"Well, I see. I'll slowly transfer my business and do some serious business." Liu Qinglong also knew that this line of work has not been long, heavily nodded.


Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much, so he began to drink. As Zhao Chengfeng expected in advance, Liu Qinglong soon fell down. After all, in terms of drinking, Zhao Chengfeng never met an opponent.

When Zhao Chengfeng came out of Liujia villa, it was already one o'clock in the morning. On Jiangcheng Avenue, there were not many people, or even a few cars, so it was very lonely.

Although Jiangcheng Avenue is a villa area and a rich area, there are not many rich people after all. Zhao Chengfeng didn't drive or take a taxi, so he strolled and walked to the villa on Jiangcheng Avenue. When he looked up, he was in a bad mood.

This is my home, which belongs to me and Xia Bingbing. Unfortunately, I'm still here, but Xia Bingbing doesn't know where to go.


With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng squats at the door of the villa and sits down. He really has no courage to go into the house and have a look, because Zhao Chengfeng is afraid of seeing things and thinking of people. It's not that Zhao Chengfeng is hurt, but that he habitually buries his missing in the deepest part of his heart.


A car lights up from afar, a red Maserati stops in front of Zhao Chengfeng, and then a beautiful and sexy woman comes down.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why are you here?"

They almost spoke in the same voice, and saw doubts and surprise in each other's eyes.


The woman snorted heavily, smelling the strong alcohol smell on Zhao Chengfeng's body, Xiumei slightly frowned, and said coldly, "can't I come to the place where my cousin once lived to have a look?"

"Of course." Zhao Chengfeng moved a little to the side and made way for he Yongfei.

Yes, it's he Yongfei.

"If you can't find a woman of your own, you're going crazy here, aren't you? It's hopeless However, he Yongfei didn't mean to go in, just hummed coldly.

Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth to explain something, but when he got to his mouth, he swallowed it all, leaving only a bitter smile.

"Go back and rest early."

After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and left unsteadily.

He Yongfei looked at the lonely back of the man, some pain in the heart, but still did not say anything, let the man leave. In he Yongfei's opinion, if Zhao Chengfeng is not stimulated, he will not try to find it, although it is cruel to him.

Zhao Chengfeng wandered all the way, and finally he couldn't find a place to go, so he went to Longlin station.

"Shit, boss, are you going to get drunk? Or go to the bar to hook up with sister failed, how sad face ah? " As soon as the kid opens the door, he sees Zhao Chengfeng, who is in great distress. He still has a pungent smell of alcohol. He can't help laughing.

However, without saying anything, Zhao Chengfeng went upstairs to sleep. Fortunately, Shangguan Yan'er didn't rest here because she had something to do. Zhao Chengfeng just got up from bed after sleeping in the sun.

"Damn, how long have I slept?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head hard, but he felt a bad headache.

It's not because of drunkenness, but because there are too many things to think about. In other words, if there are too many sad things, people will suffer.

"Didi... Didi..."

Before Zhao Chengfeng had time to rub his eyes, the phone rang, with the word "Jiangling" flashing on it. After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng picked it up. His voice was a little tired and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

"Let me guess, were you sucked dry by some woman and still lying in bed?" The charming and moving voice of Jiangling came from the other end of the phone, and the bones of the people listening to it were almost crisp.

However, this time, Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel too much. He didn't have a good way: "if you have something to say, if you have a fart, please let it go. I'm in a bad mood now."

That's right. After a whole night, Zhao Chengfeng is still thinking about Xia Bingbing. At the same time, he is also thinking about whether he is a worthless person or not? Is that true?

"All right."

Jiangling heard that the man was in a bad mood and said, "there's an accident on Hong Kong Island. Maybe you need to go there."

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to Hong Kong Island to talk about cooperation? Why don't you just go and deal with it? " After listening to Zhao Chengfeng, there was not much emotional fluctuation.

"Zheng's group went bankrupt in the hands of Zheng Lingyan." Jiangling road slowly.


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to be struck by thunder. The whole person suddenly came to the spirit and said: "how can this happen? How can Zheng's group go bankrupt? "

Zhao Chengfeng had to be surprised. It's true that the old man of the Zheng family died, and the Zheng group collapsed. But as the saying goes, "a thin camel is bigger than a horse". What's more, Zhao Chengfeng injected hundreds of millions of funds in his later period. In just a few months, how could he say that he was bankrupt? Zhao Chengfeng can see that Zheng Lingyan is very capable. Even if the company doesn't make money, it won't go bankrupt.

"Believe it or not, that's the truth!"

Jiangling continued: "according to the information I got, Zhang Feng, Zheng Lingyan's most trusted finance minister, took away all the company's money. Now he has run away. In desperation, Zheng Lingyan chose to go bankrupt and even sold her house. "

"How could that be?" After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, and all his sleepiness disappeared.

You know, Zheng group's heyday, but not weaker than the existence of Jiang Group, but almost overnight, all gone. This is incredible!

"No why."

Jiangling sighed on the other end of the phone: "shopping malls are like battlefields. No, in my opinion, shopping malls are more cruel than battlefields. Some people can do anything for money."

"Then why don't you go to Hong Kong Island and help Zheng Lingyan?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, a little unhappy.

Since Jiangling knows that Zheng Lingyan is in trouble, she should take the initiative to help. After all, everyone will be sisters in the future. It is not conducive to unity if we do not help each other.

"Do you think it will work if I go?" Asked Jiang Ling.

Zhao Chengfeng said nothing.

"There is a contradiction between you and Zheng Lingyan, and this is a good opportunity for you to resolve the contradiction. Don't miss it." Jiangling then said, "if you need anything, you can call me at any time."

"I'll go to Hong Kong Island at once."

Zhao Chengfeng also thinks that the contradiction between himself and Zheng Lingyan has to be resolved. Although they don't have deep feelings, when they sleep, Zhao Chengfeng has to be responsible. He puts on his pants and doesn't admit it. That's not Zhao Chengfeng's style.

"Good luck, boo!"

Jiangling charming voice once again, across the phone a kiss.

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