
The next morning, Zhao Chengfeng was awakened by Zheng Lingyan's scream.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing the shrieks, Zhao gets up from the sofa and rushes into the bedroom. All he sees is Zheng Lingyan sitting on the bed, covering her body with a quilt, with anger on her face

"Asshole, where are my clothes? You, you, what did you do to me last night? " Zheng Lingyan clung to the quilt and felt a sense of shame in her heart.

Yesterday, Zheng Lingyan had a deep sleep. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng's Enlightenment played a role. Zheng Lingyan wanted to open up, but under the influence of alcohol and excessive fatigue, she fell asleep.

After waking up, Zheng Lingyan felt very comfortable all over, her brain was not so painful, and all the things she couldn't think of were figured out. However, when Zheng Lingyan was ready to get up, she found that she was naked. Yes, she didn't even have one. In panic, Zheng Lingyan yelled angrily. Thinking of what happened yesterday, I naturally think of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Nonsense, what can I do to you? I sleep like a dead pig. Of course, I take off my clothes and wipe your body. Otherwise, I smell like wine. Can you sleep Zhao Chengfeng has no choice but to shake his head. His heart says that this woman's surprise is really killing people. Zhao Chengfeng thinks something big has happened.

Last night, Zhao Chengfeng had a drink with nangongming very late. Nangongming fell down, and Zhao Chengfeng almost reached the limit. When he went back to his room to have a good sleep, he found that Zheng Lingyan lifted the quilt.

Fearing that a woman might catch cold, she covered the woman with a quilt. She felt that Zheng Lingyan was easy to catch a cold when she put on her clothes and went to bed after drinking, so she took off her clothes.

After taking off his clothes, Zhao Chengfeng was a little excited. He rubbed the woman's body like gallantry. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng took a lot of advantage in the process. If Zhao Chengfeng hadn't restrained himself well, Zheng Lingyan would have done that.


Zheng Lingyan stares big eye bead son, "so say, you, you saw my body?"


Zhao Chengfeng corrected: "to be exact, it's touching your body..."

"Ah... You bastard, you are a sex wolf, you are shameless..."

Zheng Lingyan burst out in an instant, roaring like a lioness and storming at Zhao Chengfeng. All the pillows flew to Zhao Chengfeng.

"All right!"

Zhao Chengfeng said in a loud voice: "don't make a fuss. Are you unreasonable? I'll help you undress, take a bath, and sleep with you. You still blame me, don't you? Good intentions are not rewarded, are they

"You, you, you..." Zheng Lingyan was so angry that she couldn't speak. Who let you be sentimental?

"If you really feel at a loss, or if I lie down, you can take off my clothes and take a bath for me. By the way, can you see me and touch me?" Zhao Chengfeng put out his attitude of letting you do whatever you want.

"You, you, you get out of here!"

Zheng Lingyan is so angry that she has an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng. It's shameless. Who the hell is this?

"Come on, don't be in a hurry. Who are you angry with?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't plan to go out. He rolled his eyes and said, "we have a relationship for a long time. What's the matter with us? Even if I want to be strong with you, can you stop me? Besides, didn't you have to die to live yesterday? A person who doesn't care about life and death, still care about being shown by me? What's more, I didn't do anything to you, did I? What's the hurry? "

"You, me, me..."

Zheng Lingyan was so angry that she didn't know how to refute the latter.

"Here it is."

Zhao Chengfeng turned around and threw a bag at Zheng Lingyan. He said, "I don't know if it fits. You should try it on first. It's a new day from now on. We have to get dressed and eat out. After dinner, we still have business to do."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Lingyan wants to resist, but finds that she doesn't know how to resist. Even vaguely feel that Zhao Chengfeng's words are very reasonable, first of all, there is a relationship between the two people, even if there is no relationship, a woman who is not afraid of life and death, still care about this?

Moreover, Zheng Lingyan is a woman, Zhao Chengfeng touched himself last night, Zheng Lingyan knows. If you do that, can you sleep so well all night?

"Nonsense, of course, it's the business of the company. Hurry up and I'll change my clothes." Said, Zhao Chengfeng turned out of the door, leaving Zheng Lingyan a strong body.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's skin is not so white, he feels healthy. It's the kind of bronze yellow skin, and his muscles don't seem to be exaggerated, but the lines of his muscles are just right, which makes people have great desire.

"Bah, Zheng Lingyan, Zheng Lingyan, what time is it? Do you still think about that? Can you make a little bit of a difference? " Zheng Lingyan blushed and scolded herself shamelessly.

After taking two deep breaths, Zheng Lingyan gets up from the bed and puts on the skirt bought by the man. Looking at her beautiful and sexy self in the mirror, Zheng Lingyan smiles from the corner of her mouth.

"This guy has a good eye. He knows I like stripes." Zheng Lingyan light smile, out of the bedroom.

When I went to the living room, Zhao Chengfeng had changed his clothes. It was a very ordinary shirt, accompanied by a pair of pale blue jeans that turned white quickly after washing, and matched with white board shoes. It looked very sunny, but also very rustic.

What makes Zheng Lingyan even more strange is that there is a quilt on the sofa. It can be seen that the man slept in the living room last night and did not disturb himself to sleep.

"It's a strange man. He had such a good chance last night. Why didn't he touch himself? Don't you have charm? " Zheng Lingyan muttered in her heart that her face was red again.

"What do you think? Let's go and have dinner. After dinner, let's talk about the company. " Zhao Chengfeng said.

Zheng Lingyan would like to ask, do you wear this one? But the words to the mouth to swallow back. To some extent, Zheng Lingyan thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is not good enough for herself and is too rustic.

But if you think about it carefully, he is so rich and capable, but he doesn't care about his clothes and temperament. He always behaves very casually. Then why does he want so much money?

I don't understand!

By the time we got to the first floor of lookout North building, the waiter had already prepared breakfast, although it was almost 10:30 a.m.

"Is there any particular place you want to go?" Zhao Chengfeng asked while eating.

"What do you want to say?" Zheng Lingyan asked.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "nothing, I just want to find a place to sit with you, talk about your next plan, I'll see what can help you."

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