"Or to put it another way, I'll give you two billion yuan. How are you going to spend it? Or do you take the money to recapture the Zheng group? " Zhao Chengfeng stares into a woman's eyes.

Referring to the "Zheng group", Zheng Lingyan's eyebrows were instantly piled up by a cloud of sadness, and her original good mood was swept away. What shocked Zheng Lingyan most was that Zhao Chengfeng really wanted to give himself two billion yuan!

Yesterday, Zhao Chengfeng said so. Zheng Lingyan thought that Zhao Chengfeng was mostly to comfort himself, but now it's not a joke. He's serious.

"You can choose to use the two billion yuan to live a life of luxury without doing anything. As you said, you can run with money; If you want to use 2 billion yuan to recapture Zheng's group, I will support you. Make your own choice. " Zhao Chengfeng hands crossed, on the chest, seriously looking at the woman in front of him.

Zheng Lingyan is really a beautiful woman with bright eyes and teeth, white skin and tender flesh. She wants to have a figure and a face, and she has a noble temperament under the cultivation of Mr. Zheng.

But now Zheng Lingyan is more like a phoenix on the shelf!

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Zheng Lingyan put down her knife and fork and looked up at the man in front of her.

This is not a very handsome man, but definitely a very good-looking man, and a man full of fog. Zheng Lingyan has a faint impulse to understand him.

"This is the bank card I prepared for you in advance. There are two billion in it. You can spend it at will. If there is any emergency, you can withdraw three billion!" Zhao Chengfeng said: "of course, if you want to choose to take three billion yuan, you have to pay it back within one month, and you also have to pay certain interest. This is my pressure on you. If only two billion yuan is taken, there will be no interest and no repayment. "

Zheng Lingyan took the bank card from Zhao Chengfeng, and suddenly felt that this small card was very heavy. Although there was a lot of money in it, Zheng Lingyan was not excited in the past. After the bankruptcy of Zheng's group, Zheng Lingyan took money lightly.

Perhaps, before she chose to commit suicide yesterday, Zheng Lingyan would be very excited and excited as soon as she got the money. But now, in the face of the temptation of money, Zheng Lingyan has been able to take it lightly.

"If you don't believe it, you can check it." As if he had thought of something, Zhao Chengfeng took out a brand new Apple mobile phone in his pocket and handed it to Zheng Lingyan, saying: "with the newly bought mobile phone, the mobile phone card has been reissued. You can use it when you activate the mobile phone, and then check the account. This bank card uses your name to open an account, and the password is six eight, which is easy to remember."


This time, Zheng Lingyan was shocked and even moved.

If the account is Zhao Chengfeng's name, he can freeze the money at any time. Some rich second-generation girls will directly give them bank cards. But when the rich second-generation get tired of you, they immediately freeze the account and can't get any money.

But now the name of the account is Zheng Lingyan. Zheng Lingyan can really run away with the money, and Zhao Chengfeng can't help himself. There is also a temporary quota available, which is up to one billion.

The man who casually takes out three billion yuan is a man who wears ordinary clothes and smokes a bag of five yuan. Looking at the ordinary, but this moment Zheng Lingyan looking at the man is so tall, not for money, but because of Zhao Chengfeng considerate. Buy clothes, pants, mobile phones and even mobile phone cards for yourself.

He is really good to himself!

As he said, if he really wants to sleep, there's no need to be so troublesome, just go straight on. To put it mildly, three billion, what kind of women can't play? Now some stars sleep with only a million. But he

"I'm in a hurry. You can activate your mobile phone first. After activation, let's find a place to sit down and talk about it slowly. By the way, we can relax with you." Zhao Chengfeng said that he gave Zheng Lingyan his mobile phone.

Zheng Lingyan holding the mobile phone, whispered: "thank you."

"What? Thank you? "

Zhao Chengfeng felt that he had heard wrong and said with a smile, "don't you think it's ridiculous? You are my woman. What is buying you a mobile phone? Do you need to say thank you? "

"..." Zheng Lingyan didn't speak, but her face was a little red, and her tears almost came down when she lowered her head.

In this life, there are not many people who can move Zheng Lingyan. Except for Mr. Zheng, there is only Zhao Chengfeng.

If Zhao Chengfeng said "you are my woman" before, Zheng Lingyan would think that Zhao Chengfeng is very strong, which is a kind of rich people's attitude towards the poor; But now that Zhao Chengfeng says "you are my woman", Zheng Lingyan feels Zhao Chengfeng's concern.

"I want to do business. When Zheng's group is gone, I will recreate a Zheng's group, and I will give you a satisfactory reply in the future." After the mobile phone was activated, Zheng Lingyan suddenly raised her head and said to Zhao Chengfeng, her eyes full of firmness.

"Well, it's not bad. Where you fall, where you get up, Mr. Zheng should be very glad to have a spirit in heaven." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and nods. It's no surprise that women can make such a decision.

Although a woman, as like as two peas in Zheng Lingyan, Zheng Lingyan is a woman who does not give up.

"Happy? Grandfather should be very angry, I put the company all... "Referring to Mr. Zheng, Zheng Lingyan's look dimmed a little, more guilt.

Once Zheng Lingyan how high spirited, once Zheng group how glorious, but now? They were all defeated by themselves. If it wasn't for self blame, Zheng Lingyan wouldn't choose to commit suicide in front of Zheng's grave.

"You are wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly and said faintly: "it's OK to lose. Let's stand up again. If you think about it carefully, can a person who can't even afford to lose win?"

"It's hard to admit defeat, it's easy to admit success."

Zheng Lingyan slightly a Leng, want to refute, but feel that Zhao Chengfeng's words are very reasonable.

"Well, let's find a place to sit down and have a chat. I still have something to say to you. Of course, you can also say anything to me." Looking at the time, Zhao Chengfeng proposed to go out for a walk.

First, it's a distraction. Second, it's not good to talk about such things in wangbeilou. I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to be heard. Especially now Zheng Lingyan has a lot of money.

"Well, let's go to the island. It's a beautiful place." Zheng Lingyan thought about it and proposed.

"All right, let's go!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't refuse either. He asked nangongming for a car and took Zheng Lingyan to the island.

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