He rushed to amanba and said, "let's withdraw. We are surrounded. Their reinforcements are here."

Dongcun swordsman is a little worried.

"Withdraw what? Do it with me, kill them and take revenge for master! "

Amanba at this moment has fallen into a frenzy, he picked up the machine gun, a sweep.


At this time, the East Village swordsman no longer gave amanba any face. He waved to his own people and said, "let's withdraw. The situation is over. Withdraw!"

"Dongcun sword man, dare you?"

Amanba was so angry that he took up his machine gun and rushed to the East Village. The swordsman swept over.

"If anyone betrays, I will kill him!"

Once again, the scene was in chaos. Only the sound of guns and roars were heard, and blood spattered. One enemy after another fell down. Within ten minutes, the fighting stopped.

All the enemies died, and more than 1700 corpses fell in the pool of blood. It seemed that even the air was full of blood.

"Damn, I thought you were so powerful one by one. It turned out that bullets would bleed when they hit you." Zhao Chengfeng is carrying a machine gun with a sneer on his lips.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to kill, but sometimes he had to.

"It's a trend!"

"Chengfeng, are you ok?"

Zhao Chengfeng just finished a sentence, Shangguan Yan'er and Tang Wei, as well as Xiaochuan Liangzi came over, three women's bloody face, just obviously in a bloody battle. The three men divided into two groups to encircle the enemy, which had a surprising effect. But after all, they didn't bring many men and horses, and the total number of them was less than 400. The enemy responded quickly and began to fight back.

In the end, they resisted the enemy's counterattack, but also lost some brothers.

"It's hard for you. You've worked hard." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the three girls and was deeply moved.

Three women have forgotten their own safety, but always thinking about themselves, this friendship is too heavy, pressure Zhao Chengfeng almost breathless.

"OK, you go to take a bath first and have a good rest. I'll clean the battlefield with my brothers to see if there are any survivors." Zhao Chengfeng sent the three women back to the city and followed them on a tour.

"Don't leave anyone alive. Clean up the battlefield quickly, drag these guys out and bury them!"

Zhao Chengfeng roared, and everyone moved with him. Although the scene was bloody, it was a rare victory. Everyone had no fear but excitement.

Cleaning the battlefield, digging holes and burying bodies took several hours to complete. This is undoubtedly a golden age for Kingsley. In the evening, Zhao Chengfeng and others got together and had a good drink.

Of course, before drinking, we should sum up the fight.

"This battle tells us that the combat effectiveness of our soldiers is worthy of affirmation. However, there is still room for improvement. Don't be proud and continue to work hard." Zhao Chengfeng held his glass and said, "anyway, today is a good day. We have annihilated the enemy. This first glass of wine is for monk!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng's wine cup splashed the wine on the ground.

When it comes to munch, everyone's mood is down a lot. After all, they are brothers who share weal and woe with each other. Without Munch, there would be no iron grinding mercenary regiment, and there would be no jintari now.

Munch was just a bandit, but after all, he took people to build a city as big as jintari, which was his credit.

"I know it's hard for everyone, but that's part of the war!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "we have no way to change life and death, we can only do our best to protect ourselves, protect our family and friends, this is the duty of soldiers!"

"Ah long, youduri and Pang Hu. Next, jintari will be handed over to the three of you. You should protect our home!" Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes on the three people, full of expectations.

"People are in the city."

Ah long didn't talk much. He just picked up his glass and drank it. Pang Hu and youduri followed suit.

Zhao Chengfeng accompanied the three to a drink, and then said: "of course, there is another thing youduri must do immediately, that is, where and who these enemies were hiding before, we must find out clearly."

"Boss, don't worry. I will do it well. If I can't do it well, you can screw my head off as a chamber pot." Youduri patted his chest and assured that he felt guilty.

This time, the American manor, together with the Japanese and the Mafia, launched an attack on Kingsley. Originally, as long as we found the enemy's hiding place, there was no need to be so troublesome. In terms of the sneak attack, Zhao Chengfeng and other people were really experts, who could destroy a regiment without knowing it!

"Well." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and finally looked at Cui Hongjun and said with a smile, "Lao Cui, thank you. But if you don't say thank you, I really don't know how to drink this glass of wine with you, or wish our friendship forever?"

"You're so boring. Come on, don't say anything. Drink. I have to have a good drink today. It's so damn good. Come on With that, Cui Hongjun touched Zhao Chengfeng's glass, lifted a large wine bowl and drank it down.

Almost all the elder soldiers in the army are massive, especially Cui Hongjun. Although he is in an important position and has great responsibilities, few people dare to trouble him. When he has nothing to do, he practices and drinks. The amount of alcohol is quite frightening.

"Come on, let's have a drink."

Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, and everyone stood up.


After drinking, Zhao Chengfeng laughs, and his depression is swept away. This victory is really exciting.

It took about two hours to finish the meal. However, almost no one got drunk, except for Liangzi Ogawa, who didn't drink much after all.

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