Zhang Yue is the eternal pain in Nangong Ming's heart.

Zhao Chengfeng's point is to make nangongming stop joking and stop beeping. Zhao Chengfeng can't smash billions of dollars in vain, or let Zheng's group go bankrupt.

Of course, Zheng's group is a leading enterprise on Hong Kong Island. The death of Mr. Zheng has led to the decline of Zheng's group. The reputation of the first group is not guaranteed, but it will not go bankrupt in just a few months. Zhao Chengfeng knows Zheng Lingyan's ability.

"There's something to say about that. There must be some shady moves behind." Nangong Ming picked up a cigarette and put away the joke. He said, "shopping malls are like battlefields. What can't you do for money these days?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a little Leng, secretly scold himself silly, no interest, no struggle, no desire, there is no conspiracy. Just like disputes between countries, especially between neighboring countries, there is basically no friendship. Either you occupy my place or I cross the border.

The same is true between companies. Hong Kong Island is a big cake of China Unicom International. How many people are not envious?

"What's the current pattern of shopping malls on Hong Kong Island? Tell me about it. You've been on Hong Kong Island for almost a year, and the land is getting hot." Zhao Chengfeng smothered his cigarette, but he didn't have much appetite for the delicacies on the table.

Not for money, but for Zheng Lingyan. Entering the shopping mall at any time, people may plot against her. No matter how capable and capable she is, Zheng Lingyan is still a woman. After all, there are few women like Jiangling. And Zhao Chengfeng can not always accompany Zheng Lingyan. Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng can only eliminate all potential threats.

"The Lee Group."

Nangong Ming took a cigarette and said: "originally, the Li group was very ordinary, and its assets were only a little over one billion yuan. But after the death of Mr. Zheng, the Li family suddenly grew up, and embezzled a lot of Zheng group's industries. Not only the Zheng group, but also other small families were dominated by the Li family. Now the first one on Hong Kong Island is the Li family. "

"The Li family?" When Zhao Chengfeng frowned, he couldn't help muttering that the family he hadn't heard of before suddenly appeared. It seems that he has been planning for a long time.

"Yes, the Li family."

Nangong Ming shook his ashes, and then said: "you may not imagine that the leader of the Li family is just a young man in his thirties. His name is Li Wenfeng. He is a young man with a deep sense of the city. I played two games in my casino and won a lot of money. This guy seems to know my background. He won more than 20 million yuan. He'll take it as soon as it's good. He hasn't been here since then

"So you hate this kid, too?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"I can't say whether I hate it or not. In fact, we all know that I can't fall out with people for 20 million yuan, can't I? After all, our business is not very bright. After all, we just think about it and let it go. " Nangong Ming shakes his head.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly a Leng, but immediately think and understand.

The original Nangong Ming how publicity, has never been a loss to the master, who offended him, a sure way to find the field, general revenge on the spot. But now Nangong Ming knows forbearance, or forbearance.

Maybe it's because of Liao Su Su. Although Liao Su Su is not particularly beautiful, she is a very gentle and understanding woman.

"Do you mean that the bankruptcy of Zheng's group was caused by the troublemakers behind Li's group?" Zhao Chengfeng asked directly.

"Eight or nine is ten."

Nangong said: "as soon as Zheng's group declared bankruptcy, Li's group announced the acquisition of Zheng's group. They can't wait. Obviously, they have been planning for a long time."

"It's just that there's no evidence. Even if you and I know it, what can we do? Can't you just kill him? " Nangong Ming sighed: "maybe it's no big deal to crush the Li family with your ability. It's just not convincing."

"Well, I see." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and his face flashed an imperceptible fierce color.

"What are you going to do?"

Nangong Ming asked: "you can't just swallow this tone. It's not your style."

"Of course not!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "it's just that I have to wait for Zheng Lingyan to wake up and ask her what she means. Her mood is not particularly stable now. This time it's not a small blow. "

"Give me more comfort. Women, as long as they are happy in bed, there is nothing hard to talk about." Nangong Ming suddenly smiles when he hears the speech, and a licentious smile appears on his face.

"Is that how you treat Liao Su?"

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at the latter and said, "by the way, why didn't you see her? Don't you have a quarrel with others and turn her out? "

"How could it be?" Nangong Ming said: "Susu is going home. I mean, I'll take the future mother-in-law to play for a few days. It's time for him who has suffered all his life to enjoy happiness."

"When is your wedding?" Zhao Chengfeng said: "if I remember correctly, you told me two months ago that you were going to get married. How come now, there is no news. You won't get tired of playing with people. Are you ready to abandon them?"

"Roll the calf!"

Nangong Ming said with a straight face: "do you think Lao Tzu is you

"I Pooh!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not willing to show weakness, saying: "Lao Tzu is to see one love one, love one marry one, Lao Tzu this is called heavy affection heavy righteousness, good health."

"End the calf!" Nangong Ming said with a smile: "what's the relationship between valuing emotion and righteousness and good health? Show that you're capable? "

"I wish you knew!" Zhao Chengfeng raised his chin and said that there is no woman in the world that brother Feng can't conquer.


Nangong Ming looked disdainful. "You are so powerful, how can you not comfort Zheng Lingyan? And let a girl get drunk. Are you still a man? "

"Damn, can I stop her from drinking? It would be nice if I could stop her from committing suicide. " Zhao Chengfeng has no good airway.

"What a silly girl."

Hearing the speech, Nangong Ming was a little stunned, shook his head and sighed: "my man is so powerful, do you need to commit suicide? Suicide is the weakest struggle in the world. "

Nangong Ming sighed, but there was a burst of melancholy in his heart.

At the beginning, if Zhang Yue didn't jump off the building, if Nangong Ming knew Zhang Yue's difficulties, how could he be willing to let her die? Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

"Forget it, stop it, drink."

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