"What? Is he arrogant in front of you? "

Liu Qinglong was a little surprised, but more shocked.

"Damn it

Liu Qinglong let out a loud drink and slapped Zhu Dawang again. Zhu Dawang's face was instantly covered with blood. His face was so swollen that it was no different from a pig's head. He looked rather miserable.

However, no one sympathized with him.

"Boss Liu, I..." Zhu Dawang was beaten for a while, and he was a little dizzy.

"I beat you to death, you son of a bitch. Open your eyes and see clearly. Brother Zhao, can you afford to offend me?" Liu Qinglong scolded, but also start, Leng is stopped by Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little unhappy. Although Liu Qinglong gives himself face, he doesn't want to fight in front of the children. He doesn't like to hit people, but sometimes he has to.

The children in the welfare home are still young. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want them to learn to solve problems with "fists". Now the national policy is still very good, but the following executors are just too dregs.

Zhao Chengfeng wants the children to study hard, protect themselves with science and knowledge, and become the pillars of the country in the future, not the scum like Zhu Dawang in front of them.

"Enough, I said. I'll take care of it." Zhao Chengfeng looks a little ugly.


Liu Qinglong said: "brother Zhao, don't you think I love you? You... "

"When I can use you, I'll handle it now." Zhao Chengfeng can't be angry with Liu Qinglong. Liu Qinglong is a good boy.

When Zhao Chengfeng was pursuing Liu Shiyun, Liu Shiyun didn't agree, but Liu Qinglong said a lot of good things for Zhao Chengfeng. The most important thing is that Liu Qinglong is Liu Shiyun's elder brother. If he doesn't give Liu Qinglong face, he has to give his own woman face.

"OK, do whatever you say. I'll smoke first." When Liu Qinglong heard this, he didn't talk much any more. He took out one and handed it to Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng took the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and squatted slowly in front of Zhu Dawang. His tone was flat and said, "you sent your son to the welfare home. No one forced you, did you?"

"No, no..." Zhu Dawang seemed to see the evil star. He didn't dare to look into Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, and even his voice was much smaller.

At this time, the drivers and thugs brought by Zhu Dawang all stepped back and did not dare to come forward. Although each of these people looks simple minded and well-developed, they are actually not stupid at all. On the contrary, they are very smart. Don't think about sharing weal and woe. It's good not to fall into the trap.

"Did someone force you to sign the contract?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"No, No." Zhu Dawang still shook his head.

"Well, good."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and asked, "your son is mischievous in the welfare home, bullying other students, peeping at other people's baths and lifting the skirts of female students. Do you think it's very right, right?"

"No, it's not, it's not."

Zhu Dawang shook his head and said, "it's his fault, it's his fault..."

Zhu Xiaobing was also frightened at this moment. When he heard that Lao Tzu said it was his fault, he was so scared that he didn't dare to go out. Although Zhu Xiaobing is very arrogant and bullies many people, he can tell who is strong and who is weak. If he wants to be arrogant at this time, he is just looking for a fight.

"Is it wrong for the teacher in the welfare home to beat your son?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"No, it's time to fight."

"Since it's time to fight, why do you bring people to the welfare home to make trouble? Beat the teacher, beat the dean? " Zhao Chengfeng's eyes sank, "why?"


Zhu Dawang's face suddenly became ugly. No matter how he answered, he couldn't answer.

"Say, you're dumb, aren't you?" Liu Qinglong was impatient and his eyes glared.

"I, I don't love my child? So... "Zhu Dawang shivered and faltered. Xu's face hurt and he didn't speak very clearly.

"Your children are human, but the teachers in the welfare home are not? Is the president of the welfare home not a human being? Are the children in welfare homes not human Zhao Chengfeng repeatedly asked, the anger in his heart was also hooked up again.


Zhu Dawang lowered his head in shame.

"Well, let's leave the matter aside, and I'll ask you again." Zhao Chengfeng took two deep breaths, which suppressed his anger and said: "if you beat your son, we'll pay for it. We'll pay for it as much as we want. You don't accept it. Now I want to ask you, what are you going to do if you beat our teacher, beat our dean and bullied our children? "

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Zhu Dawang repeatedly apologized, his head almost fell to the ground and kowtowed.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

Zhao Chengfeng laughs at his words. I'm sorry. Is it useful? At least now, no matter how much sorry Zhu Dawang says, it's useless. Some mistakes can be made up for, but some are costly.

"I remember you said that if you have money, you can bully, beat or even kill people. Am I right?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"I, I said..."

"But I took out the money, and you don't want to compensate, and depending on your large number of people, you refuse to apologize, refuse to admit your mistake, and still arrogant and domineering, am I right?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Do you have anything else to say now?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked.

Zhu Dawang opened his mouth. At last, he shook his head and said nothing.

"Since there is nothing to say, let's find a place to settle the accounts slowly." Zhao Chengfeng stood up and said to Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner, "go back and have a good rest. I'll come to you after I finish my business."

"Chengfeng, don't..." Chen Shuxian frowned slightly, worried.

Chen Shuxian knows too much about men. If he doesn't do it, he won't do it. But once he does it, it's absolutely fatal. Chen Shuxian also doesn't want to know what Zhao Chengfeng is. He just wants a man to be safe all his life.

"Don't worry, I know it." Zhao Chengfeng smiles faintly.

"No, no, brother, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

Zhu Dawang seemed to think of something, and once again climbed to Zhao Chengfeng's feet, "brother, don't hit me, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong..."

"Now I'm sorry, don't you think it's a little late?"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head. At this moment, many people came back again. Seven or eight buses came. As soon as the door opened, two or three hundred people in black came together.

"Boss Jiang, I'm sorry we're late." The head of the man in black strode to Jiangling and bowed his head.

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