His woman!

Simple four words, but let Zheng Lingyan's heart in this moment have to rely on, at least, there are people thinking about themselves, care about themselves.

"Are you not my woman?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Zheng Lingyan did not look back, just asked: "do you have feelings for me? Sorry, I have no feelings for you. Although you have helped me a lot and moved me, I have no feelings for you. "

Whether moved or touched, Zheng Lingyan chose to face her heart.

"In fact, I have no feelings for you, at least I haven't fallen in love with you, although you are very beautiful." Zhao Chengfeng said truthfully, sat down opposite Zheng Lingyan, lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

Wen Yan, Zheng Lingyan's heart seems to be pulled by something, some pain, "you didn't fall in love with me, why do you say I'm your woman?"

"Because I have slept with you, you are my woman, I have not fallen in love with you, but I have the responsibility to take care of you, so that you will not be hurt." Zhao Chengfeng's voice is not big, and he can't see any sadness or joy in his expression. He just lightly puffs the smoke.

"But I feel that you are giving me alms and pitying me." Zheng Lingyan is a little excited. She feels that she is not respected. Instead, she feels that Zhao Chengfeng is humiliating herself.

Because of sleeping, is that his woman?

"You're showing your sense of responsibility in front of me, showing you're a man, aren't you?" Zheng Lingyan roars at Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly. He was neither angry nor angry.

"If roaring can solve the problem, then the donkey has dominated the world."


Zheng Lingyan was scolded by Zhao Chengfeng again. He actually called himself a donkey.

"Also know anger, prove that your heart has not completely died, since the heart is unwilling, why choose to end their own life?" Zhao Chengfeng asked again.

"I don't care about my business!" Zheng Lingyan said coldly, don't look at Zhao Chengfeng's face.

"I don't want to, but I can't help myself."

With a long sigh, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt a little tired, really a little tired. A lot of times, Zhao Chengfeng is also thinking, what is the purpose of living?

Some people say it's for money, but now Zhao Chengfeng is rich, let alone the richest man in China. It's not difficult to become the richest man in the world, but he is not happy because he has money;

Some people say it's for power. However, although Zhao Chengfeng has no official rank, ordinary officials really don't embarrass him. Even the big leaders like him very much. If there's anything to do, he doesn't feel happy because of his power;

There are also people because of women. If men don't play with women, they go to the world in vain and grow the thing in their crotch in vain. Can tell the truth, Zhao Chengfeng beauty into the cloud, each is the best, but Zhao Chengfeng did not have because of their own beauty and happy, and proud.

Finally, Zhao Chengfeng summed up the responsibility. Men, they have to take responsibility!

"Well, what's the matter with you? Aren't you rich? And if you want to have a relationship, why can't you help it? " Zheng Lingyan hums coldly, always feels that Zhao Chengfeng is laughing at himself.

"You only see the surface."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed: "every smiling face has a tearful face behind it. What we see is not necessarily true. "

"You're trying to tell me you've had a hard time, aren't you?" Zheng Lingyan still sneers.

"If people know what's going on in drinking water, why should I tell others how I feel? Do I live for others?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"..." Zheng Lingyan was stunned when she heard that she didn't know how to answer Zhao Chengfeng.

Because Zhao Chengfeng's words, solid solid hit Zheng Lingyan's heart, a good sentence "such as people drinking water, warm and cold know", tells how many people have the bitterness can not be said.

Is it not that the man in front of you really has a story?

"Drink this bottle of wine and have a good rest. Tomorrow is another day." Zhao Chengfeng's voice rises again. He snuffs out the cigarette end, lights up another cigarette and starts to smoke.

"What do you mean? Don't you even let me die? " Zheng Lingyan is very upset. This feeling of uncontrollable fate is really boring.

"If death can solve the problem, then there will be no one in the world, because everyone will encounter this or that kind of difficulties. Do we all have to die?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, "are you worthy of Mr. Zheng, who cultivated you? Don't you want to take back what you've lost? "

Zheng Lingyan is silent again. How can she not want to take back everything? Unfortunately, how can we fight for it? What to fight for?

"To live is to practice hard."

Zhao Chengfeng then said, "I'll give you two billion yuan. You can get back everything that belongs to you. I'll give you two years!"

"What? You give me two billion? "

Zheng Lingyan was shocked again. The man in front of her was two billion, two billion. If you don't like it, the original Zheng group didn't dare to say it and just took out two billion.

But in Zhao Chengfeng's words, two billion is as easy as twenty yuan.

"Don't look at me like that. I know I look pretty." The haze on Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly disappeared. He grinned and showed a row of white teeth. He looked very clean.

Zheng Lingyan blushed and spat in a low voice: "it's really thick skinned."

"If you give me so much money, aren't you afraid that I'll run away with it? You know, these two billion dollars are enough for me to eat, drink and play in any country in the world Zheng Lingyan is very curious.

At the beginning, the Zheng family offended Zhao Chengfeng's brother. In order to avenge his brother, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to take all the property of the Zheng family. In the end, he was stopped by Mr. Zheng, saying that he would only pay 2 billion yuan, but the 2 billion yuan would be paid in a year.

But now if we count the two billion yuan, Zhao Chengfeng has invested more than three billion yuan, even without a blink of an eyebrow. Since he is so willing to spend money, why did he let the Zheng family lose money at the beginning? It doesn't look like he's the one who's short of money.

"Just run away. Who wants you to be my woman? My woman took my money and ran away. I have nothing to say. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugs and doesn't care.

If money can be exchanged for what he wants, Zhao Chengfeng would rather go begging on the street with no money.

"You are a strange man."

Zheng Lingyan looks at Zhao Chengfeng in front of her and suddenly finds that she can't see him through at all. He is like a fan. The more she wants to know him, the more confused she is.

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