As Nangong Ming said, Zhao Chengfeng wants to fight against the Li group. He can be stabbed to death with a finger, but he doesn't. Help Zheng Lingyan revenge, of course, will let Zheng Lingyan appreciate themselves, but can't exercise Zheng Lingyan.

But Zheng Lingyan relies on own strength to revenge, obviously can let her have the sense of achievement, lets her be more confident. It's better to grow up with her than to encourage her.

"You have so much faith in me?" Zheng Lingyan looks back at Zhao Chengfeng and is very moved.

At this time, there are people willing to believe in themselves, which is undoubtedly a comfort.

"Of course."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and gave Zheng Lingyan an encouraging smile.

"I..." what else did Zheng Lingyan want to say, but the phone rang.

Zheng Lingyan looked at the phone number and answered, "Hello, Xiao He, what's the matter?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. You'd better have a good rest and find a job. Oh, no, you don't need to find a job for the time being. You wait for my call. Well, that's it. Bye. "

Zheng Lingyan took the call from Xiao He, and she was obviously in a better mood.

"Your former secretary?" Zhao Chengfeng's ear power is amazing, and he is still impressed by Zheng Lingyan's former secretary.


Zheng Lingyan nodded and said, "she is the only one who contacted me and worried about me after the company went bankrupt. She's a good child. I'm going to let her continue to be my secretary in the future. "

"Adversity shows true love. Now there are not many people who have love and righteousness. You should cherish them." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and agreed with Zheng Lingyan.

"Don't talk about Xiaohe. Tell me what you think. What kind of business do you want to do?" Zhao Chengfeng also said: "in the past, the industry of Zheng's group was involved in all aspects, and it was quite complicated. If it starts again, I suggest it should not be too complicated."

"What do you suggest?" Zheng Lingyan asked.

"It's better to invest in the service industry."

Zhao Chengfeng pondered it in his mind and said: "with the rapid development of science and technology industry, all kinds of intelligent robots have come out. Even the unmanned supermarket and the unmanned delivery truck have come. Whether it is the construction industry or the manufacturing industry, they will be replaced. And the speed of online shopping development is too fast, the impact of the real industry is too big. "

"What do you mean?" Zheng Lingyan did not understand.

"In the service industry, isn't didi the most popular taxi? We can do a didi express and a didi take out. The cost is not big, but the profit is not small. " While smoking, Zhao Chengfeng said: "take a very simple example. No matter how the society develops and progresses, people will always eat and drink Lhasa. Let's start from the most basic. You see, in the last ten years, how many big companies have collapsed suddenly, but the aunt who sells steamed stuffed buns in the old alley on the street has always been selling steamed buns and bought two apartments. "

Zheng Lingyan suddenly came to interest, Zhao Chengfeng's words gave Zheng Lingyan great inspiration.

"Go on."

"There's nothing to say. That's my opinion." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, some helpless.


Zheng Lingyan couldn't help but roll a big white eye, but also had to obey Zhao Chengfeng's thinking. Yes, although the real estate industry is very hot now, the house price has reached a very outrageous figure, but the world is so big, who can fill the world with houses? impossible!

And some traditional industries, such as clothing stores, are also replaced by e-commerce? There are even people who play the purchasing agent, a mobile phone can make a lot of money.

"Let's start with didi takeout. Now people's lives are too busy. Most white-collar workers don't have time to cook or even go out to eat. Just take out, and then expand bit by bit. " Zheng Lingyan made a calculation.

And Zheng Lingyan has another idea in her heart, whether it's didi takeout or didi express, they have a lot of places to run, so they have a better chance of finding Zhang Feng.

"It's OK, but Didi's takeout may have to change its name. After all, Didi's taxi has registered its trademark. You've infringed on it by doing so. I just want to make it more convenient." Zhao Chengfeng reminds a way.

"I know, I'm not that stupid, I..."

"Didi... Didi..."

However, Zheng Lingyan did not finish a word, the phone on the coffee table rang again, take a look, Zheng Lingyan's face suddenly cold a lot.

"Take it. What should come will come." Zhao Chengfeng naturally also saw the caller ID, the heart said that this product is quite a face ah.


After taking two deep breaths and completely suppressing her anger, Zheng Lingyan picked up the phone and pressed the hands-free button, "Hello, Mr. Li, hello."

"Ling Yan, are you ok?" There's a magnetic male voice on the other end of the phone.

Just, Zheng Lingyan sounds disgusted at this moment.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." Zheng Lingyan forbeared to scold others. She replied and wanted to see how Li Wenfeng would sing the play.

"Ling Yan, do you need to say thank you to me? Don't you understand what I think of you? " Li Wenfeng's voice came again. It sounded angry.

Zheng Lingyan is more angry, fingernails almost embedded in the flesh.

"Mr. Li, what can I do for you? I have something to deal with right now. " Zheng Lingyan didn't get angry, but she was on the verge of an outbreak.

"Lingyan, I know you must be very sad now, and I understand your mood. I bought Zheng group. As long as you promise to marry me, Zheng group is still yours. Look..." Li Wenfeng said.

Zheng Lingyan is so angry that she is about to curse her mother, but she is held down by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Ling Yan, are you listening? It's a little noisy over there. Where are you? " Li Wenfeng seems to hear Zhao Chengfeng's voice, some curious way.

"Mr. Li, tell me. I'll listen." Zheng Lingyan received Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, forced to endure nausea and asked: "you mean, you want to buy Zheng's group, ready to give it to me?"

"Yes, as long as you promise to marry me, I'll give it to you, Lingyan. You know my heart to you, I'm serious. I..." Li Wenfeng's voice came again. When he heard Zheng Lingyan ask, he thought Zheng Lingyan agreed. How could he not be happy?

"There's no reason to talk. How can you guarantee it?" Zheng Lingyan interrupted.


"Why don't you put down a cocktail party and invite business celebrities to make a public announcement?" Zheng Lingyan once again interrupted Li Wenfeng.

Li Wenfeng was overjoyed and said, "OK, Ling Yan, you agree. In this way, tomorrow evening, no, at eight o'clock this evening, I'll arrange a banquet at Wangjiang Hotel. What do you think?"

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