"For what? Godfather, are you stupid? "

However, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, Beibei immediately disagreed. Beibei said, "his son deserves to be beaten. This dead pig just beat his mother and teacher Tian. Why should we compensate him for such a big loss? Are you going to sign an unequal treaty of humiliation? "

"I..." smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng straight wipe cold sweat, this Ni son's brain hole is also no one, also humiliating? Thought it was the Qing Dynasty? The Qing Dynasty is dead, OK?

"Take it easy, little sister."

Jiangling suddenly understood Zhao Chengfeng's intention, touched Beibei's head and said with a smile, "your godfather is not stupid. You think, ah, you beat someone else's son, compensation once; But he hit your mother and your teacher, he has to make two compensation. That is to say, if we compensate him 10 million, he will have to accompany us 20 million. Do you understand? "

"Oh, I see."

As soon as Beibei's brain turned and his eyes were shining with gold, he got excited and said in surprise: "so, although our people have been beaten, they can make a lot of money, can't they?"

"In theory, it is." Jiangling nodded.

"Wow, it's good that you can make money even if you are beaten!" Beibei, with golden eyes, rushed to Zhu Dawang and said, "come on, fat pig, you slap me. You can give me money later."

"..." Zhu Dawang's face was very blue. He raised his hand, but he didn't dare to shoot it.

This slap is money. Until now, Zhu Dawang realized that Zhao Chengfeng is not a loser at all. A phone call sent 30 million yuan in cash in less than 20 minutes, while Wang Chenglin, the person in charge of Yida department store, can only pretend to be a grandson in front of Zhao Chengfeng. All kinds of signs show that Zhao Chengfeng is not an ordinary person.

"Beibei, you come back to me." Chen Shuxian is so angry that she drags Beibei back. She can't laugh or cry in her heart.

Money fans are money fans. They love money no matter when they come. It's not human flesh sandbags. Do you need to be beaten for money? There's no need at all.

"Mom, what are you pulling me for? Don't you see that a slap can make money? " Beibei doesn't care so much. He shouts to Zhao Chengfeng, "godfather, accompany him for 20 million, 30 million, and then he will give us 60 million. Otherwise, you can send tens of millions of dollars to him and make him lose his fortune. "

A group of people were completely amused by little Beibei. These little children are too smart.

"That's a good idea!"

Zhao Chengfeng thought deeply and said to Zhu Dawang, "why don't you wait for me a little longer and I'll ask someone to send some more money? Pay more for your son? "

"No, No."

Zhu Dawang pulled out an embarrassed smile from the corner of his mouth. He said that this time he was kicking the iron plate. He thought he was the rich owner. Anyway, he was worth more than 100 million yuan. Is it not a matter of hand to clean up a broken welfare home? Who knows, half way to kill such a tyrant, without saying a word, directly lost 30 million cash in front of us.

This is real gold and silver, not bragging!

Do you want to make a double loss? Although Zhu Dawang is a nouveau riche without culture, his brain is not stupid.

"Cough, that, that child, it's hard to avoid being naughty at school. It's also right to teach a lesson. I don't think it's necessary to pay for it. My son doesn't matter..." Zhu Dawang coughed, his face was a little unnatural.


Zhao Chengfeng reached out his hand and interrupted Zhu Dawang. He said, "you have to pay for it. How precious your son is. It doesn't make any difference if you beat your son and even the prince. If you spare us a humble life, we will be very grateful. But compensation is necessary. You can say a number, 10 million or 30 million, or 100 million. As long as you say a number, I will satisfy you! We'll talk about the compensation for your son. "

The "other" in Zhao Chengfeng naturally refers to the beating of Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner. How can Zhao Chengfeng tolerate others to bully his own woman?

"No, no, my son's no big deal." With that, Zhu Dawang poked his son and said, "here, you see, isn't it OK? It's OK. You don't have to pay for it. "

"It's all right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"It's nothing!"

"You really don't have to pay?"


Zhu Dawang now looks very grand, with a simple smile on his face. It's just that his atmosphere came too late.

"Since your son doesn't have to pay for it, let's talk about your beating the dean of the welfare home and the teachers of the welfare home." As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's words changed, his face was suddenly stunned. He looked at Zhu Dawang like a poisonous snake and said, "come on, how are you going to compensate? You have so much money, why don't you pay for it? "

"What do you mean?"

When Zhu Dawang heard this, he was not happy. "I won't let you pay for it. Do you want me to pay for it?"

"It's you who won't let us pay for it. It's not that we don't pay for it. It's not that we can't afford it. Can you blame me?" Zhao Chengfeng sneers.

"Hey, dead fat pig, don't you have money to pay for it?" Beibei followed and yelled. Seeing the dead pig, Beibei was angry. Hum, I dare to go to the welfare home to have a wild life before my godfather has money. I don't want to live, do I?

"Who says I have no money?"

Zhu Dawang's face was a little unnatural. He roared, "I won't pay for it. What can you do to me? Hum, it's good for me to let you go, but I don't have any way to ask for money! "

"So you're not going to pay for it? "That's it when you hit someone?" Zhao Chengfeng walked forward two steps, staring at Zhu Dawang, subconsciously squeezed his fist.

"That's right!"

Zhu Dawang's arrogance is still arrogant. Zhu Dawang thinks that I don't have as much money as you, but I have many people, and all of them are strong men. But the welfare home is almost all old, weak, sick and disabled. How can I fight with myself?

"What's the matter? You want to fight, don't you Zhu Dawang hummed coldly: "boy, don't think it's great to have a few stinky money. I'll tell you. Today, I've brought over more than 30 brothers. They are all good hands. If you are not afraid of death, just try to touch me."

Said, Zhu Dawang demonstration face to Zhao Chengfeng side together.

"Ha ha, so many people can be wild, right?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt that the dead fat pig was not an upstart at all, but a dog with mangy skin.

Before I saw that I had no money, I had to compare myself with money; Now that Zhao Chengfeng is rich, he has more people to compare with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Zhu Dawang, you are really killing yourself." Wang Chenglin shook his head.

"Shut up

Zhu Dawang glared at Wang Chenglin.

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