Before they were sent to the welfare home, the two sides signed an agreement that as long as they entered the door, as long as they did not do anything to hurt their children, parents could not interfere. But who knows, less than three days after Zhu Dawang's son Zhu Xiaobing was sent in, Zhu Dawang came with the people's Congress in full swing, and directly beat Tian xiner, the teacher in charge of Zhu Xiaobing.

When Chen Shuxian came to argue, he was also slapped. As for the security guards of the welfare home, they were all under control. For a moment, it was like the whole welfare home was under control. Chen Shuxian has a sense of helplessness.

"Son, where did this damned girl hit you?" Zhu Dawang took his son, pointed at Chen Shuxian and said, "where did she hit you?"


Chen Shuxian trembles with anger, but there is no good way. Working in a welfare home for so long has given Chen Shuxian a passion for life. She feels that it's worth working hard for her children. But today, Chen Shuxian felt aggrieved when he was pointed at by the nose. If he hadn't resisted, he was afraid that tears would have come down.

"What are you doing? It's reasonable for you to beat my son, isn't it? " Zhu Dawang is very arrogant, scolding: "paralyzed, and then beep beep, believe it or not, I will tear down the welfare home for you?"

Zhu Dawang thrusts his hands into his waist and sneers at the corner of his mouth. He doesn't care about this broken welfare home at all. If he demolishes it, he will do it. How can he do it?

"Dad, it wasn't she who hit me, it was her." Zhu Dawang's son Zhu Xiaobing pointed to the pale Tian Xin'er and said, "look, this palm is red for me."

Zhu Xiaobing stretched out his palm. Zhu Dawang saw that the palm of his hand was red, and his anger was even stronger. He said, "well, you stinky bitch, you dare to beat my son. I'll kill you."


Zhu Dawang came forward with a big mouth. Tian xiner was caught off guard. His face was solid and he was slapped. The blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

"No beating!"

Chen Shuxian stops Zhu Dawang and protects Tian xiner behind him.

"Motherfucker, get out of my way. I'm going to teach this bitch a lesson today. Damn it, if you don't get out of my way, I'll fight with you, damn it!" With that, Zhu Dawang spat thick phlegm on the ground.

And the side of Zhu Xiaobing is a face proud of looking at Tian Xin'er, said: "I told you, hit me you have to pay the price, now believe it?"

Tian Xin'er was silent, but she was wronged.

As a teacher, he naturally wants to teach his students well. As soon as he arrived at the welfare home, Zhu Xiaobing was mischievous and bullied the poor students in the welfare home. That's all. When he was young, he played a hooligan, took off his female classmates' pants and touched the girl's face and chest. Isn't that a hooligan? Can such a child do without education?

Therefore, Tian Xin'er called Zhu Xiaobing, but Zhu Xiaobing secretly called his father, which brought about the immediate disaster. Tian Xin'er doesn't feel that he is wrong, but he is wronged.

"Don't beat our teacher!"

"Don't beat our teacher!"

However, at this time, the children in the welfare home were all shouting, their faces were covered with tears, but they held hands and looked firm.


As soon as Zhu Dawang saw the situation, he became even more upset. He swore loudly: "you all shut up to me. A group of bastards who are forced to give birth but not forced to raise are not qualified to quarrel with me? Do you believe that I sent you all abroad one by one? "

Zhu Dawang was awe inspiring, and his roar made the children's necks shrink. After all, he was only a child. He lacked father's love and mother's love when he was young, and he was also timid.

"Well, I'm not afraid of you!"

However, at this time, a little boy stood up, pointed to Zhu Dawang and said, "if you want to beat our teacher, I will not let you go."

"Oh, you son of a bitch, you have a lot of guts." Zhu Dawang smell speech, sneer repeatedly, Yin compassion toward the little boy.

Chen Shuxian was shocked and said: "Liucheng, don't talk nonsense, go back quickly!"

However, Liucheng did not move, still staring at Zhu Dawang, eyes full of hatred.

"Tell me, why don't you let me go? You son of a bitch nobody wants Zhu Dawang wants to catch Liucheng, but Chen Shuxian stops him.

"Mr. Zhu, he is just a child. If you have anything to do with me, don't attack the child." Chen Shuxian stops Zhu Dawang, and her heart goes up to her throat.

If children are hurt, how can their conscience live?

"For you? Ha ha. "

Zhu Dawang touched his chin, looked at Chen Shuxian, and said, "well, your figure and face are really good. What, let's talk slowly in bed? Ha ha ha... "


When Chen Shuxian heard this, she almost didn't live to death. "You're shameless!"


Zhu Dawang put away his laughter, smashed his backhand with the palm of a bus, and scolded: "Grass Mud Horse, you don't want to be shameful, do you? Let you accompany me to bed, that is to look up to you! "

"You are a fool talking about dreams!"

Chen Shuxian gritted her teeth and said that it is absolutely impossible for an asshole to touch her body.

"Good. I'm crazy about dreams Zhu Dawang sneered and said, "the teacher of your welfare home hit my son. What do you say to do about this?"


Beibei suddenly rushed out and said to Zhu Dawang, "your son should be beaten. It's shameless! You beat my mother and teacher Tian? I tell you, my godfather won't let you go. I've just called my godfather. I'll come right away! "

"I called my elder brother, too, and he won't let you go!" Liucheng stands beside Beibei. Although she is just a child, she protects Beibei behind her and looks at Zhu Dawang fearlessly.

"Oh, yes."

Zhu Dawang was not angry, but laughed and said, "this broken welfare home is not bad. There are two kinds of guys who dare to challenge me."

"Mr. Zhu, if you don't want to say anything, you can give us an order. Our brother will drive directly to tear down this broken welfare home. What's the big deal?" Zhu Dawang's humanitarianism didn't agree with him.

"Yes, Mr. Zhu. Don't you lower your status by talking to these little bastards? Let's cut the crap and get to work. "


However, Zhu Dawang waved his hand and said, "no, just now they didn't say they called? Let's just wait and see what kind of bully they can find. "

"Mr. Zhu, you are joking. Can you be more powerful? You are the first freight forwarder in Beihai city. " The people behind Zhu Dawang are flattering.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Zhu Dawang humbly waved his hand, revealing five golden rings, just like a nouveau riche.

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