"Am I surprised?"

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "is it wrong for me to treat my own woman better?"

"But you said, you don't love me, at least you haven't fallen in love with me, and you don't have feelings for me. Why are you so kind to me?" Zheng Lingyan kept asking questions.

Very moved, Zhao Chengfeng can stand up at this time, but also feel uncomfortable, always feel that this is a handout.

"I said that, because you are my woman." Zhao Chengfeng stares at the woman.


Zheng Lingyan opens her mouth and finds herself speechless.

"Have you finished? It's time for us to go home. " Zhao Chengfeng watched the woman finish the last sip of wine, stood up and stretched out his hand to the woman.

Zheng Lingyan hesitated a little, but she still held out her hand and let Zhao Chengfeng pull her up.

"I have no home..." Zheng Lingyan looked at the prosperous Hong Kong Island. With a long sigh, her heart filled with infinite loneliness, as if she had become an orphan overnight.

Not an orphan, there is no way to experience that kind of mood.

"With me, you have a home. I'm here, home is here. "

Zhao Chengfeng took the woman's hand and went down. Zheng Lingyan was shocked by Zhao Chengfeng's words. To be exact, she was moved by Zhao Chengfeng. Does he mean to give her a home?

Zhao Chengfeng drives the car down the mountain and finds Zheng Lingyan secretly looking at himself in the rearview mirror. Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says nothing. In the end, Zheng Lingyan fell asleep on the back seat.

"Ah, it's another hard-working child."

See the woman fell asleep, Zhao Chengfeng and lit a cigarette, there is not a mouthful of bang up. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng really has no feelings for Zheng Lingyan. He just wants to be responsible, that's all.

Zhao Chengfeng never thinks he is a good man, but he must be responsible. Say, put Zheng Lingyan to sleep, at that time Zhao Chengfeng really took advantage of not small, but in fact now think of big loss.

Originally, Zheng's group owes itself a lot of money, but now it's not good. Instead, he has spent billions on Zheng's group. I almost lost my pants in this business.

"Am I stupid? Ah

Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Before dark, he drives to the lookout Beilou hotel.

"Damn, madman, you are so shameless that you have drunk other girls. Are you going to bring them in to open a house?" At the gate of wangbeilou Hotel, Nangong is waiting at the gate early tomorrow morning to welcome Zhao Chengfeng. Seeing Zheng Lingyan sleeping in Zhao Chengfeng's windmill, he can't help but scold: "your dog day's taste has changed again. Now you like to play this game."

"Have you finished?"

Zhao Chengfeng white Nangong Ming one eye, no good airway: "hurry to prepare a room, she is drunk, need a good rest."

"Don't you rest with her? Don't you help me change clothes, take a shower or something? " Nangong Ming joked.

"Believe it or not, I'll tell Susu about your dog?" Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around and wants to strangle Nangong Ming. Dutchman is about to get married. He's not serious yet.

"Damn it, you've only been a dog. Are you threatening me?" As soon as Nangong Ming heard this, he felt as if a cat had been trampled on its tail, and suddenly became anxious.

Zhao Chengfeng did not argue with Nangong Ming, but said, "Chengkang can testify for me."

"You are cruel!"

As soon as Nangong Ming heard this, he lost his temper. These two people are eager to kill themselves. They want to get together. Everything without a shadow can be vivid, just like the real thing.

"Go upstairs, I left you the best suite, damn it!" Nangong Ming swears all the way and sends Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan to the top floor suite of lookout North building.

"You have a conscience, son!"

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction, holding Zheng Lingyan into the room.

"Would you like to come and have dinner with us?" Nangong Ming yelled outside the door, "do you want something interesting, such as a stewardess..."


However, before nangongming finished his sentence, Zhao Chengfeng opened the door and came out.

"After all, can you be a bit virtuous?" Zhao Chengfeng shook his head speechlessly, and he also convinced the boy Nangong Ming, "you are almost married. Can you stop being so naive? Who can you pit? You can't pit me? Is Lao Tzu the kind of person who takes advantage of others' danger? "

"Ha ha, isn't it a joke that we haven't seen each other for a long time?" Nangong Ming laughs, hugs Zhao Chengfeng on the shoulder, and gets into the elevator. "Let's go, my friend has prepared a big dinner for you this evening. We're not drunk. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much. His grandmother's..."

"Think of a fart!"

Zhao Chengfeng white nangongming one eye, some raw airway: "before I didn't charge you? What's the situation of Zheng's group? Let me know immediately. Why did Zheng's group go bankrupt and you didn't make a phone call? "

"What do you mean, madman? I'm to blame for the bankruptcy of Zheng's group? " Nangong Ming was depressed and said: "I had a grudge with Zheng group before. Your little girl friend didn't like to see me at all. Even if I wanted to know something about Zheng group, I couldn't do it. What's more, I'm so busy here every day that I have to postpone the wedding date again and again. Can you blame me? "

"Well, everything happened, and I'm too lazy to care about the past."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "tell me, how's your people doing? Can you find that Zhang Feng? "

"How is it possible to find it?"

Nangong Ming lit up a cigarette, took a puff and said, "the grandson took away the money. It's like the world evaporated. There's no clue."

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded, but his brows tightened.

"Madman, if you want me to say that, it's reasonable that Zheng's group should be defeated." Nangong Ming said his point of view, "of course, it's not to look down on your little girlfriend, but Zheng Lingyan is too kind and easy to trust people, so she lost everything. Her idea is no problem, but the mistake is that her vision is not very good, and she met kengdai's men."

"Didn't Zhang Yue see the wrong person then?" Zhao Chengfeng directly sprinkles salt on Nangong Ming's wound.

"Madman, you are cruel!"

Nangong Ming is very angry. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have been upset with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Don't compete with me. What can I do now to save the Zheng group?" Whether Nangong Mingsheng is angry or not, Zhao Chengfeng goes straight to the point.

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