"One more word of nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll beat you up later?" Zhu Dawang stares at Wang Chenglin.

Zhu Dawang knows very well that since he can't afford it for the time being, he has an advantage in the number of people. If he doesn't obey, he will be beaten up.

"Zhu Dawang, you..." Wang Chenglin was so angry that he wanted to go up and talk to Zhu Dawang, but Zhao Chengfeng stopped him.

Zhao Chengfeng stepped forward and said, "you mean, who has more people and more money is the elder?"

"Of course."

Zhu Dawang was very proud and said: "boy, although you have some money, you have no one. If you want me to say, we are not strangers. It's better to expose it. Maybe we can become friends in the future. I......"


Zhao Chengfeng quickly called to stop, said: "I can't rise, also don't want such a friend, please don't disgust me."

Hearing the speech, Zhu Dawang's face suddenly sank and a ferocious smile appeared, "boy, don't be shameless. Can't you see the situation clearly? I have more people than you... "

"It takes a lot of people, doesn't it? Easy to do

This time, Jiangling still couldn't help but feel out the phone directly, "bring me more people, don't let me wait too long, oh, take a guy to do things."

With that, Jiangling directly put down the phone. After hanging up, he did not forget to see Zhao Chengfeng. Jiangling didn't understand. What did he say to a stinky upstart? Just put it out? Haw awkwardly for a long time did not solve the problem, and finally do not have to call their own people?

"..." Zhao Chengfeng was very depressed, and the girl knew how to show off. However, Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to say anything.

Zhao Chengfeng really wants to strangle Zhu Dawang, but he doesn't plan to do it in a hurry. Killing people is very simple, but tormenting people is a high-level thing. Zhao Chengfeng is to let Zhu Dawang feel despair bit by bit, and strangle him when he is most desperate and helpless.

"Oh, I'm so scared to call someone."

Zhu Dawang made a "terrible" appearance, but the words changed and said: "however, I'm leaving now. Even if you call people here, what can you do?"

Zhu Dawang is smart now. He used to joke that Zhao Chengfeng has no money. Now he has a strong fighting power. But Zhao Chengfeng is a rich man, and Jiangling is a tough woman. Maybe he can call a lot of people to come here. Zhu Dawang thought, "I'll give you a thirty-six stratagem. Even if you have money, there's no way for you.".

"Want to go? Don't you think it's too late? "

Zhao Chengfeng wanted to stop Zhu Dawang, but when he saw dozens of cars stopping from a distance, he was too lazy to move, especially when the Ferrari driver in front came down, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more brilliant.

"Damn, brother Zhao, you are here. What else can I do?" The visitor also saw Zhao Chengfeng and suddenly felt that his life was a little redundant.

"Brother, how did you come? I'm almost killed! "

Liucheng suddenly jumped out and ran to the comer. Yes, the comer is Liu Qinglong. Now the overlord of Beihai underground world is absolutely ruthless!

"Ah... Elder Liu..."

Zhu Dawang also found Liu Qinglong, surprised eyes almost fell out, looked at Liu Qinglong, and looked at Zhao Chengfeng, Zhu Dawang's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Zhu Dawang does have a few small money in recent years, and he has cultivated a lot of fierce people and ruthless characters. However, compared with Liu Qinglong, Liu Qinglong can kill Zhu Dawang with one finger.

"Pig, what are you doing here?" Liu Qinglong turned his head and saw Zhu Dawang. He was puzzled.

Liu Qinglong knew Zhu Dawang. In order to seize other people's coal mine, he found several people to help him. Now he is getting better and better.

"Big brother, he beat me and the dean and teacher of our welfare home." Liucheng came forward and said, "brother, you should deal with him quickly."


As soon as Liu Qinglong heard this, he raised his eyebrows. A trace of anger flickered between his eyebrows. Naturally, his fists were clenched and he looked tall and burly. "Big pig, you're so brave. Even my brother, you dare to fight?"

"No, boss Liu, it's a misunderstanding. I'm wrong." On hearing Liu Cheng's words, the cold sweat on Zhu Dawang's back came out.

There are fierce people in his own hands, but Liu Qinglong's people are more fierce. Let alone beating people, he killed a lot of people. They are the serious underworld. They are doing well.

"Misunderstanding? Ha ha. " Liu Qinglong burst out laughing.

"Boss Liu, don't..."


Without saying a word, Liu Qinglong slapped him in the past. The sound was clear and sweet. However, half of Zhu Dawang's face became red and swollen quickly, and Liu Qinglong's mouth made him stagger. You know, Zhu Dawang is a fat man of more than 200 Jin.

"Boss Liu, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."


However, Zhu Dawang repeatedly begged for mercy, but he didn't get Liu Qinglong's forgiveness. He raised his foot and kicked it in the past. The fat man of more than 200 kg fell to the ground in a mess.

"Misunderstanding, I'll give you a damn misunderstanding, come on, fight me, fight to death!"

Liu Qinglong can't be merciful. Although Liu Qinglong seldom cares about his younger brother, it doesn't mean that Liu Qinglong doesn't love his younger brother. When he hears that his younger brother has been beaten, how can he restrain himself?

"All right!"

Zhao Chengfeng stood up, stopped Liu Qinglong and frowned, "this is a welfare home. The children are watching."

Liu Qinglong suddenly responded and said with a smile: "it's my negligence. I'm wrong. Brother Zhao is considerate. "

Until now, Zhu Dawang saw that Zhao Chengfeng was not poor and hanged. He had money and contacts. Liu Qinglong was a bully in Beihai city. I'm afraid there are few people in Beihai City who dare not give Liu Qinglong face.

But Liu Qinglong was like a grandson in front of Zhao Chengfeng. Zhu Dawang knew that he had kicked the iron plate this time and he was sorry.

"Big brother, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..." now Zhu Dawang can't care about face. He kneels down in front of Zhao Chengfeng and asks for mercy. He looks pitiful with a runny nose and tears, but Zhao Chengfeng kicks the latter away.

Zhao Chengfeng said: "is it too late to apologize? Where is your arrogance? Don't you have a lot of money? Aren't you crowded? Come on, I'll stay with you till the end. "

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