The autumn wind is bleak on Hong Kong Island in October.

"Xiao He, you go back. I'm not your boss from now on. Oh no, I'm not your boss from yesterday. This is all my property. It's your salary this month. Take it. I'm not a good boss. I'm sorry." On the rainbow bridge, two women are saying goodbye to Zheng Lingyan.

Rainbow bridge is the largest and most prosperous bridge on Hong Kong Island. There are a lot of vendors on it, selling some trinkets. It's very lively.

"Zheng Zong, don't, you..." Secretary Xiao He looks at a strong girl who is no more than two years older than himself, secretly saying that her fate is unfair.

As an orphan, Zheng Lingyan is undoubtedly lucky to be adopted by the richest man on Hong Kong Island; But Zheng Lingyan is extremely unfortunate, because her favorite grandfather died, so big company to her a girl strong support.

It's true that Zheng Lingyan is an extremely capable woman and has great investment vision. Unfortunately, her heart is sinister. After all, Zheng Lingyan is too kind-hearted and easy to trust people, so the company collapsed. All the money in the account was taken away, leaving only a shell company with tens of millions of foreign debts. When the creditors came to the door, Zheng Lingyan could only declare the company bankrupt.

Because the bank is no longer lending!

Now Zheng Lingyan is no longer the president of any company. She can't even find a place to eat her next meal because her home is gone. The villa, which was admired by countless people, was also mortgaged to the bank.

How can Xiao He have the heart to take Zheng Lingyan's handbag? That's a limited edition Lv. Even second-hand goods are worth tens of thousands of yuan.

"Take it. I have nothing to give you. Goodbye!" Zheng Lingyan couldn't help but put her hand bag into Xiao He's arms and turned to leave.

Autumn wind blowing, curled up women's black hair, looks very beautiful, but, in the eyes of the river is more depression.


Xiao He wanted to catch up with her. Finally, she thought about it and gave up. At this time, she should be quiet. Isn't it more exciting for her to go forward?

But now Zheng Lingyan has no fear of any stimulation, has nothing, will care about what? Maybe the one who cares most is my grandfather. Thinking of her grandfather, Zheng Lingyan suddenly thought of a place.

Half an hour later, Zheng Lingyan appeared at Jiulongshan cemetery, the largest cemetery on Hong Kong Island. Because it was autumn, Jiulongshan cemetery was more and more desolate. Yes, this is the place. Will most people come?

If Zheng Lingyan went to Jiulongshan cemetery alone on weekdays, she would be afraid. But now, Zheng Lingyan has let go of everything and is not afraid of anything.

"Grandfather, I came to see you."

In front of a luxurious tomb, Zheng Lingyan squatted down and presented a bunch of flowers with a bitter smile on her lips.

"Grandfather, I'm sorry, I can't keep the Zheng group you left me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Granddaughter, I can't... "With that, Zheng Lingyan shed two lines of tears on her face.

When autumn wind blows again, Zheng Lingyan takes out a few bottles of wine from a plastic bag. This is the wine Zheng Lingyan bought with her mobile phone. It's a very cheap Erguotou. After unscrewing the cover, she pours a mouthful. The hot feeling spreads from her mouth to her abdomen, and the whole person loses the coolness.

However, although Erguotou is strong, Zheng Lingyan is more and more energetic.

"Grandfather, you have raised me for more than 20 years, but I can't say a word of thanks. Now I have to say sorry in front of your grave to spare your dream. Do you regret that you've lost your sight? Yes, you should regret that I failed to live up to your expectations for me. Over the years, even if you raise a pig, you will gain something. Unfortunately, you adopted me, which brought you a miserable end when you were full of children and grandchildren... "

"I know I'm sorry for you. In the past, I always felt that I had the ability to carry forward the Zheng group. But later, I found out that I was wrong. I didn't know how ridiculous I was until now. Your hard-working foundation was destroyed by me. I have nothing to repay you. If I can, I think it's the next life, In the next life, I'll be an ox and a horse for you... "

"Bang Dang!"

After drinking a bottle of wine, Zheng Lingyan smashed the bottle, picked up a piece of glass and cut it to her wrist


At this time, a small stone flew over, hit Zheng Lingyan's wrist, and the glass fragment fell to the ground.

"Who? Who is it? Can't you let me die? " Zheng Lingyan roared, a feeling of crying without tears.

"It's easy to die, because everyone who comes to the world will not leave the world alive. It's no big deal to die. But it's not easy to live well! "

A rather magnetic male voice sounded behind Zheng Lingyan. Zheng Lingyan didn't look back, but her body trembled when she heard the voice, because Zheng Lingyan knew who was coming.

A man who makes himself love and hate -- Zhao Chengfeng!

In fact, it's a bit exaggerated to say love. In Zheng Lingyan's opinion, if it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, she would not have taken over Zheng's group, and the next series of things would not have happened; But at the same time, without the existence of Zhao Chengfeng, Zheng Lingyan could not see that people were sinister and ugly, and could not live until now.

"You keep saying I'm sorry for your grandfather. Are you worthy of me to die like this?" Yes, it's Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng flies over from Beihai City, but when he gets off the plane, he can't contact Zheng Lingyan any more. The only place Zhao Chengfeng thinks Zheng Lingyan may come is Jiulongshan cemetery.

Because for Zheng Lingyan, the most grateful person and the closest person in her life should be Zheng Laozi.

"Yes, I'm sorry for you. I still owe more than one billion yuan. Unfortunately, I can't pay any more. Let me die..." Zheng Lingyan didn't look back, but she was trembling in her heart.

Zheng Lingyan did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng would appear here. Did he come to care about himself? No, not anymore.

"Money? Ha ha, I really don't care. " Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head. If Zhao Chengfeng really likes money, he doesn't have to do anything. He just grabs it.

"What do you care? Don't say you care about me. " Zheng Lingyan didn't want to ask, but she couldn't help it. She unscrewed another bottle of wine and drank it again.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman's back and sighed: "I don't care about you, but I care about my woman, so I came."

"Your woman?"

Zheng Lingyan's heart suddenly trembled.

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