"Ah... So many people..."

Zhu Dawang heard the voice, looked up and looked around, and finally knew what kind of existence he had provoked. Not only Zhao Chengfeng is a fierce man, but also Liu Qinglong is a fierce character.

Now I can't even compare with a woman. I just need Jiangling's order to trample Zhu Dawang to death!

"Don't you say that the man with more people is the master? Now you know... "Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Zhu Dawang and sneered at him.

Many things have the opportunity to regret, but some things can not regret.


Zhu Dawang's eyes darkened and he fainted.

"Useless fool!" Liu Qinglong couldn't help kicking, a look of disgust.

With this courage, I'm still a coal boss. I'm dead.

"Boss Jiang, you asked us to come here. This is..." the head of the man in black stood beside Jiangling and did not dare to look at Jiangling's face.

Jiangling's complexion is really not good-looking. It's too slow to come. Besides, there are not many people coming. It's only two or three hundred people. Its aura is too weak. It doesn't conform to the temperament of itself and its men at all.

"Listen to what he says. He can do whatever he wants you to do. Even if he wants you to jump into the sea, he has to jump for me!" Jiang Ling said.

The man in black quietly wiped his forehead with sweat and said, "who is this man?"?

"Come on, let them all go back. It's not something that can't be solved. Why do so many people come here?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head speechlessly. He has also convinced Jiangling. How can he learn to fight with others?

Before Zhu Dawang said that there were many others, Zhao Chengfeng could give the 30 million yuan to Zhu Dawang's subordinates, and let them fight back and kill their masters. Zhu Dawang was right. There are few things that money can't solve these days. At least, it's enough to buy these weeds.

But Jiangling was so good that he made a phone call and got two or three hundred people. They all looked manly, not to mention Zhu Dawang. Even Liu Qinglong was a little hairy.

"This..." the head of the man in black was embarrassed, and it was a little superfluous for him to bring people.

"What is this, this?"

Jiangling didn't have a good way: "didn't you hear me? I told you to go away? What are you doing here? Get out of here. Don't hang around here. Get out of here... "

"Yes, boss Jiang."

People in black see that Jiangling is not very good-looking. It's better to take people away than to stay here and be scolded. Although Jiangling is a woman, she is more ruthless than a man.

"Let your people take this dead pig away, and I'll come and chat with him later." Zhao Chengfeng turns back and rushes to Liu Qinglong.

"Well, don't worry. I will take good care of him." As soon as Liu Qinglong heard this, he knew what Zhao Chengfeng was going to do, and a grim smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Well, go ahead."

Zhao Chengfeng waves his hand and sends Liu Qinglong away. Liu Qinglong has no conscience. Before he leaves, he doesn't say hello to his younger brother Liucheng, so he turns around and leaves.

"Then I'll go, too?" Jiangling sees Liu Qinglong's people leave and looks at Zhao Chengfeng. His eyes fall on Chen Shuxian and Tian xiner intentionally or unintentionally, with a sour smell in his heart.

"Come on, do your own business." Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and even Jiangling dismissed him.

"All right."

Although Jiangling was a little jealous, he didn't show it too clearly, let alone say it. Jiangling was very clear about a man's "ability". He had a lot of women, but his ability was strong enough.

A sensible woman, just don't care too much.

"Mr. Zhao, I'll go too. If you need anything, just call me. I'll be on call." Wang Chenglin also said hello to Zhao Chengfeng and left with Jiangling. They still have some work to talk about.

Of course, the Qian Jiangling on the ground didn't take away. Instead, he left it for the welfare home to build.

Soon, the original group of people, vehicles, instantly disappeared without a trace, the scene suddenly deserted a lot.

"Students, go back to class, all good obedience ah, no naughty." Chen Shuxian shouts to the children watching.

After a while, the children are urged by the teachers to return to the teachers, leaving Zhao Chengfeng, Tian xiner and Chen Shuxian.

"I'm sorry to make you suffer." Looking at the faint red seal on the two women's faces, Zhao Chengfeng is extremely distressed and more remorseful.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng felt that even the rich could not help taking the welfare home. But he did not expect that Zhu Dawang, such a tyrant, came out and brought people directly. His favorite people were beaten.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Shuxian shook his head and said, "let's go to the office."


After the three enter the office, they feel a lot more casual. Zhao Chengfeng touches Chen Shuxian's face and takes Tian xiner to have a good check. Both of them are OK. Zhao Chengfeng is relieved.

"The plan of metamorphosis will not be carried out. I don't want to hurt you." Zhao Chengfeng stuffy lit a cigarette, feeling even more sad than he was bullied.

"No, this kind of disobedient children and unreasonable parents are in the minority after all. For the sake of the children, we have nothing to suffer." Tian Xin'er shakes her head. Although she still has some grievances in her heart, she still insists on the plan of "Metamorphosis".

It's not to increase the income of welfare homes, but to make more children have good habits, have a good future, and become useful talents in the country in the future.

"Yes, it's popular. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. I have nothing to do with Xin'er." Chen Shuxian also said: "there are sacrifices in doing anything, and with this lesson, we will be careful in the future."

"How to be careful?"

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "you two are too kind. Don't you understand the truth that people are good and are bullied? I don't want you to be bullied! "

"Isn't there you?" Chen Shuxian is laughing now.

Yes, it's hard to be bullied. Seeing that men care about themselves so much and see that men fight for themselves, Chen Shuxian's heart is very warm. Maybe this is love.

"But I can't accompany you every day, I..." Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly.

If you can, why don't you want to keep a woman's side all your life and live a stable and happy life without waves? Although it's plain, it's warm and has a sense of home.

"We can recruit a lot of security guards." Chen Shuxian relieved: "don't worry, it's really OK."

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