"Well, let's make a deal!"

Without waiting for Li Wenfeng to finish, Zheng Lingyan answered and hung up in a hurry.

"You, what do you mean?"

Zhao Chengfeng saw that the woman hung up the phone. His brow sank and he said forcefully: "you are my woman. Do you want to marry another man? I tell you, it's absolutely impossible! "

Zhao Chengfeng just wanted to listen to what Li Wenfeng said. Unexpectedly, Li Wenfeng was interested in Zheng Lingyan. Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he was paralyzed that he secretly tricked Zheng Lingyan and cheated the whole Zheng group. Now he comes back to pretend to be a good man and pursue Zheng Lingyan.

Dog day of, this one move makes good! Too his mother's insidious, no wonder that boy Nangong Ming said Li Wenfeng is a character, extremely insidious character! The key is that Zhao Chengfeng does not allow his head to be a little green.

"Do you think I will marry him?" Zheng Lingyan see Zhao Chengfeng angry, don't know why, in the heart actually have some happy, at least, the man is care about himself, no matter he has feelings for himself.

"What banquet are you going to? You're crazy, aren't you? " Zhao Chengfeng is puzzled.

"You don't have to ask or worry about anything, and you'll know." Zheng Lingyan's eyes twinkled with fierce spirit.

"Well, whatever you want!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to persuade him any more. He said, "but I'll go with you in the evening."

"Didn't you say you were my man? How can you not go with me? " Zheng Lingyan asked.

For this reason, Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to say anything more. As long as he keeps up with him, no matter what Li Wenfeng or crazy he is, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't pay attention to him and is not afraid that women will suffer.

"Grandma's, annoyed Lao Tzu, destroyed ya'er directly, also saved later woman to encounter this or that kind of trouble." Zhao Chengfeng thinks so in his heart. The more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets. Li Wenfeng is not a thing.

Zhao Chengfeng has dealt with many people in his life, but it's the first time that he has seen such shameless bastards as Li Wenfeng. It's justifiable to seize other people's property. Who doesn't like money?

But Li Wenfeng, the son of a bitch, not only cheated other people's company and took away all the money, but also pretended to show his kindness and let women appreciate him.

It's not a human being, it's just a beast.

On the Moon Island, Zhao Chengfeng accompanied Zheng Lingyan for an afternoon. They ate, rowed and basked in the sun. It was very pleasant. Zheng Lingyan seemed to forget all her sadness and showed a long lost smile.

Looking at the woman laughing so innocent, Zhao Chengfeng's mood is also much better.

"Didi... Didi..."

Only at about 6:30 p.m., Li Wenfeng's phone call drove away their smiles.

"I'll be there on time. You don't have to worry or send someone to pick me up, that's all." This time, Zheng Lingyan almost did not give Li Wenfeng a chance to speak, quickly finish, then put down the phone.


Zheng Lingyan took a long breath and said, "let's go. Let's have something to eat. Let's go too."

"Can't we go straight to Wangjiang Hotel?" Zhao Chengfeng muttered: "free banquet, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it..."


Zheng Lingyan looks back at Zhao Chengfeng, but finally she has no choice but to shake her head. Zheng Lingyan really doesn't understand. Zhao Chengfeng is very rich, but why is he always so stingy?

Well, in the most popular words, poor loser.

"If you don't have enough to eat, how can you have strength?" Zheng Lingyan said in her heart and took Zhao Chengfeng to the roadside stall to eat a bowl of noodles.

After dinner, they drove to Wangjiang Hotel. Wangjiang Hotel is one of the few luxury hotels on Hong Kong Island. It has no star, but it is the best star hotel.

"Wait a minute, don't rush in." When he arrived at Wangjiang Hotel, Zheng lingyanbing didn't get off in a hurry. Instead, he looked at his watch.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a frown, in the heart is very strange, mutter a way: "this already eight o'clock?"? It's time... "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't finish a word, but Zheng Lingyan's mobile phone rang. Not surprisingly, Li Wenfeng called.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm sorry. There's a traffic jam on the road. I think it will be there in ten minutes. I'm sorry." Zheng Lingyan apologized, but the smile on her face was even worse.

Through the phone, Zheng Lingyan heard that there were many people in the hall. It was right to have a large number of people.

"What the hell are you doing? So mysterious? " When Zheng Lingyan hangs up, Zhao Chengfeng can't help asking.

Seriously, Zheng Lingyan is so mysterious that Zhao Chengfeng can't figure it out.

To Zhao Chengfeng's dismay, Zheng Lingyan didn't pay any attention to Zhao Chengfeng. She just stares at the watch on her wrist and looks attentive.

"Damn, you won't let people bury explosives in Wangjiang restaurant, will you? Are you calculating time? " Zhao Chengfeng's heart came up to his throat.

Zhao Chengfeng killed a lot of people, but Zhao Chengfeng thinks that all the people he killed are damned. So is Li Wenfeng. He should have died a hundred times, but others are innocent.

How many people will die in this shot?

"He's so cheap, I'll keep him and torture him!" Zheng Lingyan finally spoke.

"Then you are..." Zhao Chengfeng asked what, but Zheng Lingyan has opened the door.

"Let's go."

Zheng Lingyan gets out of the car and goes to the gate of the restaurant. Zhao Chengfeng quickly follows.

"Damn, what kind of medicine does this girl sell in the gourd?"

Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart, but he soon followed. When he got there, he found that the first floor of Wangjiang restaurant had been deliberately dressed up. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he put out a slogan congratulating Mr. Li Wenfeng on his engagement to Miss Zheng Lingyan.

"Son of a bitch, you are so shameless that you dare to rob a woman from me, damn it!" Zhao Chengfeng took a spit and hated Li Wenfeng, who had never met before.

At this time, Zheng Lingyan has entered the restaurant, but Zhao Chengfeng is stopped by the guard.

"I shit..." Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help scolding.

"Sir, please show me your invitation card. This is a luxury hotel." The guard glanced at Zhao Chengfeng with disdain and couldn't help snorting.

Damn, a loser dares to come to Wangjiang Hotel. Isn't he looking for death? Can you afford the food here? A bowl of porridge can make you vomit blood!

"He's my driver. Let him in." Zheng Lingyan turned back and said.

As soon as the guard heard this, he quickly let go. Although Zheng's group was bankrupt, Zheng Lingyan was the heroine today. How could her driver stop her?

"Damn, when is it my turn to ask a woman to help me talk?" Zhao Chengfeng is very depressed and angry.

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