"OK, just help me escort Weiwei and Liangzi to Beijing. I'll go directly to Beihai with Yan'er." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "I haven't seen the kid's grandson for a long time. I have to go and have a look."

"All right."

After the matter is settled, Zhao Chengfeng talks with Cui Hongjun for a few more words. After finishing cleaning up, Tang Wei, Liangzi Ogawa and Huisheng fly directly to the capital with the people from the capital military region; Zhao Chengfeng follows Guan Yan'er and flies all the way to Beihai city with people from the military region of southeast province.

"Well, it will take more than ten hours to get to Beihai. I'll sleep for a while, and I'm sleepy." On the plane, shangguanyan son feel eyelid fight like, head down to sleep.

"I'm going to sleep? That's not going to work

Zhao Chengfeng grabbed Shangguan Yan'er and said with a bad smile, "what did you say to me in the previous meeting? Have you forgotten?"

"Oh, Chengfeng, don't make trouble. I'm really sleepy." Shangguan Yan'er seems to think of something, with an embarrassed look.

"It's OK. Let's do something exciting."

As soon as the front and rear doors are closed, Zhao Chengfeng pours down Shangguan Yan'er directly.

"Oh, don't..." Shangguan Yan'er exclaimed, but in the end, she turned into a pander. On the top of the sky, there was another intoxicating sound.

No one knows how long the battle lasted, but Shangguan Yan'er walked unnaturally when she got off the plane.

"How's my waist?" Zhao Chengfeng sent the others away, followed Guan Yan'er into a taxi and went directly to the base of the dragon scale group.


Shangguan Yan'er's face turned red and her teeth itched. She was really angry, so she pinched Zhao Chengfeng's waist.

"Bad people!"

Zhao Chengfeng evil spirit smile, heart said: "men are not bad, women do not love it."

Zhao Chengfeng hasn't been here for a long time, but the kid is alone. Originally, the kid wanted to recruit two disciples, but now there are many men and women in the house. How many people can bear the boredom and loneliness?

"Boss, congratulations on your great victory. You are my boss. What a bull!"

As soon as he enters the door, the kid gives Zhao Chengfeng a thumbs up and wants a bear hug.

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng a stare, no good airway: "you dog day bath?"? Just want to hold me? Your left girl is dead. "

"Boss, you..." the kid was so embarrassed.

"Is there any news these days? Is there any trace of Lanxin?" Zhao Chengfeng found a chair to sit down, happily lit a cigarette and asked.

Zhao Chengfeng voice down, Shangguan Yan son also looked over.


The kid shook his head and said, "I have to stare for at least 14 or 5 hours every day, but..."

Voice down, the atmosphere suddenly dull a lot, especially Shangguan Yan'er's face instantly ugly a lot, muttered: "where will Lanxin go?"

"Boss, our intelligence is lagging behind, especially after watching the sky breaking intelligence system, I suddenly feel that I'm useless. Let's buy some satellite copyright." The kid said suddenly.

"Can't the intelligence system be used?"


The kid shakes his head and explains, "it's like a key. You have to connect to other people's network, but if they don't give you a password or a key, how can you get in? No access, no use. "

"Can't you come up with a device that's similar to cracking a wireless network password?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"Big brother, it's a satellite network, not our home or commercial network." The kid said with a wry smile: "our wireless network is free for you to use and toss. Anyway, it doesn't occupy much network speed. But the satellite network interface is much more advanced, which is so easy to crack? Moreover, even if we can crack the access, when others look at it, ah, no, it has been invaded. We can close it immediately and change the password. We can't get anything. "

"Er..." hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was in a dilemma. It was a big expense.

"Boss, think about it. Anyway, I think it's necessary..." said the kid.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, the kid didn't finish a word, but the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang. When he felt it, it was Chen Shuxian. Zhao Chengfeng frowned and felt strange.

Chen Shuxian is a very sensible woman. She knows that she is busy and never calls her. Even if she wants to call and say something about love, she sends a short message in advance to ask if Zhao Chengfeng is free. If Zhao Chengfeng didn't return the message, Chen Shuxian would never call.

Now I'm calling. There must be something wrong!

"Hello..." Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone.

"Godfather, come quickly. My mother and teacher Xin'er have been beaten. Come quickly." The voice on the other end of the phone is not Chen Shuxian, but Beibei's anxious voice.

"What? Got hit? Damn it

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng stood up from his chair and said, "wait, I'll be there soon. His grandmother's woman, who dares to beat me, is impatient."

Zhao Chengfeng puts down the phone and rushes out of the door, even forgetting to say hello to Guan Yan'er.

"This..." heard the roar of the car outside, Shangguan Yan'er just recovered.

One side of the kid holding a cigarette, light to a, "finished, Yan'er sister, the boss went out to give you a green hat son..."


Shangguan Yan'er knocked on the past with a big chestnut. She didn't have a good way: "work hard, where do you get so much nonsense?"

"I..." the kid was very depressed.


At this time, Beihai welfare home was in chaos. At least 20 trucks, all of which were 13 meter long trailers, and 20 or 30 young men, surrounded the welfare home.

"Mr. Zhu, you agreed to send your son to the welfare home, and we signed an agreement. Now why do you beat people?" Chen Shuxian touched his hot face and supported Tian xiner who was kicked with one hand. Her eyes were red and strong enough not to let tears fall.

Chen Shuxian is a strong woman, but she is only a woman after all. So far, she has never met such a person.


Zhu Dawang had a big stomach, and his face was full of flesh. His eyes were so crowded that there was only one crack left. He looked very ugly!

"I don't care if you have a contract. I'll ask you why you beat my son? Why is my son not obedient? Why did he do it? Ah Zhu Dawang growled and touched his son's head.

Zhu Dawang's son was at least 11 or 12 years old. He was sent to the welfare home because he was naughty and disobedient.

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