The so-called island is actually the moon island in the middle of Hong Kong Island.

Hong Kong Island is an island type city, while Yueliang island is the largest island on Hong Kong Island, covering an area of three or four square kilometers. Here is the sales treasury of the rich. There is a high-end community on the island, and the house price is about one hundred thousand yuan, which is extremely expensive. It is said that a bowl of noodles on Moon Island costs more than 100 yuan.

"Damn, it's so expensive. Two cups of lemon tea costs 200 yuan. Why don't you rob the bank? And there's no private room card. It's too damn expensive. " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng paid, he began to complain.

Zheng Lingyan doesn't know what to say for a moment. Zhao Chengfeng is not the owner of money, but he loves money and takes money seriously. Who can imagine that a person who can take out 2.3 billion eyelids casually without blinking will suffer for 200 yuan?

"Does he really care about me, not money?" Zheng Lingyan thinks so in the heart, the face is tiny a red, some uneasy.

After less than a day with Zhao Chengfeng, Zheng Lingyan suddenly felt that she didn't hate Zhao Chengfeng so much. Instead, she had an inexplicable favor. She didn't know why it was so. She wanted to get close to him and understand him.

"The price here is like this. Maybe the people who come here to drink tea are not for tea, but for the scenery." Zheng Lingyan said: "look at the blue sky and white clouds, are you in a better mood?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng looked at Zheng Lingyan with very strange eyes and asked, "you, are you not sick? Are you comforting me? "

"What do you mean?" Zheng Lingyan is a little unhappy. Isn't it right to comfort you?

"Strange, strange."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "you were dying yesterday. You were so sad that you didn't want to be. You have nothing to love. How can you comfort me?"


Zheng Lingyan was speechless for a moment. Yes, where did she have the mood to enlighten him? Isn't that bullshit? That's true. How can I feel better with Zhao Chengfeng after a while? Moreover, before the heart of a lot of depression, many can not think of, also want to understand.

"Forget it, let's talk about work." Zheng Lingyan said, "you pay for the money. What do you think?"

"I have no idea."

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and said, "I'm only responsible for paying you. You can do whatever you want. I don't care about killing and setting fire. Just contact me when you need help to destroy the body. "

"I'm serious!"

Zheng Lingyan very upset turned a big white eye, think Zhao Chengfeng is too bullshit. Is it necessary to kill and set fire?

"I'm not kidding you either." Zhao Chengfeng said: "I don't quite understand the business, but I think this time, the Zheng group suddenly collapsed, don't you think it's a bit wrong? Finance minister Zhang Feng took all the money from the company's account, and you called the police in time. Even Mr. Cai, the special envoy of Hong Kong Island, knows your background, but how did this person disappear out of thin air? "

"What do you mean by that?" Zheng Lingyan is not a fool. After Zhao Chengfeng's analysis, she suddenly guessed that there was something strange in it. It's not that Zheng Lingyan is stupid. Just because she was sad, she had no time to guess.

"It's not interesting."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I'm just reminding you that I support business, but you must be careful. People's desires are too dangerous. You never know what some people will do for their own desires."

"Do you already know something?" Zheng Lingyan looks directly at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes. Her eyes are as bright as pearls. Suddenly, they are full of aggression.

"I've learned something before I came here, but I don't know the truth. What's the truth? It's what you need to do next." Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette, but he didn't sell it off. He asked, "you should know Li's group very well, don't you?"

"I know." Zheng Lingyan is calm, but she has already figured it out in her heart. Does Zhao Chengfeng suspect that Li's group is not successful?

Zheng Lingyan can't believe it. You know, Li Wenfeng, the boss of Li's group, still has a little friendship with him. He also gave some help after his grandfather died.

"Well, let me show you something." Zhao Chengfeng took out a note and handed it to Zheng Lingyan.

Zheng Lingyan took a look, is a bank transfer of water. Surprisingly, this is not Zheng Lingyan's Bank flow, but Li Wenfeng's Bank flow.

"Where did you get this?" Zheng Lingyan frowned and asked, suddenly feeling that Zhao Chengfeng was very mysterious.

You know, ordinary people can't check other people's bank records, which involves the safety of other people's property. To put it bluntly, it's a violation of the law and a prison sentence.

"As like as two peas, you can see that five days ago, the day before you declared the company bankrupt, Li Wenfeng's bank account earned more than 500000000. Is this money exactly the same as that of Zheng's group?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

Zheng Lingyan heard the "bang" in her head and looked at it carefully. Her face changed again.

"Did Li Wenfeng really do it?" Zheng Lingyan couldn't believe that Li Wenfeng would attack him.

You know, Li's group has a very close cooperation with Zheng's group. The most important thing is that Li Wenfeng is pursuing himself. How can he do this to himself?

"That's how you look." Zhao Chengfeng said, also very speechless in the heart.

In fact, the above things were found by the imp. before going to bed last night, Zhao Chengfeng contacted the imp. Zhao Chengfeng should at least know who is bullying his woman, although he doesn't have deep feelings for Zheng Lingyan.

"Not a dime."

Zheng Lingyan looked up at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "I'm going to report him to the police station."

"Is it useful? Finance minister Zhang Feng is gone. Will the police file a case? Don't be silly. It's no use Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, said: "to revenge, you can only rely on yourself, I can help you now is not much."

"Damn it

Zheng Lingyan squeezed the powder fist hard, and her eyes were full of anger.

"But why did he do that?" Zheng Lingyan didn't understand.

"As I said, people's desire is endless. In the past, you were too kind, and you were too easy to trust people. This time, you should buy a lesson. Next time, you should pay attention to it." Zhao Chengfeng comforts women, fearing that they will not like it and act impulsively.

"But the price is too high, it's my grandfather's hard work, I..." Zheng Lingyan was very upset.

"If you lose something, you can get it back. As long as people are there, there's nothing you can't do. You have to believe in yourself." Zhao Chengfeng light smile way, don't care.

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